Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 810: Killing


Ye Feng’s sword, a man in blue long-sleeved service and a scorpion, was directly pierced by a sword. The blood splashed out and the man’s eyes widened and he fell to the ground.

Although this group of people is not low, but it is the level of self-sufficiency in the seven or eight decades, no one is Ye Feng’s opponent.

I am afraid that the other party will join hands to show what Ye Feng does not know.

So Ye Feng first started to be stronger and unambiguous.


Ye Feng, non-stop, Chuanlong, Jianjian, turned to the other side


Ye Feng lightly screamed that the tip of the sword is near the other side of the neck.

A crisp metal intersecting sounds Ye Feng found that the dragon sword was on a giant long knife and the sword was cut into two pieces.


A lot of incomprehensible language continued to spread out. Ye Feng fixed his eyes and saw that the guy next to a guard was taking out a long knife to protect Ye Feng’s second goal.

Although the long knife was easily cut off, it protected the life of the man.

"This guy seems to be a bit high"

Ye Feng glanced at him but saw his second goal. A young man wearing a red long-sleeved robes was quite handsome compared to other people.


Immediately someone ran up and took the young man in the red long-sleeved robes and took it outside the ancient temple.

Obviously, the status of this young red dress is extraordinary.

"I knew that he was the first to kill him."

Ye Feng is a pity

After all, this group of more than ten people are the strongmen who were cultivated in seven or eighty years. Although Ye Feng’s first sword did not respond, but the second sword swung out, they had already had a reaction time.

The clothes on this group of people are all green and green. When I see Ye Feng, I really can’t tell who is more important.

It seems that red is a more important existence among this group of people.


One person fled with the red robe youth and the other long-sleeved guys squatted at the same time and rushed toward Ye Feng.

It seems that this group of people wants to stop Ye Feng from letting him not chase the red robe youth.

Unfortunately, they simply can’t do it.


Ye Feng was so angry that he was wearing a black shirt and flashed to the place where the ancient temple was close to the entrance.

The power of space is not something that anyone can comprehend.

Although Ye Feng is now comprehending the power of the yellow space, it is very big compared to the fact that these guys don’t understand the power of space.

The power of human space has been able to make short-distance teleports. Under the same repair conditions, the force of the yellow space is much farther away than the human space.

For example, Su Shiying, who has been trained for a hundred years, is fully capable of performing a shift of the stars. It can be teleported for tens of kilometers. This is because the movement of the stars is a special teleportation.

And now Ye Feng has also been repaired for a hundred years, and it’s really awkward to use the magical swordsmanship to make teleports.

However, the teleporter Ye Feng, who is too far away, can’t dare to use it as if he is exhausted. If he encounters any danger, he can’t even take it.

However, Ye Feng is only a short-distance teleportation that has been able to easily catch up with the escaped red robe youth.

"Where to run the sword"

Ye Feng haha ​​smiled and figured out from the void, the ancient Jianguang suddenly swept to the red robe youth

Fresh. The blood splashed out and the red robe youth could not react.

But this time it’s not the red robe youth but the **** he wants to run away.

In the midst of the millennium, the **** was desperately blocked in the red robe youth and saved the red robe youth.

"Xiao Li came over and trapped this guy."

Ye Feng did not hesitate to try to put out some words for the red robe youth if possible.

Others naturally want to scribble

After Ye Feng’s words, Li Zhibo ran back from the side to the place where the alchemy was pushed near the entrance to the temple.

Xianshu Jiuxing Palace

The young man in the red robe was trapped in the mysterious array of the mythical moment. With his seventy years of cultivation, he was really unable to break away from the Jiuxing Palace method exhibited by Li Zhibo.

It can be seen that the singularity of the singularity of the singer

I saw the young robes of the red robes who had just been stalked by Ye Feng, and they rushed in the direction of Ye Feng and Li Zhibo.


Ye Feng saw a sneer and saw that the group of guys almost lost their sense of reason when they saw the red robe youth being trapped. It seems that this red robe youth is the most important person.

In this state, Ye Feng gave an excellent opportunity to break through one by one.

Originally, if they had a brainstorming and a group of people to deal with Li Zhibo, they could cause trouble to Ye Feng. But now this group of people swarmed toward Ye Feng and Ye Feng had no scruples.


A sword and a sword Ye Feng are as easy to take as the tofu, and the heads of several guys are easily taken.

And the group of people had seven or eighty years of cultivation, but they couldn’t help but Ye Feng was so played one by one. The blood sprinkled in the temple hall.

Immortal fireball

Ye Feng shot a few fireballs and burned the blood and corpses in the field. The air was filled with a **** taste.

In less than five minutes, the original ten masters are now only the young man in the red robe.

"If the rest of the people are a bit of a brain, they won't be so easily killed by me. It's a pity that this group of people's IQ is too low..."

Ye Feng thought about taking the Chuanlong sword and then went to Li Zhibo’s side.

The young man in the red robe had been panicked and trapped in the Jiuxing Palace. After the goods were outside, he couldn’t see the situation. He couldn’t stop hearing the screams of his men. He knew that the situation was very bad.

Soon Li Zhibo appeared in the Jiuxing Palace to release Ye Feng’s figure in front of the Red Robe Youth.

"Who are you?"

Ye Feng’s thoughts on communication were directly introduced into the ears of this red robe youth.

The young man in the red robe heard a word and raised his head in a blank way. Then he said, "Hey, hey, he kept talking."


Ye Feng wonders what to do next

This young man in the red robe did not understand the exchange of thoughts.

"These are people who have never seen it before."

Ai Shiyuan walked over with the crowd and looked at the young man in the red robe with long sleeves full of doubts.

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