Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 986: Gray smoke

Now, the people of Nanling Mojia must not back down.

Even if the arrow was so terrible, and even let them all have the feeling of chilling, but now there are people from Mojia who have been killed here, how can they escape like this?

What's more, just the arrow is the other side's surprise, and now everyone is prepared, and then another arrow, everyone can definitely avoid!

The two-year-old Mo’s parents, who are about 50 or 60 years old, are a bit old-fashioned, but they are all cultivated, but they are real.

He felt that the repair of Ye Feng in front of him had reached one hundred and sixty years, and it was definitely no longer the bunny who had been repaired in the previous decade.

Therefore, he offered to deal with this Ye Feng.

As for the ice fairy, it is still hidden in the dark, and the elders can't detect where it is, so that Mo Jiuqi can take people to drag it first.

In two hundred and ten years, and one hundred and sixty years, the gap between the two sides has been greatly reduced. The total amount of gas is thirty-two times different. The elders think that they have to solve a leaf front and they can’t spend too much time. .

Although it is doubtful, how Ye Feng has risen to such a terrible degree in a short period of time, but this elder can only make such an arrangement.

Quietly, he informed the two Nanling Mojia children behind them, let them quickly send a signal to inform other Nanling Mojia people, so that they can quickly support.

Just the arrow that shocked the people of Nanling Mojia had an ominous premonition.

Still yelling early to support is better...

The two Mojia children looked at each other and immediately flew in different directions and wanted to leave the place.

However, it is at this time.

"You still stay here."

The cold voice of Su Shiying came out from the side, and then the snow shadow ribbon was extended for a moment, and the two Mo family children were completely trapped together, and they could no longer move.

"Ice Fairy!"

Mo Jiu Ge saw a joy, finally after a lapse of more than two years, once again saw this beautiful woman who made him dream!

"Quick hands!"

The Mo parent immediately sang, and the gods swept away. He felt that Su Shi’s shadow was repaired for 120 years, but he could not help but breathe, but then he was shocked.

Unscientific, so to say, who did the arrow just shoot out?

One hundred and twenty years, and the gap between the two hundred years of repair is too great, even if you sneak into the archery, it is impossible to kill his companion so easily.

Either, this is the little rabbit scorpion Ye Feng, or there are other stronger people hidden in this wood!

Mo parents took the initiative to know that they can't spend a little time now.

"Everyone is going to spread out, looking for opportunities to inform other people, Dagongzi, follow me!"

Mo parents did not bother to deal with Ye Feng and Su Yuying, and now the first thing is to ensure that the life of the big son Mo Jiu Ge is important.

"What? I want a fairy!"

Mo Jiu Ge was furious!

"What do you want?"

Mo parents snorted and grabbed Mo Jiu Ge and wanted to take him away from here.

"It’s not that easy to run."

Ye Feng chuckled, but he did not expect that just the colorful arrows could actually scare these people all at once, but this is what he meant.

If the other party is gathered together, he will still have some trouble to deal with.

But now, since this group of people is running away, it is impossible to be Ye Feng’s opponent.

Who can escape Ye Feng?

The eye of the wind and thunder!

Ye Feng was really tempted, and his body shape flashed away. He immediately came to the front of the parents who pulled Mo Jiu Ge.

"Get out!"

Mo parents kicked out toward Ye Feng, and they looked fierce.

"You are too weak."

Ye Feng took out a sword.

Fighting sword!

The strongest swordsmanship that Ye Feng realized was once again displayed. A simple sword and a powerful horror brought the power of the surrounding air and broke away from the parents of the Mo.

Jianqi came to Mo’s parents in an instant.

He didn't put it in his heart at first, and he wanted to directly resist this sword, so he took out a magical level defense weapon in the storage ring.

A brown hood appeared in front of Mo's parents, which made him feel certain, but then, what happened to him was awkward.

I saw Ye Feng’s quaint sword, which turned out to be a brown hood like a tofu!

He was able to hear the sound of his own spirit-level defense magic weapon bursting.

But now, he has no time to think about the broken defense magic.

"This rabbit scorpion!"

Mo parents were ashamed and angry, and they couldn’t think of this. Ye Feng became so terrible in a short time.

He urged the whole body to be infuriating, and quickly displayed the town of Zongxian in the Nanling Mojia, the sword asked!

This is a very powerful defensive sorcerer, especially the sword weapon such as the sword, the front of Ye Feng, how to say it is only one hundred and sixty years of repair, he fully exerted the sword to ask, really lifted him.

"You want to stop me, just be ready to die!"

In the eyes of the parents, Mo’s fierce flash, ready to block Ye Feng’s quaint sword, immediately applied a killer to Ye Feng.

He did not know that the power of Ye Feng's swordsmanship, even if it was three hundred years of cultivation, is difficult to block it, not to mention the two parents who were trained in the past two hundred and ten years.

The people at the Beitianjianyuan have already looked at their eyes.

From the arrow, to the present, Ye Feng waved a simple sword to the parents of Mo, only a few seconds later, but the scene is already endless.

"The one who is a parent of Mo is the strongman of the older generation. The younger brother of today's family has been repaired for two hundred and ten years!"

"This Ye Feng, seeing the repair is absolutely inferior to the old man of Mo, this sword will most likely be resisted."

"Even if you resist it? Just the colorful arrows, as long as you come again, you can definitely kill these Nanling Mojia people!"

"Yes, I don't know, it is the sacredness of the sacred shot."

The people in the Beitianjianyuan have a lot of arguments, and things have nothing to do with them. They just have to stand up and watch the drama.

However, they are all speculations. There are other strong players in the dark to help Ye Feng and Su Yuying. After all, the two hundred years of cultivation of the strong, it seems that Ye Feng and Su Yuying can definitely solve.

They soon knew that they all looked away.

Fighting sword is the strongest sword of Ye Feng!

When the ancient sword was out, Ye Feng saw that the parents of Namo tried to resist, and they knew that the other party was dead.

puff! puff!

The simple and sturdy swords are ruined and ruined, and the swords that are displayed by them are easily defeated, so that the parents of Mo are really broken, and then they continue to move forward, and they run through the Dan Tian of the parents.

Mo parents did not expect such an ending, and immediately widened their eyes.

"How come you can -"

If the words are not finished, the swordsmanship will be violently blasted, and the entire Mo parents will be killed!

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