Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 917: Speed ​​of wind and thunder

It is completely impossible for the cultivation circles on the earth to fight against the lords of the Luohe sects who have been cultivated for more than 700 years.

As for high-tech weapons, Ye Feng does not know whether it has any effect on the immortal, but if he wants to have an effect, it has limited power.

The cultivators who have been cultivated for seven hundred years can, under normal circumstances, be able to break the mountains and the sea by themselves, completely no less than some powerful modern weapons.

Ye Feng was only repaired for decades, and he was able to destroy nuclear submarines and Mi Kun ships with his own power, not to mention the seven hundred years of cultivation.

Ye Feng thought: "As long as the flow of wind and Jin Xincheng's injury recover, come and help, this Luohe Xianzong sovereign is nothing!"

Now, Ye Feng can only be grateful that he will bring the wind and Jin Xincheng to heal. According to the agreement, the two must all obey Ye Feng within seven days, so letting them deal with this happy is not a difficult task.

Liu Feng and Jin Xincheng are also in the early seven hundred years of cultivation, and they are almost the same as Xiaoyao, but the power of their joint efforts is definitely much stronger than that of Xiaoyao.

Luo Hexian Xianzong and the royal family's heart is stronger, Ye Feng does not know, but he only knows that Liu Fengcheng and Jin Xincheng should deal with a happy, it should not be a problem.

The only thing that is a bit variable is that the golden bells in this happy hand seem very evil.


Ye Feng's brow wrinkled slightly and didn't think much. He certainly couldn't ask, where did the golden bells come from.

"Happy, you have the courage to chase here, it is a paradise, there is no way to go, hell, no door, you come in!"

Ye Feng thought about the current situation, and immediately appeared in the air, shouted, and made an opening statement according to the commonly used bridges in the novel. God read the past.

In front of the thick white mist that was scattered, the golden light curtain formed by the golden bell was covered, and the whole person was alert when he received the thought of Ye Feng.

Under such circumstances, the kid did not even think about avoiding, but instead provocatively provoked, did the kid have an ambush in this place?

Or is it that the kid has enough strength to ignore his arrival?

"My golden bell in my hand, but a fairy, how can I not deal with a squeaky little boy!"

Happy and smashed the gimmick, and excluded those doubts in my heart.

It was only an arrow that he was impressed. It was such an arrow that attached the power of the sturdy space, and crushed the sacred Luohe Jiuding of the Luolu Xianzong!

However, at that moment, it was blocked by the golden bell in his hand at this moment.

It can be seen that the power of this pair of golden bells is extraordinary!

With such a pair of bells in hand, what else do you need to fear? Moreover, behind him is the support of the mysterious force...

"Hey, stinky boy, you are so skeptical, pretending to be a ghost, it’s a big breath!"

Happy and cold, the thoughts passed to Ye Feng’s mind.

Just this thought, let Ye Feng feel a shock, the whole soul is almost missed, but fortunately, the dragon sword ordered a special energy in time to let him re- calm down.

This special energy is what he has touched before. After being cursed and poisoned, the energy radiated by the Dragon Sword ancient ring can relieve many abnormal conditions in him.

When Ye Feng returned to God, the gods suddenly swept to the white-looking Luohe Xianzong lord, who had already rushed directly toward where he was.

The golden bells were held in their hands, and the infuriating air surrounded them, urging a golden sword light and smashing straight toward Ye Feng.

"Do not fight hard, avoid!"

Ye Feng immediately made a judgment and did not hesitate to spur the eyes of the wind and thunder. The whole person stepped back a hundred meters!


The golden sword light broke into the air and separated the whole ocean into two halves!

Ye Feng's figure flashes and appears directly on the hundred meters away. Looking at the power of this sword, the forehead sees out the cold sweat. If there is no special help from the dragon sword, now he must have been killed by this sword. .

That pair of golden bells, it really is a powerful weapon...

Ye Feng thought in his heart, and directly took out the repaired dragon scales, covering the whole body.

"The dog thief is happy, you imprison your own martial art, this time there is still a face to chase, you are still not a person!"

Ye Feng didn't want to, and he went straight to the past with a string of gods.

Now he has a nonsense, the main purpose is to delay the time, let the wind on the peach island, Jin Xincheng reaction, until then is the happy death.

Before this, Ye Feng will never be hard-hitting, and such behavior is completely just looking for death.

"Bad boy, talk nonsense, leave your life today!"

Xiaoyao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Ye Feng. He held the pair of golden bells and took a look at Ye Feng’s direction. It was the three swords that swept from three directions.

Ye Feng did not dare to care, the power of the wind and thunder in the body surging, the power of the yellow space of comprehension pushed to the extreme, and once again in the blink of an eye.

From the three golden sword lights, until the three Jianguang came to Ye Feng, only after a short period of zero and one second, during this time Ye Feng can react, directly urging power to hide Open, it can be seen that its reaction speed is fast.

This kind of reaction speed has already surpassed the limits of the human body. If Ye Feng is a cultivator, he will never be able to react.

"The speed is really fast."

The brow furrowed slightly, and he found that if he couldn't trap Ye Feng, it seemed that he couldn't help each other.

Because, Ye Feng's speed is too fast, if it is not too much to repair more than Ye Feng, I am afraid he can not see clearly how Ye Feng escaped.

Happy knows that when he was only repaired for more than 100 years, he is definitely not the current Ye Feng opponent.

This has deepened the determination to get rid of Ye Feng.

This kind of talented top enemy, let the other side live is to let himself die, happy to see this point is very clear.

At this time, Ye Feng, who had escaped the three golden swords of the other side, was also fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he got the eye of the wind and thunder when he was in the wilderness. Otherwise, I am afraid that it is already fierce.

The speed after urging the eyes of the wind and thunder is really extraordinary. Let Ye Feng face the powerful cultivators who have been repaired for seven hundred years and have the cost of avoiding escape.

"That lang swordsman, really sent me a good thing!"

Ye Feng thought in his heart, and finally held the dragon sword in his hand, looking out from the air and looking at it, his eyes revealing the obvious contempt.

"The dog thief, have the ability to kill me!"

Ye Feng’s provocative thoughts came out and made the heart floating in the air angry.

This stinky boy is really hateful!

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