Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 805: Two old hard work

The great eagle that turned into a wrath of the wrath of the sun threw down on Peach Blossom Island. Ye Feng took Lin Shiqing. And Ou B, Long Baxian went to the square of the island zhongyāng.

Immediately, members of the War Soul Army greeted them. That is the two souls who are competing in the competition.

"Ye Big Brother. Welcome back."

"Welcome back."

The two snorted at the same time. Then the latter person asked: "Ye Big Brother. Need to call Yang Junchang."

They used to call Yang Shuning. They are all Lieutenant General Yang. but now. When they formed the War Soul Army. Yang Shuning is of course called Yang Junchang.


Ye Feng nodded. Then take Lin Shiqing, Ou B and Dragon Eight Immortals. Walk towards the southern courtyard community of the island.

Ou B and Dragon Eight Immortals came to the island. Immediately shocked by the rich aura of heaven and earth on the island. And this is totally out of sync with the secular. It is to let them give birth to a feeling like being in a fairyland.

As for Lin Shiqing. The pure face still has a reddish color. Apparently, it has not been relieved from the stimuli that have just fallen from the big eagle.

Now she only knows to follow Ye Feng. When she came back to God. Ye Feng has taken them to his yard on the island.

"Everyone just sit for a while. I will let my mother come to entertain. There are still some things to tell the people on the island."

Ye Feng said to the three people with a smile. They were invited to sit down on the stone table and stone bench in the yard.

Two members of the War Soul Army. They have already released the news. The entire Peach Blossom Island has been known to everyone. Ye Feng is back.

quickly. Yang Shuning led the deputy commander of Zhao Cup and Ling Chen. Came to the Ye Feng yard. At the same time, Ye Wentian and Tang Xuefeng are two old.

When the two old people saw the Lin Shiqing in the yard. Can't be brightened by the eyes.

Another grandmother.

In the eyes of the two old. Lin Shiqing has become the appearance of Ye Feng's wife. Others want to take it away. About this matter. Er Lao can really like to discuss with Lin Hongchuan, Lin’s father, Lin Hongchuan.

In their consideration. Ye Jia and Tang Jia want to open branches and leaves. Carry forward. Ye Feng must have enough wives. Give birth to enough dolls.

Tang Qingling followed behind the second old man. When I saw Ye Feng, I was obviously happy. Welcome: "Fenger. This is."

Said. She looked at the dragon's body for a while.

"His name is Long Baxian. It is a deaf family. Good talent. This time I am going to take it to the wasteland."

Ye Feng said. Then a smile: "The Eight Immortals are everyone companions."

"The younger generation has seen you."

Long Baxian heard the words. Quickly stood up. Pray for everyone.

After all, the people in the audience. The Dragon Eight Immortals are the lowest. The youngest. And the most important thing is that there is no repair. Except for him. The other people present are already cultivators.

The current Peach Blossom Island. Undoubtedly become the only gathering place on earth on the cultivator.

from now on. To what extent will Peach Blossom Island develop? Even Ye Feng couldn't predict it at this time.

"Come here. It is Feng's friend who is everyone's friend. Don't say it is still a nephew's family."

Tang Lingling came forward. Gentle smile: "You guys are welcome. Sit down. I will give you some tea."

Don’t say anything about Tang’s tea. Ye Feng greeted her and the second old man. Then went outside the yard. Ready to explain some things about Yang Shuning.

The second old first class Ye Feng left. I didn’t want to run into the yard. One left and one right stood next to Lin Shiqing.

"Cough. Lin Jiatou. This time is to go with our leaflets."

The second old man began to make a cumbersome confession...

Ye Feng came outside the yard. In front of Yang Shuning, Zhao Cup and Ling Chen.

"Yang Shu. Cup. Xiaochen. Everyone is their own. Some words I will say."

Ye Feng looked solemnly: "Now the deaf children and the dream culverts have turned to practice the dragon swordsmanship. The self-cultivation is first abolished. So there is a danger of encountering it..."

"Small leaf. What you mean is. Let us send people to protect them."

Yang Shuning suddenly realized the meaning of Ye Feng. Laughing: "Reassured. The War Soul Army has more people. It is entirely possible to equip them with five members. Protect them."

"Yang Shu is really smart."

Ye Feng smiled. Yang Shuning really deserves to be the former naval lieutenant. I saw the things that Ye Feng considered.

"This is a small matter. And in the past. Miss Long also protected us. Now they are changing other minds. We protect them. It is incumbent."

Yang Shuning also solemnly said.

"What's more, Ye Ge. You are the **** of the soul. It also gave us a great help to the War Soul Army."

Zhao Yixiao smiled.

"Well. This time everyone will take some effort."

Ye Feng then nodded and said: "I look at the opportunity. For everyone to do a more advanced soul repair method. Control the soul. After all, it is too low. You can also look at the earth. If it is repaired Such places as the fairyland or the wasteland. I am afraid..."

Speaking of this. Yang Shuning's look is a bit stunned.

In the time of the wasteland. They have lost two players in the Battle of the Soul. This is where Yang Shuning has always blamed himself.

"Small leaf. Then please. You don't thank you."

Yang Shuning is careful. for him. Life has come to an end. Although it has become a soul repair now. But I have been helping Ye Feng to do things. strictly speaking. Life is no longer your own.

And now he. The most important thing is the other members of the War Soul Army. He has to work hard to cultivate. Become stronger. It is good to be a member of other war souls. When they are umbrellas.

Although Yang Shuning understands. The strong is definitely not growing up from the umbrella. But Yang Shuning didn't want to see it. Before his team members grew up, they fell because of lack of strength.

This matter is set for this. As for the protection of Long Yao children, their specific candidates. Ye Feng did not intervene to go over.

After the explanation. Yang Shuning and Zhao Cup and Ling Chen immediately proceeded to select candidates. Ye Feng returned to his own yard.

Look at it at a glance. But see Ye Wentian and Tang Xuefeng stand on the side of Lin Shiqing. Alternately ask some words. Let Lin Shiqing feel a little restless.

Especially when I saw Ye Feng re-entering the yard. Lin Shiqing’s face flew two Xiahong instantly.

These two old men. It is too shameless.

When I saw a beautiful girl, I went up and wanted to turn the other person into the rhythm of the grandmother.

Lin Shiqing probably understands. Why are there so many beautiful women gathered around Ye Feng? I almost saw it. Under the hard work of these two old people. In the future, these beautiful women will all become the scenes of Ye Feng’s daughter-in-law...

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