Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1287: Blazing

Ye Feng fled in the direction of the Fairy City at the fastest speed.

As long as they reach the Fairy City, they don’t dare to enter into the troubles of the demon swords, and Ye Feng is in the fairy demon city, and also has a good relationship with the Wan Yao Temple and the Jinyi Gate. The lord is a friend, even if those demon swords are chased up, it is impossible to make Ye Feng how.

“There are thousands of miles away from the fairy demon city...”

Ye Feng thought in his heart, quickly broke through the void, but not long after, he felt an extremely strong sense of God to lock him!

At the same time, a horrible momentum quickly caught up from the rear.

Is a fairy emperor!

"This is a ghostly ghost. It seems that the Emperor of the Ghosts and Swordsmen has been chased..."

Ye Feng gritted his teeth and traveled faster toward the front.

He just killed the ghosts and sorcerers of the ghosts and sorcerers, and the genie of the genie of the genie of the genie was also normal, but Ye Feng did not expect that the other party would come so fast.

But at the same time, Ye Feng suddenly realized that there seemed to be a series of familiar atmospheres in front of him. He was also approaching himself, and those breaths seemed to be...

"The Wan Yao Hall!"

Ye Feng's brows are slightly wrinkled. At this moment, when he was chased by the demon swords, the Wan Yao Temple seems to have a group of people welcoming him in the direction he is in. The people of the Wan Yao Hall are goodwill. Still malicious?

Ye Feng can't be sure, he can only continue to move toward the direction of the fairy city.

It didn't take long for a group of figures to appear in front of Ye Feng with the surrounding monsters. The person who led the head was a figure that was condensed by flames.


Ye Feng’s face showed a happy color, and it turned out to be greeted. It seems that his safety is definitely not to worry.

As a strong man in the realm of the Emperor, and as a genius of the original Yanmo group, the fighting power is naturally extraordinary, and he can become a good friend with Xihuazi, and he has been making friends for so long. The strong king of the emperor is stronger.

With the relationship between Ye Feng and Chi, it is natural to believe that it is impossible to kill him now, but to save him.

"Dare to kill me, die!"

A sigh of anger, passed from the back of Ye Feng, followed by a miraculous force descending from the sky, seems to cover Ye Feng.

Under the cover of this evil power, Ye Feng couldn't move in an instant, and the whole body seemed to fall into the **** of Shura. Even the spirit and thoughts were almost imprisoned!

"The thief is willing to start!"

The arrogant and arrogant voice spread to the surrounding area, and a horrible flame instantly spread to the surrounding area, creating a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

As a flaming dragon, the offensive is naturally wild and overbearing, and the law power of the horror flames instantly suppresses the sinister evil.

Ye Feng suddenly recovered the Qingming, cold sweat DC.

If it wasn’t for him to help him, he would have died under the power of the ghost demon swordsman.

"It's you!"

The power of the Emperor of the Ghost Demon Swordsman was suppressed and returned, and suddenly he was shocked, apparently recognizing the blazing identity.

"Since I know it is me, don't you roll it?"

The body that was blazed by the flames stopped in front of Ye Feng, and the violent voice came out, letting a quietly appearing figure not far away tremble.

The quietly appearing figure, naturally the ghost king of the ghost demon sword family, originally came with anger, want to kill Ye Feng directly, but did not expect to meet the people of the Wan Yao Temple.

"This kid killed me, killing and killing, blazing, if you hand him over to me, my ghost demon swordsman owes you a favor."

The ghost demon swordsman, the emperor of the emperor, said with a deep voice, looking at Ye Feng’s eyes flashing the light of hatred.

"I am a sinister swordman, I am rare?"

The chilling voice did not hesitate to say: "He is my friend, I am there, no matter who is coming today, I would like to hurt him a hair."

"your friend?"

The fairy king's face of the ghost demon swordsman showed a strange color. He did not expect that the blazing blaze was the imperial emperor, and it was still the strongest of the emperor, and he would even make friends with a kid who had a realm.

"If that's the case, then forget it."

The ghost demon swordsman’s face was unwilling, but he did not leave. Instead, he threatened his eyes and swept the phoenix guard Ye Feng: “Kid, don’t think to hide behind other people’s **** You can sit back and relax, look at your bone age, this time it is also necessary to participate in the Eastern Regions of the military, there is a kind of do not appear in the Eastern Regions, otherwise you will die without a place to die!"

After saying this, the emperor hated to turn away!

"Ye Feng, are you okay?"

I saw the other party leave, finally let go of my heart, turned around and asked Ye Feng about her concern.

"Nothing, thank the seniors. If the predecessors just arrived, I am afraid I have disappeared from this world."

Ye Feng said gratefully.

"Haha, it's okay, we are leaving here."

There was a big laugh, and then the face showed a dignified color: "This is not the scope of the fairy demon city. We will leave soon. The fairy king of the ghost demon sword family will not be willing to give up, and soon there will be more emperors. After chasing it, I am powerful, but I can’t stand the other person."

After saying this, with a wave of hand, let the many demon repairs of the Wan Yao Temple go back together.

A large group of demons repaired, and quickly returned to the direction of the fairy demon city. Among these demon repairs, one of them was the Dapeng demon repairer, Peng Wang.

"Kid, I can't think of you doing such a big thing in the field of demon repairs. I was shocked when I heard it."

Peng Wang, wearing a golden robe, came to Ye Feng's side and patted him on his shoulder.

Ye Feng smiled casually. He didn't say anything. It seems that it was in the long time of Wu Jianfeng. The news over there has already reached the fairy demon city. Hearing naturally knows that Ye Feng is.

"Right, just the ghost demon swordsman that the emperor said, when the East will meet with me, when the East will be armed, the older generation can freely shoot the younger generation?"

Ye Feng asked a question he was concerned about.

Although he would like to participate in the Eastern Region, but if the older generation can deal with the junior, then forget it, nothing is more important than their own lives.

When Peng Wang heard it, he suddenly smiled: "No, as long as you are within the territory of the organizer of Dongyu Huiwu, no elders can start the juniors who participate in the Eastern Region. Otherwise, the Eastern Tiancheng City will be the same! The ghost demon swordsman dared to say this because he had an eldest son. Now he is just over 190 years old and should also participate in the Eastern Region. The most important thing is that his eldest son, the ghost, is extremely talented. Strong, fighting is as horrible, I am afraid I can enter the top ten in this Eastern Conference!"

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