Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 854: Pioneer

Ye Feng’s cultivation is 100 years. If you want to talk about the total amount of true gas, he is almost one percent of the other side’s water dragon.

However, if the two sides really fight, Ye Feng also has a trump card that the other side can't match, let alone the dragon's instinct can cause more serious damage to this kind of double-winged dragon.

Before the first small fire dragon encountered by Ye Feng, he was killed by his dragon sword. Now, the swordsmanship he cultivated is much stronger than before, and the infuriating body has become a complete dragon sword. It’s not impossible to kill a two-winged two-winged dragon.

However, Ye Feng certainly will not be daring to go straight from the front, so purely to find death.

Now that he is in the dark, you have to take advantage of this advantage.

Magic sword!

Ye Feng quietly condensed and began to form a simple illusion around the four.

Because the two-winged water dragon could not be found, Ye Feng's movements were very slow, so he only had time to construct a very simple magical array.

This illusion is simple, but if you want to trouble the bi-water dragon, you can still have some effect.

After getting ready, Ye Feng quietly explored the gods again and found that the target of the two-winged water dragon was really a dark golden sword buried in the sand.

"This dragon is actually interested in this kind of magic weapon?"

Ye Feng felt a bit strange, and for the time being, he saw what the other party wanted to do, so he did not act rashly.

Soon, the two-winged water-blue dragon with a length of ten meters unveiled a large piece of yellow sand, creating a deep bunker.

Then, a water blue dragon claw clenched the dark golden cracked stunned sword that was buried in the depth of tens of meters, and then the two-winged water dragon fluttered with wings and wanted to leave the bunker that was being plucked.

"It looks like this guy is really interested in this stuff."

Ye Feng still did not move, watching the other side's actions.

When the two-winged water dragon flew out of the bunker that was carved out by himself, he quickly found that the upper head was not right. It seems that the surrounding scene has changed.

The change it realized was because Ye Feng laid the small illusion, but with his head, he did not expect that someone was preparing to be against it.

It is also thought that this is a natural weather change around it. After all, it is not surprising that there are some special circumstances in the sand sea.

It shook his head, and a paw gripped the cracked sword.

This four-foot-long dark golden sword was caught in the water blue dragon claws, like a small toothpick, but the sound of the road from the dark golden sword, let People cannot ignore their existence at all.

Ye Feng is ready to go.

Obviously, this two-winged water dragon wants to leave after getting a cracked sword, and Ye Feng will not do it anymore. I can only watch the other side fleeing.

Just after he was laid out with the dragon sword and the infuriating, it was just a magical array, and did not block the other side's role. At the crucial time, he still had Ye Feng personally shot.

Fighting sword!

Ye Feng held the same name as the dragon sword of the Taoist level, and the figure appeared immediately below the belly of the double-winged water dragon, and the ancient sword light flashed past.


A sword swung out, the hard-skinned belly of the double-winged water dragon was suddenly marked with a blood mark, but unfortunately this blood mark is not deep, it is more like itching for this dragon.


The winged water dragon felt that some people were touching it, and it suddenly became violent, with two wings, two towering water columns descending from the sky and rushing in the direction of Ye Feng.

"So fast!"

Ye Feng’s heart screamed and rushed to infuriate. When the two water columns hit him, his figure disappeared from the place.

The two-winged dragon that has been repaired for two hundred years is too fast. If Ye Feng did not get the eye of the wind and thunder before, he would not be able to escape this trick at this time.


The winged dragon was not hit hard, and it became more and more violent. He threw the sword on the claw and threw it into the sand. He threw it directly on the sand, then lifted the huge faucet and looked at it. Open the leaf front of its water column.

What is this?

When the water dragon saw Ye Feng, it seemed very puzzled, as if he had never seen humans.

Ye Feng did not care whether the other party was a nerd or a scorpion. When he saw the stagnation of the two-winged water dragon, he immediately continued to swell.

Fighting sword!

His strongest sword can only draw a shallow blood mark on the weakest belly of the other side, which shows how big the gap between the two sides is.

Now he continues to use the swordsmanship, of course, to provoke the other side of the anger, and then display its strongest moves.

Only then, Ye Feng has the possibility to use the dragon's counter-scale to kill this two-winged water dragon.

It doesn't take Ye Feng to attack for too long. The double-winged water dragon has been full of anger against this small thing that has repeatedly provoked its majesty. He wants to tear it into pieces and then swallow it!

But unfortunately, after Ye Feng merged the eyes of the wind and thunder, the perception of the power of space increased greatly, and the speed of teleportation was several times faster.

Even if it is a two-hundred-year-old double-winged water dragon, it can't catch up with Ye Feng's flight.

Under the wrath, the two-winged water dragon is ready to make a killer.

This bi-wing water dragon, since its birth, is the absolute hegemon on this continent, and no creature has ever dared to disrespect it.

At this time, I suddenly saw a "small little bit" repeatedly provoked, how can it be tolerated?

In front of the double-winged water dragon, Ye Feng's body shape is really a small point, but the small size does not mean that the strength is weak, at least between Ye Feng and the two-wing water dragon, the strength comparison can not be measured by the size.

"Wow, how much water!"

When the wings of the two-winged water dragon were cut off by the leaf front, several dragons were lifted up, and the dragon claws were lifted up, and the gas burst, and the water of nine days was suddenly swayed and landed in all directions.

At this moment, Ye Feng is like being under a waterfall, and will soon meet the most powerful impact from the waterfall.


Ye Feng did not retreat, haha ​​laughed, finally urging the infuriating, took out the dragon scales, and suddenly put it on the body.

Dragon's counterscale!

Ye Feng did not hesitate at all, directly spurred the infuriating, and displayed this tried and tested trick, and then he did not feel insured, and continued to urge the remaining infuriating body.

God's swordsmanship, heaven and earth are useless!

This inheritance from the sharp defensive swordsmanship of the royal world was directly displayed by Ye Feng, and a thin layer of sword appeared around his body, clinging to the scale of the dragon.

When the dragon's counter scales resist the opponent's genius offensive, the remaining power will be bombarded to the heaven and earth useless.

It is both a defense and an offensive. Dragonscale is the most practical magic weapon for Ye Feng’s refining!

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