Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 837: Heritage guardian

When the criminal shadow quickly caught up and entered the scope of the original guardian killing, Lin Shi, who was running ahead, smiled and suddenly spurred the infuriating.

The killing that was originally closed was instantly reopened!

Rao is a torturer who has been repaired for 800 years. At the moment when the killing was opened, he also clearly felt a chill and let him shudder.

"Not good, back!"

The criminal shadow did not dare to hesitate to retreat toward the rear with the fastest reaction speed.

In a flash, he quit the scope of the killing, and at this moment, the shadow of the original shadow of the shadow has been covered with sweat.

Just if he hesitated, and then slowed down the first half of the shot, he was absolutely trapped in the killing, and there was no place to die. Although he had been repaired for eight hundred years, he knew that there was a strange temple in this place. In this case, he did not have enough to look at this point.

"Oh, you ran away."

The prisoner’s fist clenched his fist, and his forehead burst out, which was very unwilling.

"I was originally looking for some ghosts to come to the temple to explore the road, I can't think of being destroyed by this kid. Now this kid is running in front of Laozi and entering the core of the temple..."

The criminal shadow hated Ye Feng.

It turned out that he wanted to take away Tux and others, just to find some ghosts, let them explore everywhere, and find out all the hidden killings.

The entrance to the heart of the temple, which has come to the heart of the temple, has led to several innocent people, the result of temptations everywhere in the temple complex.

To this end, the hundreds of people he brought have already died in the killing, and there is no bone.

"How is it right now?"

After thinking about it, he originally wanted to inspect all the secrets of this temple in order to obtain some treasures, but now, Ye Feng actually took the lead and entered the core of the temple.

"It seems that it is time to find the royal family and let them explore this temple together."

The criminal film quickly came up with a solution, and the corner of his mouth was slightly tilted up, and his chest was well-founded.

With his ability, of course, he can know where the royal army is, or else he can't escape the royal family's pursuit.

It’s easy to seduce the royals now.

"And the **** general chick, I won't let you go so easily."

The shadow of the film sticks out the tongue and tian lips, and the handsome face carries a hint of evil.


"so close."

After following Lin’s poetry and entering the real core of the temple, Ye Feng couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking back, the shape of the criminal shadow has disappeared, and replaced by a mysterious star map, this is the killing of the forest poetry.

Want to crack the killing in just a short time, the difficulty is not known.

"Sister Lin, I really have you."

Ye Feng is very emotional.

"There is nothing wrong with this. After all, I have been practicing the refining of the stars for the longest time. I have studied most of them. It is normal to break this simple killing."

Lin Shiqing smiled gently, hand-in-hand with Ye Feng's arm, and looked around, suddenly found a problem.

"Shu Shu?"

Lin Shiqing looked left and right, and did not see the shadow of Shu Shu who had just followed.


Of course, Ye Feng quickly discovered this phenomenon and quickly looked around. He saw that it was an extremely spacious hall of starlight. Around this hall, there was a picture of another mysterious star, exuding 璀璨Starlight, as if it lasted forever.

In the hall of the Great Hall, in addition to Ye Feng and Lin Shiqing, there are no more people!

Where did Shu Shu go?

I have just passed the killing range with the two people and came to the core of this hall...

"Lin sister, is your knowledge useful?"

Ye Feng asked quickly.

If Shu Shuzhen is missing in this place, then Ye Feng will definitely regret it for a lifetime! If you don't say anything, if Shu Shu is gone, if he goes back, he will face the dragon.

"It’s useless. From the beginning of the killing, my knowledge is completely blocked."

Lin Shiyue shook his head: "Even before, outside this central hall, I couldn't feel anything in this hall, just have a voice, telling me that this is the place where the alchemy is inherited..."

"What is the sound?"

Ye Feng hurriedly asked.

"It’s a woman’s voice, it’s very nice, but now...come!”

Lin Shiqing said and suddenly, happy, because she finally heard the voice of the woman!

Ye Feng didn't hear anything, but he probably understood what he was. He didn't interrupt his mouth, but stood still in the same place, observing the news while waiting for Lin Shiqing.

Soon, Lin Shiqing's face became a bit weird and embarrassed, looking back at Ye Feng.

"Lin sister, what happened?"

Ye Feng did not talk indiscriminately, but asked calmly.

"You can't stay here for too long..."

Lin Shiqing is frowning.

"Can't stay here for too long, what does it mean?"

Ye Feng is a bit strange, looking at the surrounding scenes, seeing all the mysterious star maps, let him know about the situation, it is difficult to become the inheritance of this refining star fairy, is not allowed to enter the people who do not practice the refining star fairy?

Soon, this speculation was confirmed by Lin Shiqing.

"You have not practiced the refining star fairy, if you stay here for more than twenty-four minutes, you will be obliterated by the Guardian."

Lin Shi’s beautiful face is full of worry: “What should I do? I can’t stay here, I can’t go out...”

"Inheritance guardian?"

Ye Feng is thoughtful.

It’s obviously not appropriate to leave here now. After all, there is a threat of torture, and no one knows if the guy has left, even Lin’s poetry does not know.

Once the other party is at the door, go out now, isn't it a dead end? Even the end will be more terrible than death.

But if you stay here, you will be obliterated by the Guardian. This is not the result Ye Feng wants.

"What about the little sister? Is there any news?"

Ye Feng turned and asked, twenty-four minutes, there seems to be room for manoeuvre for a certain period of time.

"Well, don't worry."

Lin Shiqing nodded: "She has been led by the inheritance guardian to the inheritance stone room, and in the process of accepting the inheritance, there is no danger."

"That's good……"

Ye Feng nodded, and he was relieved, but when he thought of his own problems, he was somewhat guilty.

"If you send me out, it will be better to face a torturer than to face the absolute hostile guardian."

Ye Feng sighed.

In the face of criminal shadows, chances can escape if they are coincidental, but in the face of the Guardian of the Stars, it is still in the sphere of influence of the other party. Ye Feng can be sure that he has no chance of winning.

"No, what if the torture is still outside?"

Lin Shi’s veto was vetoed, and then I thought about it. The face suddenly flew a red glow: “In fact, the Guardian said, you want to stay here, there is still a way, just see if you are willing... ..."

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