Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1196: Terrorist talent

The Xuanbing sword field in the field gradually dissipated, and those defensive army demon who were originally frozen were thawed one by one, but they were unconscious, and apparently there was no fighting power.

"The third team, come in!"

The right general of Jinjia was already ready to escape, but there seemed to be differences and contradictions between the few people who saw Ye Feng. They couldn’t help but be happy.

He mastered the strongest power of the water demon royal family. At this time, even if several human monks could not deal with it, wouldn’t it be too shameful?

Although the other party is from the Dragon Sword Fairy Palace, it is only a kid who has been cultivated for a thousand years!

As for the young people who have been cultivated for three thousand years, they can try to make some friends.

Jin Jia right general thought in his heart, and another batch of hundreds of Guardian demons were repaired into the hall, and Ye Feng was surrounded.

These defensive army demon repairs, one by one looked at the situation in the hall, when I saw the clothes white, I looked blank, apparently saw his weakness.

As for the Ye Feng in front of them, they were repaired in the course of one hundred and one hundred years. They were not afraid, and the huge dragons and dragons were repaired in 1400 years. They could easily deal with them by the sea.

"Hold them first."

Jin Jia right general ordered, followed by hundreds of defensive army demon repairs condensed the strength of the cross-water system, swept toward Ye Feng!

At the same time, the right general of the Golden Armor personally shot, the water system surged out, four thousand years of cultivation as a force to temporarily trap the dragon dragon in a water curtain!


Ye Feng’s mood is not wave-changing, and there is no change at all. It’s just a wholehearted recollection of what he learned.

Xuan Bing, Jian Yu!

The power of true water, flowing from the tip of the sword of the ancient dragon sword, followed by condensation into a piece of ice, cold, suddenly filled the entire hall, snow white swords swept out, shocking the audience!

The hundreds of guards of the Guards were suddenly shocked. What is this means?

After a while, as in the case of the singularity of the sacred ice swords field, these three thousand years of cultivation of the defensive army demon repair, instantly frozen by the Xuanbing sword field, no one can break through!

Even above, the water curtain that the generals of the Golden Armor condensed out were all broken in the blade of the blade of the leaf, and the dragon magic broke through and a real fire was sprayed out.

Ice, fire, and two extreme forces descended into the hall, and the body of the hundreds of demon guards who had been frozen was suddenly broken!

"It is actually Xuan Bing Jian!"

The white dress stood behind and saw Ye Feng show this trick, not to be enlarged by the pupil.

This Ye Feng, what a terrible talent?

His clothes are white, even if he has observed many of his predecessors to display the Xuan Bingjian domain, but when he has been repaired for more than two thousand years, he can master this trick.

However, Ye Feng, just watching him play a black ice sword field, can be easily displayed, and can be repaired in the course of one thousand and one hundred years, and played the same strength as his 3,100 years!

Ling Xiao and Yu Yao, who had just sneered at Ye Feng, have been shocked at this time.

God, Xuan Bingjian domain, even from the hands of a guy who has just stepped into the realm of the realm, the power is not as good as the clothes!

We must know that this trick, even the two daughters of Ling Xiao and Yu Yao who have been cultivated for nearly three thousand years, have not yet fully realized.

Even if they fully comprehend, the power of display is not as strong as that that Ye Feng is now showing.

"Oh, it’s just a matter of luck. How can you compare it with your brother?"

Ling’s jealousy spit out a word.

"Yes, even if you can understand the Xuan Bing Jian domain, but you have to deal with the four-thousand-thousand-year-old golden armored general, I see what he means!"

Yuyao also snorted, and his heart was not convinced.

The clothes were white and quiet, and there was not much to say. It was just a flash of scorpion, and he was more and more interested in Ye Feng.

"Is there anyone else to kill me?"

Ye Feng stood in the field, waving gently in one hand, and the body of the Guardian Demon in the temple was all saved by him in the bloodstone space.

Since these corpses are not smouldering, they will be collected first, and then they will absorb the strength of their inner dan and fruit and improve their cultivation.

Although this is not very human, but the other party is coming to kill Ye Feng, Ye Feng does not give color, like words?

"You are very strong."

The voice of the right general of Jin Jia, came in a deep way: "But it broke into our water city, and it is impossible to let you leave here today."

"Exactly, I have no plans to leave."

Ye Feng glanced at him faintly: "Take me to see your emperor. I have something to discuss with him. If not, the consequences will be conceited."

"Haha, good one is at your own risk. Who do you think you are, can you see our emperor?"

Jin Jia right general laughed three times, stepped forward and entered the hall: "I, fight with you! This time, you can't escape, you will bow down and praise the minister!"

"Take it then."

Ye Feng’s eyes flashed through the cold.

Now that he has killed so many people in the water demon royalty, things are unlikely to be resolved peacefully. However, if the other party is going to kill him, can he still stand still and let the other party not kill?

If you want to kill, you must be prepared to be killed!

Jin Jia right general did not hesitate, raised one hand, and a fierce lang Tao force suddenly condensed from the surrounding sea water, trapping Ye Feng in it.

"Water Dragon Bound!"

The generals of the Golden Armor sighed softly, and the power of the waves condensed into a series of water dragons, and they even entangled Ye Feng, as if to smash the young monks who did not know the heights!


Ye Feng doubles a glimpse, the ancient dragon sword dances!

Xuan Bing Jian domain!

The incomparable horror of the cold wind broke out, the power of real water condensed from the tip of the sword, and instantly condensed into ice, and the water dragons that were strangled were frozen into ice.


The dragon and the dragon felt the thoughts of Ye Feng, and suddenly the power of the real fire spurted toward the right general of the Golden Armor!

"You actually let the demon repair help!"

Jin Jia right general felt the horror of the power of real fire, quickly retreated, and did not forget to ridicule the words: "Human monks are shameless!"

"Shameless, if you have repaired for four thousand years and I have repaired it for a thousand years, and ordered hundreds of people to besieged me, then it is not shameless?"

Ye Feng’s eyes are like electricity: “I want you to be a shameless person, especially the so-called water demon princess behind you!”

The water moon flower was said by Ye Feng, and suddenly became furious: "You fart! The despicable human monk, you killed the son of the left phase, and broke into the water palace to kill the left phase, the evil is extremely incomparable, is it qualified to say that others are shameless? ”

"I hope your life is as hard as your mouth."

Ye Feng said coldly, for the time being, he did not pay attention to the water moon flower, and swept toward the sword of the right general of the front.

Jin Jia right general felt the power of this sword, and quickly retreated, followed by a big drink: "kill!"

The golden light flashed, the power of the waves surged, and in the hall, a giant Tengqi moment appeared, which turned out to be the body of the Golden General!

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