Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 842: Thousands of kings

The history of the Star Valley has fully demonstrated that a person cannot be blindly arrogant.

There are countless people in this world, and even many strong ones, you don’t know they exist...

Ye Feng heard what the other party said, and felt very incomprehensible in his heart. For the incomparable horror that comes from the unknown world, Ye Feng had no way to guess, how strong they are.

How is it compared with the Dragon Sword?

Compared with the ancient gods, what about?

Ye Feng is still too far away from those levels. He does not know how to compare the strength between them. Now he can only do his best to cultivate and prepare for the dangers that may be encountered.

"It seems that even the cultivation of the realm of the millennium can not be eased."

Ye Feng thought in his heart: "The cultivation of immortals is really endless. I just want to better protect everyone around me, but now it seems that even such a simple thing is not so easy to achieve..."

Whether it is the refining star valley or the unknown existence of terror, it has its own ability to cross the world. Simply put, it is the power of comprehending the metaphysical space.

In the face of such existence, if they go to the earth, then the earth has absolutely no resistance.

Be stronger!

If you don't know the things that the power of inheritance says, Ye Feng will not be too stressed. After all, on Earth, it is easy to protect others with his current strength.

But now that I know this, then even if it’s just a little bit, he has to take precautions.

If you live in peace, then one day Ye Feng will find that the opponent he will face is his totally irresistible and unmatched existence.

Seeing that the people around me are in trouble, but they can't do anything about it, that kind of heartfelt feeling, Ye Feng doesn't want to try!

Or, I don't want to try again.

"Master, I don't know where you are..."

Ye Feng has been thinking about this problem, and now he is asking for the power of inheritance.

"Sorry, my consciousness can only be guarded by this core sacred sacred chapel, and I can't go outside, so I don't know what happened outside."

The answer to the power of inheritance made Ye Feng disappointed, but this is also in his expectation, simply no longer think about it.

Anyway, the criminal shadow is outside, when you can think of a way to lure each other into the sacred sacred court, and then let the force of the inheritance, it is easy to force out the location of Su Yingying.

"I only hope that the grandson of the criminal shadow should not run."

In the eyes of Ye Feng, the light flashed past, and then he asked the power of inheritance: "So what do you mean by the predecessors, what you said to cooperate with me?"

“It’s very simple, I want to know the situation in the current Star Valley.”

The goal of inheritance is indeed very simple, but this simple goal, with the current revision of Ye Feng, is simply impossible to achieve.

The cross-border transmission array from the wasteland to the world of the Star Valley has been destroyed for thousands of years. Unless Ye Feng understands the power of the space, he will not be able to cross the space and travel to the world of the Star Valley.

"The inheritance of yours, I heard it a little. When I faced the invasion, there was a dragon sword who helped us to help the Star Valley."

Speaking of this, the female voice of the inheritance has always had no feelings, and it seems that it has brought a touch of worship and respect: "That sword, exhausted three thousand kings, a moment of blue sky! If it is not a sword, I am afraid Those horrible existences may not necessarily retreat, and my consciousness may not be able to survive. Unfortunately, the elders of the refining star Valley have already scared the courage and failed to communicate with the dragon sword...."

This said, let Ye Feng have a little bit of fluttering, the original dragon sword inheritance so hoist?

This shows the gap between the inheritance of the refining star and the inheritance of the dragon sword.

It turns out that the Dragon Sword heritage is so much stronger than the stellar valley heritage.

From the introduction, Ye Feng vaguely knows that there are so many horrors, and the top level is called "Wang Emirates" and so on.

How dazzling is it that a sword has exhausted three thousand kings?

"If I can reach that level, I am not afraid of guarding the earth. I just don't know, who was the predecessor of that year?"

Ye Feng is quite yearning. Didn't that the dragon sword passed down in the past, was it cultivated for thousands of years and became the existence of Jianxian?

And this kind of thing, Ye Feng can only think about it for a while, after all, whether it is the princes who are shackled, or the dragon swordsman who killed the princes, Ye Feng has not seen it.

It is difficult to understand how strong those people are at the level of Ye Feng’s imagination.

Thinking for a moment, Ye Feng nodded and replied to the strength of the inheritance: "I can help you with this matter, but now I am still too shallow, I am afraid I can't do it in a short time."

"I have waited for thousands of years, is it still so short?"

The power of inheritance came from a faint female voice: "In your current situation, I can understand that I am afraid that it is not so easy to get the Dragon Sword heritage, but I can help you."

"Oh? I want to hear it."

Ye Feng was a little surprised and nodded and asked the past.

The other party knows that the Dragon Sword inheritance still needs competition, and it is indeed out that Ye Feng expects it. However, if there is such a force of inheritance, Ye Feng’s experience will definitely be much smoother.

"In the middle of the base of the Star of the Stars, there is a cross-border transmission array that has been repaired by me. If you need to use it, you can come to me. The transmission array can lead to all the worlds that the Star Valley has visited. But it is a one-way transmission array..."

If you pass on the power, let Ye Feng be happy at once.

Cross-border transmission array!

Ye Feng is still squatting. The Dragon Sword inherits the first two experiences. Ye Feng’s chances are that he can run on his own, but he can’t guarantee that the future experience will be so coincidental.

Although relying on the Dragon Sword Order can be directly transmitted to the world required by the experience, but in that case, does it mean that Ye Feng can't do anything with a little preparation?

Next, but there are still seven experiences. If you really want to finish it, can you not return to Earth for hundreds of years?

This is not so good.

What's more, if there is a cross-border transmission array, it means that you can also go back to the earth directly from here. It is more convenient and quick. After all, the people in the Star Valley must have been to the Earth for thousands of years, otherwise there will be no Earth. The trans-boundary transmission of the Star Valley was built.

"In this case, the younger generation will be better than respectful."

Ye Feng said with a hand: "I just don't know how many worlds did the Star Valley have been to in the past?"

There is no doubt that Ye Feng needs to know the characteristics of these worlds, and then ask questions when accepting the soul of the dragon, so that they can arrange the next sequence of actions.

"Thousands of worlds, the data is all in these jade, you can watch it at will."

The voice of the power of inheritance came, and then a series of hundreds of jade slips appeared in the air next to Ye Feng, all of which recorded the details of thousands of worlds that the Star Valley had visited!

Looking at these jade slips, Ye Feng smiled a bit, and it seems that there is a lot of work to do next, at least the contents of these jade slips have to be thoroughly cooked.

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