Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1289: Soul demon fairy, pity

"The demon sword repairs the people who commit me to the fairy city, what is the intention?"

The sound of the nine-tailed fox's enchanting enchanting sounds throughout the audience, and the illusion of the swinging out of the scene seems to trap all seven or eight emperors!

"Nine tails, blazing, you have to deceive too much, and quickly hand over the stinky boy, we will leave immediately!"

The demon sorcerer who went back and returned, the emperor stood up, and his body was full of sorrowful spirits.

"Well, the great prestige, just when you and I are two, how can you not dare to start, now that you have so many helpers, you are so bold?"

A smirk, a scorn in the tone can be heard.

The emperor of the ghost demon swordsman was furious and angry: "The kid killed my son and killed the ghost. You will not hand him over. Today I will level your Wan Yao Hall!"

"It’s a big tone to step on the Wan Yao Hall."

A woman's sigh spread from afar, accompanied by a mixture of ghosts and demon, followed by a dark shadow appearing in the sky.

It is also a fairy emperor, and it is a woman!

Ye Feng couldn't help but feel awkward when the other party appeared. This female fairy emperor turned out to be a soul repairer. Not only that, but he was still a demon repairer during his lifetime.

In other words, this female fairy emperor turned out to be a combination of soul repair and demon repair, and its means may be completely different from the general fairy king!


The fairy goddess of the ghost demon sword family has changed: "You are the master of the Shura demon valley, and will be mixed with the nine tails? It is ridiculous!"

"The forces of my fairy demon city are now temporarily cooperating. If you don't know how to advance and retreat, you will not be so easy to leave."

The female emperor named "Pity" said faintly, the ghosts and ghosts in the shadows condensed together, and the virtual and real conversions made people unpredictable.

This female fairy emperor is more powerful than the nine-tailed, blazing, because as soon as she appeared, she let the demon swords repair the face of many immortals.

Shura Demon Valley is also one of the four major forces of the Fairy City. However, the usual action is relatively low-key. That is because this Shuluo Valley has a low-key Guzhu, that is the female emperor named Pity.

The female cultivator, the one who can achieve the emperor is a minority, not to mention the pity or the two repairs of the soul and the demon, and the difficulty is far more than the average person imagines!

"Pity is the only soul demon emperor in the eastern city of Tiancheng. It is also one of the most unprecedented emperors in Dongtian Tiancheng."

Peng Wang saw that Ye Feng was very interested in pity, and he explained it.

One of the most unprecedented emperors in the Eastern Territory!

Ye Feng’s heart glimpsed, such a famous name, but even Jiuwei and Chi had not enjoyed it. It is obvious that this soul is demon.

"The fairy demon city has united, how is this possible?"

The face of the ghost demon swordsman changed very fast, and suddenly it sank. Since the pity of the comet appeared, they will definitely not have a result today, and the fairy demon cities are united. Eight emperors are simply not enough to watch!

"It should be because of the thing that the Eastern Regions will take advantage of."

Behind the ghost demon swordsman, the fairy king of the demon wing swordsmen unfolded a pair of prestige wings, faintly said: "The first place in the Eastern Region will be able to get the legendary treasure, but With the strength of your fairy demon city, I also hope that a young genius will appear and win the first place?"

"Hey, let's go. Since they are like this, then the Eastern Region will meet with you, and it will be the same. Let the kid linger for a while."

The fairy king of the ghost demon swordsman is unwilling, but there is a hindrance to the emperor's pity in front of him. He is completely afraid to do it.

"When you come, you want to go. What do you want to do with my fairy city?"

The icy female voice came, and the next moment, the whole space seemed to be getting cold.

Pity, there is no sign of the hands!

Ye Feng had a flower in front of him, but he had not felt any situation. He only came in a cold, but he saw a black smoke on the forehead of the ghost demon swordsman who wanted to retreat.

The emperor of the ghost demon sword family, the face of the middle-aged vicissitudes of life, with a horrified look, then flashed a strong unwillingness in the pupil, and tried his best to scream: "Save me!"

"The power of the soul demon has run through you, you can't save!"

The cold and cold voice sounded, and even the whole body of the Emperor, who saw the ghost demon sword family, broke down like a broken glass, and it turned into a burst of black smoke. After a while, it disappeared completely.

A tyrannical million-year-old emperor was actually killed by the soul demon emperor!

Moreover, almost everyone around did not see what happened just after the move.

Ye Feng only felt the cold wind flashing, a gust of wind blew his body, and then a virtual shadow appeared beside him, turned out to be the soul demon emperor, pity.

"You, on behalf of our fairy demon city, get the first."

A cold voice was introduced into Ye Feng’s mind, and it was pity to convey to him: “The first prize of the Eastern Region will be the first. You will keep all the other things. Only the thing must be handed over. The Fairy City is determined."

This voice made Ye Feng bow.

The horrible soul demon emperor, let him play on behalf of the fairy demon city, but also let him win the first place in the Eastern Region?

This command-like tone makes Ye Feng very unhappy!

However, the strength of the other side is much stronger than him. If he is pity to kill him, he can fix him with a thought. He does not dare to say anything against it.

"On behalf of the Fairy City, there is no problem, but whether I can get the first, I can't guarantee it."

Ye Feng said that he did not humble.

"is it?"

The voice of pity chilled down and seemed to be very dissatisfied with Ye Feng’s words!

"Pity, don't bully me."

At the crucial moment, Jiuwei and the blazing figure appeared at the side of Ye Feng at the same time. The voice of the nine-tailed evil spirits faded out: "You want him to get the first, just because of his current strength, but can't do it. You don't think about it, what do you pay for it?"

"The one who dares to talk to me, there is only you..."

Pity, the ghost with ghosts and demon, retired, and then smiled: "Nine, you can rest assured, since I have chosen him, it will naturally give him some benefits. After going back, remember to let him come to repair the demon Look for me in the valley."

The voice fell, and the vain and faint shadows disappeared directly, and they did not intend to take over.

There are still seven emperors left in the demon sword repairing the race. One by one, the blue veins are staring at this side. They dare to anger and dare not say that the emperor of the ghost demon swordsman is killed before their eyes. They are completely powerless!


A far cry of grief came from the sky, and then a ghostly figure broke through the void and appeared in the broken body of the ghost demon swordsman.

The person who came is actually the eldest son of the genie of the ghost demon swordsman. The ghost is a thousand, and his face is somewhat similar to that of the emperor. At this time, it is full of unforgettable hatred.

His father was killed!

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