Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 834: Star chasing

The Zongmen, who cultivated the refining star Xiandian, built a large number of ancient temples in the wasteland, and mastered the power of the metaphysical space, and built numerous cross-border transmission arrays.

It can be seen that the grade of the Xiu Xian Xian Dian is absolutely higher than any of the Xiu Xian and the royal circles.

After all, in the Xiuxian and the royal world, very few people can grasp the power of the metaphysical space.

Correspondingly, its derivative fairy tales are naturally incomparable.

Star chasing is not the meaning of the little girls and boys on the planet to pursue the stars, but the power of the stars in a target that is unconsciously condensed into stars.

Then, the cultivator who cultivated the refining star fairy can track the direction of the star and track it over long distances.

This tracking method is much more reliable than any of Ye Feng's previous methods, and it is very simple to display, just to understand the second star map of the Stars.

The criminal shadow body wandered over the ancient temple for a day and night, and did not give up.

During the period, the criminal film was viewed several times near the ancient temple, but in his eyes, this side is a desolate, even the gods can not see the illusion of the thousands of illusions.

In desperation, the criminal shadow finally wandered around here for a day and left.

At this time, it was time for Ye Feng to track them.

"Everyone else is in the temple. Since the criminal shadow can't see the thousands of illusions, it is absolutely safe in ancient temples."

Ye Feng gave a cry and wanted to bring Lin Shiqing alone to track.

This is a good opportunity to discover Su Shiying. Since Su Yingying saved this punishment before, it is not necessarily said, and it is still with the punishment.

Although this speculation makes Ye Feng very uncomfortable, it is very likely.

"Kobayashi, let me go with you."

At the gate of the ancient temple, when she was about to leave, Shu Shu stood up and looked at Ye Feng: "If you are in danger, I can help."

In this regard, Lin Shiqing has no opinion, and turned his attention to Ye Feng.


Ye Feng thought about it and nodded.

This goes far behind the criminal shadow body, tracking the other party at the farthest distance from the star-hunting technique, security should still be guaranteed.

With the cultivation of Lin Shiqing, the farthest distance of the star-hunting technique has reached four hundred miles. In order to ensure that the other party is tracked, it is enough to keep the distance between the three.

The distance of three hundred miles, even if it is the practice of eight hundred years of punishment, it is impossible to find Ye Feng.

As for the dangers that may be encountered on the road, Ye Feng, with his own mobility, is still able to take two women to avoid, and since it is followed by the shadow, then the shadows are on the way, and it is possible earlier. The danger is solved part of it.

When the shadows flew away from the ancient temples and left more than two hundred miles, Ye Feng finally took Lin Shiqing and Shu Shu two women, Yu Jianfei began to track.

The distance away from the illusion of the thousand elephants, whether it is Ye Feng or Lin Shiqing and Shu Shu, has produced a feeling of being exposed to dangerous situations. It can be seen that there are thousands of illusions that give people a lot of security. .

"Everyone is careful, always pay attention to the vigilance around, I have to catch up as soon as possible."

Ye Feng said, while stimulating the infuriating, the imperial dragon sword, carrying the two women quickly tracked away in the direction of the criminal shadow body.

All the way to the sword, go by the wind!

The flying speed of the criminal shadow is no doubt much faster than Ye Feng, but Ye Feng’s magical swordsmanship is not simple. Although it is weaker than the other side, the non-stop teleportation and flight alternately make Ye Feng reluctantly follow. Get the footsteps of the penalty.

In the air of the wilderness, there is a richer aura of the heavens and the earth than the Xiuxian world. It flies all the way and is refreshing.

In the sky, there are not many birds and so on, and there is no such thing as the ancient jungle. There are scenes where the beasts occupy the mountain as kings. This point, Ye Feng does not know why.

But if you want to come, it may be that the overlord, like the ancient gods, often appears in the sky, so that ordinary flying beasts can't survive.

Therefore, there is no cloud in the sky, and Ye Feng’s tracking is very smooth.

A full day.

The criminal shadow is in front, and Ye Feng is behind, tracking the distance of tens of thousands of miles.

When the shadows finally stopped and began to fall, the sky was already dim, and the night sky of the wilderness, accompanied by the fierce beasts, was even more desolated.

"He landed."

Lin Shiqing took advantage of Ye Feng’s arm and whispered a message.

Because Ye Feng wants to catch up with the pace of punishment, he must use the teleport and the flight alternately, so Lin Shiqing had to hold Ye Feng's arm so tightly that he would not be defeated.

Shu Shu is of course the same. On this road, Ye Feng has taken advantage of the cheapness of the two women. Unfortunately, Ye Feng did not think about it, and the two women did not care too much about this.

After all, in the hearts of the two women, Ye Feng has long been one of their very close people, not to mention that he is not twice as expensive as it is...

"Well, we catch up, always be careful."

Ye Feng nodded, and the two women in the building once again teleported to the front.

There are less than one hundred miles from the destination.

Ye Feng’s knowledge spreads out, completely covering the surrounding area of ​​one kilometer, and the details of the surrounding scenes are in full view. In the ancient jungle below, there is still a head and a beast that is king.

Of course, Ye Feng will not provoke these fierce beasts that have been cultivated for hundreds of years, but as they move forward, they quickly discover the differences.

“This is actually a gathering place for ancient temples?”

The three quickly discovered this phenomenon and could not help but think it was incredible.

Just within a hundred miles around the destination, there are successively one ancient temples, one after another!

These ancient temples are much smaller than the one that was transmitted to Earth, and seem to have been very run down.

Ye Feng’s knowledge can easily penetrate the walls of these temples and detect detailed scenes.

"The cross-border transmission array inside has been destroyed and has been destroyed for a long time."

Ye Feng was stunned in his heart and told this story to Lin Shiqing and Shu Shu.

Shu Shu did not think that there was anything wrong with it, but Lin Shiqing, but this phenomenon suddenly thought of a lot.

"Small leaf, you said that these transmission arrays should all lead to other worlds one after another?"

Lin Shiqing’s eyebrows are slightly embarrassing and he asks softly.

"It should be like this, it won't be wrong."

Ye Feng nodded, there are so many ancient temples in this place, which have been destroyed for a long time, cross-border transmission array, which can definitely find something!

The sacred gates on the construction of ancient temples, or the world behind these transboundary transmissions.

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