Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 863: Su Yuying's decision

Due to the tight time, the two discussed the exchange of wasteland and the floating mainland exchanges as quickly as possible. Both sides suddenly got a new understanding of the current situation.

It turned out that Su Shiying came to the floating continent where the two are now. It has been more than two months, and the degree of understanding of this place far exceeds that of Ye Feng.

This floating continent is extremely vast, and it is much wider than the giants that are seen on the jungles of the wilderness. At least, the current Su Shiying does not know where the end of the floating continent is.

Su Shiying has had initial contact with this floating mainland, and he probably knows that this floating continent is known to be divided into three parts.

The first part is the forest where the two are now. This is the most important place for human activities to come to this place, and it is also relatively safe.

The second part is when Ye Fenggang came, the yellow sand desert in which he lived, often there are giant dragons flying in groups, which is very dangerous for any human being.

The third part is that after crossing the forest, it is a vast ocean, and there will be a variety of biplaned dragons flying by.

No matter whether it is desert or ocean, no one can cross the opposite side, so no one knows what this floating continent has in addition to the desert and the ocean.

All those who have come to the floating continent are undoubtedly trapped in the power of space, unable to escape, can only live and die between them, or become the food of the dragon.

However, there are still many people in this world who are persistently trying to find a way to leave.

The people on this floating continent are not all from the wilderness, but may come from different worlds, because this floating continent is itself surrounded by the power of the meta-space, and freedom is not across the world. What is difficult.

The only one who caught Su Yingying was one of the human forces in the forest, a town composed of practitioners from other worlds.

The forest towns also have a number of sentinel towns on the edge of the forest, similar to the shattered sand-wall towns that Ye Feng saw before. These are located on the edge of the forest, and they are always on guard.

Su Yingying was arrested by them, of course, they committed crimes they thought.

That is, in the case of carrying Longdan on his body, he went to one of the edge sentry towns...

The consequences can be imagined, the group of dragons flocked, if it wasn’t for Su Yingying’s timely disposal of the collected Longdan, there was no life anymore. Even so, the sentinel on the edge of the desert was destroyed, and nearly 100 people died in the dragon. The mouth is the dragon's belly.

Su Shiying was arrested by them and was about to sue the crime, but the star tomb she practiced caught the attention of the forest town leader.

On the one hand, I want to get the sacred heart method of the tomb of the star, to study, to learn from others, and to understand the space power more deeply, in order to be able to leave this ghost place.

On the other hand, the beauty of Su Yingying also made the leader of the forest town reluctant to kill her.

In this way, Su Shiying was under house arrest for a month in the forest town. During the period, the forest town leaders came to chat with Su Shiying from time to time to understand each other and enhance their emotions.

"How many years have you been the leader of the forest town?"

Ye Feng brows and asks for a slight wrinkle.

"Three hundred and twenty years, it is already the strongest presence in this neighborhood."

Su Yingying replied: "The man is not bad. He put his mind on leaving this floating continent, and he also tries to avoid direct conflict between his men and the dragon. The forest town under the control is the damage rate in the vicinity. Minimal."

"It is not difficult to leave this floating continent..."

Ye Feng frowned. "Just, I need to kill a dragon."

"Scrapping a dragon?"

Su Shiyingmei screamed with confusion: "What is the use? It is not difficult, but only those dragons who have placed orders can be killed by us."

"Well, as long as I kill the dragon, I can go back to the tomb of the Dragon Sword..."

Ye Feng said his experience.

Although the Dragon Sword Order can only let him go back to the tomb of Longjian and leave this rich floating continent, but Ye Feng has a maid in his hand!

As long as the maid is handed over to Su Yingying, and after Ye Feng returns to the tomb of Longjian, he can also transfer Su Shiying to the tomb of Longjian.

However, this must first be clearly explained with the dragon sword. After all, Su Yingying is not a dragon sword, and it is a bit troublesome to go to the tomb of the Dragon Sword.

If you can't talk to the dragon sword, then Ye Feng can only get the chance to enter the meditation space as much as possible, and try to comprehend the power of the mysterious space when the time is slow!

In any case, killing a dragon is the first thing Ye Feng has to do.

"When I go back to the tomb of Dragon Sword, Master must protect yourself. If I can comprehend the power of the mysterious space, I will inform you to send me back to the mainland with the maid."

Ye Feng said solemnly.

"It turned out to be."

Su Yanying listened as he nodded, arms crossed his chest, and looked at it. Obviously, Ye Feng finally succeeded in getting the opportunity of the Dragon Sword inheritance experience, which made Su Yingying quite surprised.

However, at the same time of surprise, it is also very incomparable.

When she was repaired in the past 100 years, Ye Feng was only trained for ten years.

But now, she has only been repaired in one hundred and sixty years. Ye Feng has been repaired for 110 years, and during the period she also abolished the tomb of the star and rebuilt the dragon sword!

For Ye Feng to abolish the tomb of the star, Su Yingying will certainly not blame him. After all, even if she is inherited, even her, she will certainly not be obsessed with the tomb of the star.

"If I can go back, I will practice Dragon Sword with you."

Su Shiying thought for a moment, closed the beautiful, and said softly.


When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn’t help but wonder: "Master, if you practice Dragon Sword, it will be mine, mine..."

"Your maid is it?"

Su Shi’s mouth is slightly tilted, revealing a very beautiful smile: “No matter, as long as you have the opportunity to improve your strength, what is the relationship between you and me?”

I don't think Su Shiying looks so open!

Originally, Su Yuying was the master of Ye Feng, but now she is willing to become the maid of Ye Feng for strength.

This is nothing more than strength. There is no doubt that after the cultivation of the Dragon Sword, her cultivation will temporarily start from scratch, but in the long run, the strength is definitely much faster than it is now.

Or is it to beat the man?

Ye Feng thought of the shadow of a man.

For the man, Ye Feng didn't know much about it. He only knew that it was the most crucial factor in stimulating Su Yingying and letting her always strive to improve her strength.

However, Su Shiying, who has been repaired for one hundred and sixty years, is still not the opponent of the other side.

Because of this, it is only after Su Xinying’s thoughts are devoted to cultivation!

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