Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 877: The death of the dragon

Among Jin Xincheng's storage belts, there are four very precious treasures of heaven and earth, each of which is worth a lot. In addition to this, there are many things that represent his identity, military strength, and honor. These are regarded as treasures by him.

It is not so easy to become a defensive army commander of the goddess generals. He wanted Jin Yingcheng to kill him from a large number of competitors. This led to a **** road and eventually became a defensive army chief.

The proof of honor of this identity is also stored in his storage belt.

Only now, his storage belt has been returned by Ye Feng, and it is already empty!

To know these things, in the end, many of them belong to the royal family's property. The loss of those heavenly treasures is enough for him to go back and eat a pot.

just now……

Jin Xincheng’s face was blue and purple, and the blue veins on his arms burst out. He just wanted to destroy Ye Feng’s corpse and get back to himself, belonging to the royal family!

However, the wind was holding him on the side, shaking his head slowly.

"Ye Feng, I think our plan can begin. Laojin is not injured and has enough strength to fight against those biplanes."

The wind raised his head and looked at Ye Feng, and God passed it.

"Well, then let's start planning, everyone will come with me."

Ye Feng looked at the angry Jin Xincheng, shrugged his shoulders, did not put it in his heart, but estimated the remaining power in the eyes of his own wind and thunder.

The distance of thousands of kilometers can still be transmitted. It seems that today we can find a place where the dragon is not so many, and start the Tulong plan.

During this period, Ye Feng's most important task was to protect himself and Su Yingying's safety. As for the dragon slaughter, he gave it to Liu Fengcheng and Jin Xincheng.

Anyway, Ye Feng’s purpose is to leave this place with Su Yingying, and Liu Fengcheng and Jin Xincheng are also included. Since they are helping them to leave this floating continent, it is also appropriate to kill the dragon.

Ye Feng Feng Lei's eye was motivated, and he took Su Suying, Liu Feng and Jin Xincheng three hands in one hand, and instantly crossed the distant distance. From the middle of the dense forest, he went to the edge of the desert and the forest!

In front of the four people, there is another small sand town that is being besieged by the angry dragons. At this moment, the sand town has long been unrecognizable. No cultivators have survived and the buildings have collapsed.

And those angry dragons, after defeating this small sand town, are resting one by one, apparently just destroying such a small town, they also spent a lot of effort.

A cursory look, there are a total of hundreds of bi-wing dragons in the vicinity, but the points are scattered, fragmented, and this is suitable for the actions of Ye Feng and others.

"General, King Captain, this group of two-winged beasts will be handed over to you. If there is any danger, I will immediately bring you out of here."

Ye Feng smiled slightly, and God read it out.

"You are really deceiving, why should we help you kill these dragons?"

Jin Xincheng was very upset. Since he was caught by Ye Feng when he caught Ye Feng, he did not like Ye Feng.

Now, Ye Feng is going to take him and the goddess general as a gun, which makes him intolerable.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense."

The wind is taking a shot of Jin Xincheng's shoulders, looking at the place where the front winged dragons gather: "Now what we have to do is kill these animals!"

Jin Xincheng listened to the words of the wind, the look could not help but stagnate, thinking about what the general is today, even so "small" to listen to the words of the little Mao children?

However, Jin Xincheng is naturally aware of the character of the goddess and generals who are desperate to protect themselves.

Now that the wind has made him do something, he has to do something, otherwise it will definitely destroy the general's plan!

"Yes, general!"

Jin Xincheng suddenly became serious, and the strong body stood up, and also looked at the dragons who were not far away.

At the edge of this desert, the sand is not so fierce, and the visibility has improved a lot, at least farther than the distance that everyone knows.

This also allowed Ye Feng to appear ten kilometers away from the two-winged dragon group, and was not exposed to the consciousness of the dragon group.

Otherwise, I believe that the group of two-winged dragons feel the traces of Jin Xincheng and the wind, and certainly will come back like a mad dog. The situation is not good.

Now, Liu Feng and Jin Xincheng still have the initiative.

Soon, the two men found the best goal by the exchange of thoughts. It was the highest-winged two-winged dragon in the dragon group, and the whole body was flaming. At this time, it was squatting on the sand.

In 910, the strength of the red-hot double-winged dragon is exactly the degree that can be dealt with in the wind wind estimation. If so, I want to take the guy to open the knife!

The number of times that Liu Fengcheng and Jin Xincheng cooperated in the battle has long been counted. At this time, as soon as the plan was finalized, the action was started immediately.


The two figures flashed, and then appeared in front of the fiery red winged dragon!

The silver rifle of the wind and the blue rifle of Jin Xincheng were split into two directions at the same time, and they stabbed the key of the double-winged dragon!

The flaming dragon reacted almost immediately, and when it noticed that the space around it was fluctuating, it opened its eyes alertly.

However, although this two-winged fire dragon is highly cultivated, it also has certain combat experience, but compared with the wind and Jin Xincheng, it is still much worse.

This two-winged dragon on the floating continent is almost like a flower in the greenhouse, and the fellow initiates are simply vulnerable!

The wind and Jin Xincheng's offensive is like a thunder. When the twin-wing fire dragon has just reacted and has not implemented any measures, it has already arrived in a storm.

puff! puff!

The two men’s rifles pierced a **** gunshot at the neck of the two-winged dragon, and the two men were judged to be high, and the damage caused by the wind to the flaming dragon was far higher than Jin Xincheng!

The attack of the two men made the squadron suddenly burst into a fierce embarrassment, flapping the wings, creating a fierce tornado, and suddenly fluttering the wind and Jin Xincheng.

But the two obviously won't let each other out so easily.

When other dragons in the vicinity heard the shackles of the two-winged fire dragon and were ready to start the action, the attack of the wind and Jin Xincheng had once again come.


Shoot out!

The gunpoints of the two men were accurately spotted on the wounds that had just been made. This time, they finally got to the point and completely cut off the life of the two-winged fire dragon.

Of course!

After the loud noise, the two-winged fire dragon that was repaired in 1981 fell to the ground and suddenly lost its vitality.

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