Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 965: Decisive rejection

Ye Feng and Lin Shiqing entered the Chamber of Deputies together, and Lin Detian took the hand and came to this point. Rao was the psychological quality of the two, and could not help but be shocked.

Lin Detian, what kind of ghost is this? The relationship between the two people just find a time to tell if it is not, why should such a grand introduction to the Lin family?

"Haha, this is a good thing, everyone thinks?"

No matter what other people are, Lin Hongchuan’s old man is clapping his hands and applauding. He laughs and laughs. He also stands up and clap his hands, and his warning eyes are cast toward other people in the Chamber.

To say that the entire Lin family is the most majestic, it is undoubtedly the father Lin Hongchuan, because Lin Jiatian and Lin Zhitian, the most powerful Lin family, are extremely respectful to Lin Hongchuan.

Lin Hongchuan's words, suddenly let the people in the field all come back to God, one by one.

"The prostitute and the little leaf are really beautiful, and the couple are made in heaven. It’s really gratifying to come together now!"

"Yeah, I have long felt that cousin will definitely find a dragon among people to be a boyfriend, and now I can see it!"

A group of people may have some insincere words, but on the surface they are all pleasing Lin Hongchuan, and clapping their hands with the old man.

"Ye Ge!"

Lin Xiuwen, the young man sitting next to the second seat, waved his hand toward Ye Feng, and he said with some excitement.

Since a long time ago, Lin Xiuwen was cured by Ye Feng after the injury to his head, he has always worshiped Ye Feng, but unfortunately this kid rarely sees Ye Feng's face.

Therefore, he and Ye Feng’s buddy, Ou b became a very good friend.

The business of Euro B in the secular world is just because Lin Xiuwen is there, so it can be smooth.

Seeing Lin Xiuwen saying hello, Ye Feng also returned to laugh, not to leave this guy cold, after all, Ye Feng also knows that this kid is very caring for Europe b on weekdays.

With the relationship of Yanjing Linjia, Ou b has a lot of convenience in the process of doing business, and the European b business is not to make money for Ye Feng?

Lin Xiuwen’s brother, Lin Xiuwu, was the head of the Fourth Guards Corps of the defending forces. He once went to Yanjing with Ye Feng and performed a confidential mission.

That time, Lin Xiuwu was also the only close contact with Ye Feng.

At that time, the abandoned factory was detonated by explosives. If Ye Feng fell on Lin Shiqing to protect her, I am afraid that Lin Shiqing has long since become ashes.

It was from that time that Lin Xiuwu had always felt that Ye Feng was not simple, but until now, he has been promoted to two levels, but still is not qualified to get some information about Ye Feng.

Ye Feng, still in the eyes of Lin Xiuwu still covered with fog.

Lin Xiuwu has always wanted to figure out, but no matter what channel he wants to investigate, he can't find a little information about him. As for Lin Shiqing, he will not easily tell others about Ye Feng.

Even if it is your own cousin, you can't tell it easily.

Anything about cultivation and different worlds, not to mention anything that is passed to the public, is transmitted to the ordinary army, and it will definitely cause a great earthquake.

You know, some things related to Ye Feng, even some people in the National Security Bureau are not qualified to know.

Regarding this aspect, the authority of the National Security Bureau can be much larger than that of Yanjing Lin.

Lin Xiuwu’s eyes were burning and staring at Ye Feng. He seemed to want to see the secrets of him. It’s a pity that this guy’s move was only in vain.

Lin family's expressions are different, but one thing is the same, that is the horror of Lin Detian suddenly announced the news.

In the horror, some people agreed to agree, some people sighed and sighed, and more people were watching the excitement, just for Lin Hongchuan to applaud.

These, not only Ye Feng and Lin Shiqing saw it, Lin Detian even saw it, but of course this kind of thing does not need to be dismantled.

Lin Detian today brought Ye Feng and Lin Shiqing to see many Lin family members, just to inform the news, not to solicit their opinions.

So no matter what they think in their hearts, Linde’s actions have nothing to do.

"Daughter, you are here to talk with everyone, and I will go to the upper study room with Xiaoye to talk about something, and then have dinner together later."

Lin Detian patted the shoulders of Lin Shiqing and said quietly.

Lin Shiqing nodded: "Yeah."

She glanced at Ye Feng, rubbed her eyes, and then walked to the Chamber of Deputies, preparing to smack with many Lin family members.

She knows that Lin Detian’s inquiry to Ye Feng is nothing more than a few things...

Ye Feng had no choice but to absorb the various emotional powers of the entire Lin family, which made him quite useful.

According to the average speed of today's whole day, the time for the third change of the Dragon Heart should be three days later...

Ye Feng followed Lin Detian and came to a study on the second floor of the Chamber of Deputies.

It is not necessary to prevent people from eavesdropping on their conversations. Lin Detian knows that it is impossible for people to overhear their conversations by means of Ye Feng.

"Small leaves sit down first, I let Lei Ming pour tea up."

Lin Detian cleaned up the documents on the table and let Ye Feng sit beside him.

Ye Feng did not refuse, went forward and sat down, and asked straightforwardly: "Lin Shu, our relationship does not have to turn around. What do you want to ask, even if you ask, you can tell."

Ye Feng is so direct, but it makes Lin Detian somewhat surprised, but he has experienced a lot of wind lang, of course, will not be scared by Ye Feng.


Lin Detian smiled a little: "Then I will say it straight. Xiaoye, the fragment of the cross-border transmission array that you gave to the country last time, is very valuable. We have already studied some results and even touched the core part. Unfortunately, the key points of the cross-border transmission array were destroyed and we could not continue..."

Ye Feng heard that Lin Detian first asked this question!

Sure enough, the Kunlun Mountain lord said that the technology of cross-border transmission has really touched the core.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Ye Feng to help China to improve this space technology.

He did not find other reasons. He did not wait for Lin Detian to finish it. He refused directly and decisively: "Lin Shu, I am sorry. I have the ability to help with the space transfer, but I can't help!"

Ye Feng’s sudden interjection made Linde’s sudden stunned, so he refused directly?

And I haven't found any other reasons, but I have the ability to help, but I am not willing to help!

Lei Ming, the captain of the National Security Bureau who has upgraded to the first level, is pouring tea into the two people. He was also surprised when he heard what Ye Feng said. This kid is really decisive.

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