Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 943: Go to appointment

Yanjing, Qingfeng and Yuan.

Liu Yingying and Lin Shiqing sat together in the hall watching TV. Liu Yingying looked anxious. Lin Shiqing was full of smiles. It was not that she did not worry about the safety of Ou B, but she is very clear about Ye Feng’s strength.

Ye Feng’s anger and thunder sun is squatting upstairs, always alerting the situation around the villa.

The body of Ye Feng, who has already gone to the sword, flies across the sea and goes to the place where the forces of Europe b have been kidnapped.

The reason why the angry Leiyang gods stayed to protect Lin Shiqing, of course, is because the angry Leiyang **** has the eyes of the wind and thunder. Ye Feng wants the body and the sun to split up, so the ability to easily teleport in the distance can only stay in the anger of Leiyang.

Once the villa is in danger, the angry Leiyang God can immediately motivate the eyes of the wind and thunder, and transfer Liu Yingying and Lin Shiqing to other places.

What Ye Feng was most worried about was the chill that died outside the Jinghua Hotel. He still doesn't know what it is and must be careful.

In the aspect of kidnapping the European b, the place agreed to go to the appointment was on a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

Ye Feng glanced at the map and flew directly to Yu Jian.

I can imagine that Ou B may not be on that small island, but Ye Feng can fly in advance to find out the situation. It is best to catch one or two key figures and search for the whereabouts of Euro B. Run over to save people.

Ye Feng can fly with Yu Jian. This news may have spread throughout the martial arts world, so people in the international practice community are well aware of it.

It is a pity that Ye Feng is now being upgraded, and its speed is completely unimaginable to others.

A thousand miles away!

Ye Feng Yu makes the quaint Chuanlong sword, stepping on the lang, and applying the magical sword technique to completely hide his figure. This is more reliable than the previous stealth technique. No matter whether it is radar or satellite, it is absolutely impossible to detect. His figure.

Soon, a deserted island appeared in front of Ye Feng.

However, this island is not original, but rather modern. Several streamlined white buildings are located on the island and look like several villas.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He flew directly toward the island when the magical swordsman concealed himself.

“There is also infrared monitoring in the shelter.”

Ye Feng quickly detected a number of monitor heads and carefully flew through the red lines that the gods felt.

Although he is in a hidden state of magical swordsmanship, if he hits the line of infrared surveillance, he will still be noticed by people on the island. Although the people on the island could not find him, any abnormality may make the people on the island more vigilant, which makes it difficult for Ye Feng to succeed.

Under the detection of the gods, everything on this island is invisible.

"I thought it was a scientific and technological center of the organization. It turned out to be an ordinary holiday island..."

Ye Feng quickly found out the condition of the whole island. Apart from those infrared monitoring equipment, there is no other high-tech facilities on the whole island.

The streamlined white buildings are just resorts and villas.

It can be perceived by the gods that there are many people who come to vacation in these villas, and in the center of the island agreed by Ye Feng and the other party, it is a beautiful fountain square.

The agreed time is 12 o'clock tonight, and there are still six hours from now.

The sunset is just going down, Ye Feng has enough time.

In the fountain square in the evening, many people have been playing and playing, and Ye Feng has swept away and saw no suspicious people.

"There are still half of the islands..."

The entire island has a small footprint, and Ye Feng’s knowledge cannot be fully detected, so he carefully flies to the other side.

Just released the gods again, Ye Feng actually found a few familiar figures - the Kunlun Mountain Sovereign!

The middle-aged man, who was in a villa at this time, was wearing a robe and discussing with a few foreigners. He did not know which language he was using. Ye Feng really couldn’t understand.

However, the kidnapping of the European b would have been made by the Kunlun Mountain Sovereign and the foreigners.

Ye Feng thought strangely, and thought that the sovereign of Kunlun Mountain was such a long time that he did not see his wife being put back, so the dog jumped to the wall and wanted to force him to surrender Sun Lanqing?

This is also possible...

Sun Yiqing and flowers have no snow, and have been under house arrest in Peach Blossom Island for half a year. Although they eat well during the period, outsiders don’t know!

It is no wonder that the Kunlun Mountain Sovereers are worried.

However, this middle-aged man and foreigners joined forces, which made Ye Feng very upset.

The gods swept a bit, and the European b was not on the island. The only clue was that there were only a few foreigners who were with the Kunlun Mountain Sect.

Ye Feng inspected the cultivation of several foreigners. Everyone has about 150 or 60 years. It is not a weak person on the earth. Unfortunately, they do not have a nuclear nucleus.

There are 156 years of repair in the body, but the actual combat power is only half of the same cultivated immortal.

Judging from the breath of several foreigners, it is a bit like the atmosphere of the guys that Ye Feng had encountered in the past, such as the wolf seat, the constellation of the constellation, and the Sirius. I am afraid that they are the two organizations.

Killer organization, eighty-eight constellations; python organization, star killer.

The former is an independent employment organization. Anyone who can afford the price can hire the killer, but this time it is obvious that no one hired them.

Before Ye Feng had killed the eighty-eight constellations of the Wolf and the constellation, they had already enemies with this organization. It was not surprising that the opponent was attacked at this time.

As for the python organization, and the hatred of Ye Feng has been going on for a long time, but unfortunately every time, this python organization has to suffer a big loss in the hands of Ye Feng.

In the villa, in addition to the Kunlun Mountain lord, there are four other people, three men and one woman, probably the killers of two eighty-eight constellations, and two star killers organized by the python.

"Only these few people are there, do you want to deal with me?"

Ye Feng thought for a moment, the other party must have other means, hiding in the dark did not make it out.

Not only that, the five people who are now appearing are all practitioners, which is very unfavorable to Ye Feng, because hypnotism will not be very effective for the practitioners. If the other party is determined, it will be difficult to ask questions from their mouths. What is coming.

Once you fail, let the guys who are hiding in the dark react, then Euro b is likely to be in danger...

However, no matter what, Ye Feng always has to try it.

Dealing with the following guys is not a problem, the key is to be fast and not let them have the opportunity to inform other parties!

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