Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 884: Escape alone

When the leader of the second dragon appeared, not only was Ye Feng shocked, but he was also shocked by the royal family who wanted to chase Ye Feng.

The man wearing the golden armor, the royal family originally wanted to pursue several times, and seized Ye Feng, so that the eyes of the wind and thunder, the cracked sword and so on, but recovered, but there is a horrible power between the moments. Spewing out from under the desert.

This is a fierce frost pillar, breaking through the endless hot desert surface, so that the original desert around the four suddenly became a thousand miles!

In the sand sea where the wind and sand were all over, it immediately became an endless ice surface, and the flying sand was completely stagnant. It was condensed into a icicle by the ice in the air.

One of the emperors wearing golden long-sleeved robes was too elder, and even a dodge was overwhelmed. The force of the ice that suddenly came out was frozen into ice!


The royal family suddenly was shocked. He wanted to go forward and try to save him. But when he just wanted to move, he found that the nearby strong force of the ice began to burst into the power of the royal family. The elders drowned.

Of course!

A loud noise, a huge giant broke through the desert surface that was condensed into ice, and the wings rose and soared!

The emperor who was frozen in the icicles was too elder to break up into pieces. A powerful person who had achieved the millennium cultivation was so easily killed.

Nowadays, this huge ice dragon that has emerged is much better than the wind dragon of the talents!

This seems to be a female dragon, with an endless anger in the roar, obviously the other side is the death of the dragon, extremely angry.

Originally, this female ice dragon was recuperating. After she had just given birth to a dragon, she needed to replenish her strength.

However, at this time, her husband was killed by some small human beings because of the desire to avenge the dragon and the dragon, which made her angry!

Therefore, although her body still did not fully recover, she immediately woke up, rushed out of the desert surface, and turned a large area around the four into a world of ice and snow.

In this snow and ice, the power of all space below the Xuan level was banned, including Ye Feng, Su Yingying, the royal family and others, no one can escape this world.

The royal family wearing gold armor gnawed their teeth and quickly returned to the side of the wounded wind.

"Wind, can you go?"

The royal family asked anxiously.

"You take me away, this ice dragon... we are not opponents!"

With the wind and the wind, she can feel that the strength of this ice dragon is far beyond that of the royal family who had just been trained in the millennium. Even the remaining royal family is too far from the elders.

The repair of this ice dragon, no one knows how many years!

"Take you away? It seems that no one can go."

The royal family glanced at the situation around him and the giant female ice dragon flying into the sky, slowly shaking his head.

In the current situation, if you want to escape from this area of ​​ice and snow, you can only use that method, but that method can only let him leave here alone...

It seems that the wind can only be abandoned.

At this time, the royal family was incomparably clear, and his mind was sharply turned. He was thinking about whether he would try to save the wind.

"Lord, go!"

At this time, the surviving emperor of the emperor flew over quickly, and the golden long-sleeved robe swayed, reflecting his somewhat old face on the smooth ice around him.

So chic, it is the elders of our royal family.

The royal family thought in his heart and gritted his teeth.

Since there is a great elder who blocks the huge female ice dragon here, he may try to wind the wind together...

The man in the golden armor was thinking, suddenly smashed down an icicle in the sky, very fierce, just the cold gas has already made people shudder!


The long sleeve of the golden robes was too long to drink, and I didn’t want to think about it. The whole person was golden, waving a purple pistol in his hand and flew up to directly face the horror ice thorn!

The purple pike, the quality is obviously not lower than the Taoist, at this time by the elders dancing, the strength of the play is enough to collapse the sea!

The guns and shadows plagued the horror ice thorns in the first place. The two slammed together and made a loud explosion, followed by the sound of ice cracking.


The body of the elder elder wearing a gold long-sleeved robes was directly frozen into ice, and then split into an inch of cracked ice.

The death of the two royal family elders is exactly the same. The difference is that the former did not die directly, and the latter also blocked the royal family and died.


The royal family looked at the elder elder who was killed by the ice on his head, but there was no way, and the whole eyes were cracked!

However, the most he considered at this time is his own life.

"No, you must leave here immediately. This ice dragon is beyond the expected strength..."

The royal family thought in his heart, and suddenly dropped the wind around him, taking out a mirror of exalted spirit from the storage belt.

When this mirror appeared, let the look of the wind change: "This is the mirror of the emperor!"

Before she could react, the man in the golden armor had already sent the infuriating spirit to the mirror of the emperor, and suddenly activated the mirror with exuberant spirit.

A powerful space of power broke out from the mirror of this emperor!

"The wind and the wind have a good job, and their relatives and family members have been chasing the princes and glory for generations!"

After the words of the royal family were finished, the whole figure disappeared in the force of the sturdy space emanating from the mirror of the emperor, and soon disappeared.

This guy actually left such a sentence, he ran!

The wind coughed two times, some stunned, but also some helpless, the other party's identity is honorable, it is impossible to stay with her to die.

It’s just this action, the royal family didn’t get anything, but it hurts so many generals, including two elders, it’s a big loss...

Even the body of the wind dragon can not be brought back...

When the royal family left the space, the female ice dragon was in anger and suddenly became mad!

The closest goal of this female ice dragon is that there is only one wind, and at this moment, the wind is clearly the target of this female ice dragon.

The wind is desperate, but at this moment, at a glance, Ye Feng and Su Yuying, who are not far away, have just fled back...

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