Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1226: Ye Fengzhi

Starry sky, endless mystery.

Where Ye Feng and the wind are located, it is trillions of kilometers away from the earth, and even countless.

According to the knowledge of the universe inherited by Ye Feng, he only knows that he is still a place in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is just one of the galaxy in the vast universe.

At this time, just in front of Ye Feng and the wind, a relatively dim star is shining brightly, millions of kilometers away, but its radiant light makes Ye Feng feel hot.

"Just this one!"

The wind looked at the dim star and said with a chuckle.

There is no planet around the star, and the volume is hundreds of times smaller than the sun. But how can it be a star? The force of the refining star should refine it into a crystal of a star.

The wind blew toward the dim star, and Ye Feng did not keep up.

With more than two thousand years of repairing the wind, it is enough to protect her from the temperature of the star, even if the surface temperature of the star is several thousand degrees.

The power of real fire that Ye Feng swayed by hand, if calculated by temperature, is enough to compare the temperature of the center of the sun. The power of the cultivator has gradually surpassed the power of the natural system after entering the realm of martial arts.

Looking at the body of the wind disappeared, Ye Feng smiled slightly, did not leave, but was guarded in place.

The power of the wind to display the power of the stars, of course, can not be disturbed by others.

At this time, many of the world's powerful people on the earth finally found his trace. Before that, he had been shrinking on the earth, and the peach blossom island did not appear. Now he has gone to the sky!

Many people are keenly aware that this is an opportunity to converge on the power of space where Ye Feng is located.

These elites who have been sent to the earth by the major worlds are all eight thousand years of cultivation. The power of the heavenly space has been realized. It is not too difficult to follow Ye Feng.

Not long after, in front of the star front, there have been several strong figures!

Ye Feng opened his eyes and explored it casually. He found that these strong men were repaired for eight thousand years and nine thousand years. They were very tyrannical and could not help but reveal a funny look.

"When you come back a little more, you can shoot."

Ye Feng thought in his heart, there was no rash movement.

The first few who arrived, thought they had made the first move, and wanted to catch Ye Feng with lightning speed, but at this time, other people came one after another, so that they did not dare act rashly.

The number of strong players on the field quickly reached hundreds of people, all staring at the baby on Ye Feng!


Ye Feng saw it and finally satisfied with a smile. He did not escape. Instead, he stepped forward to the hundreds of powerful people.

What does he want to do?

Many people have changed their face slightly.

This kid sees that they are not only not running, but moving forward, this courage is too big, right?

"I know that everyone is here because there are some treasures on the younger generation. For the sake of life, the younger generation certainly dare not possess these treasures alone, but so many people, I don't know who to give?"

Ye Feng glanced at the crowd and immediately took out the dark fairy from the bloodstone space!

Suddenly, a violent force of darkness emanates, and the magic weapon of the reincarnation level immediately attracts everyone's attention.

"This is the dark fairy, the reincarnation of the magic weapon, with a strong dark fairy force attached to it, from the black feather fairy."

Ye Feng gave a brief introduction and then smiled: "Now, I have taught it to you."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Feng threw the dark fairy directly toward the front. At the same time, the force of space condensed, and the dark fairy was transferred to another place outside the sky!

"I am Zong Zhibao, chase!"

There are a lot of black feathers among the comers. I saw them immediately, and followed the direction in which the dark fairy was sent. It was hundreds of millions of kilometers away, but for these strong people. It is nothing at all.

Not only the practitioners of the Black Feathers, but also the practitioners from all walks of life, as long as they are practitioners of the forces of cultivation and darkness, they traced the past toward the whereabouts of the Dark Scepter.

The dark fairy that Ye Feng took out was naturally the real thing, but if these people can get it, they must look at their skills.

About one-third of the practitioners chased the dark fairy sticks in the field, but two-thirds of them knew that the biggest treasure was still in front of them, so they did not leave!

"You don't have to wait for anything. I don't have any rules in my body. It's useless, but there are two other reincarnation magic weapons."

Ye Feng glanced at the crowd and smiled a little, then the power of the thunder rushed out, and the thunder knife was held in his hand!

"This is a reincarnation of the magical world from the Great German world. It’s really hard to get this mad knife. The guy of the Thunder knife has blew himself at the last minute."

Listening to the series of introductions by Ye Feng, many people from the world of the Germans in the crowd are all stunned.

Thunder knife, but their younger generation is enchanting. If it develops, it will eventually be tens of thousands of years old and become a giant.

However, such a enchanting genius was forced to blew himself by Ye Feng, and there was no bones in his body.

"If you want, just go and take it."

Ye Feng ignored the face of the group of people in the world of Daed, and directly threw the Tianlei knives in the other direction.

Suddenly, some of the people in the world of Dade, as well as the practitioners who cultivated the power of the thunder in the field, broke away from the place where the thunder knife was located.

For these people, Ye Feng has a lot of heavy treasures, but not necessarily suitable for them first. Secondly, even if they really deal with Ye Feng, those heavy treasures are also very difficult to succeed.

Now Ye Feng throws out the heavy treasures they need, and they go to fight for it. The success rate is undoubtedly much higher!

"There is silver and blood whip!"

Ye Feng looked at the rest of the people, and immediately took out the silver jade whip.

"This is also a magic weapon of reincarnation. You look at the people of the Great German world. The little Nizi of Yin Shaokui is fierce."

Ye Feng chuckled, and then the silver jade whip was thrown out to the distant space behind him.

A reincarnation of the magic weapon can attract some of the strong players. In a short while, there are not many people left in the field, but after three batches, just a few people have noticed this. The movement came.

Ye Feng saw it, and he was not troubled by the dark road. There are so many greedy people.

"Wings of Magic Crystal!"

Ye Feng’s heart glimpsed and took out the wing of the magic crystal!

The reincarnation of the magic weapon, containing the power of the tyrannical space, used to escape the pursuit of great effect, this treasure came out, suddenly more than half of the people in the field with two eyes.

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