Children, there are always many wishes.

"Klee, what is your wish?" asked Xiuyuan with a smile.

"Klee wants a super big bomb!" Klee replied with an excited face.

Eula: "......


Amber: "......


Don't look at Klee.

But she inherited her mother's excellent talent for "explosive ghosts".

At a young age, he can make a powerful bomb.

If it weren't for the fact that Captain Jean was in charge, with Klee's level of bomb-making.

I'm afraid Mondstadt will fall in half.

Now she also wants a super big bomb.

It's really given, and it's not certain whether the Teyvat continent can keep it.

It's no wonder that the moment they heard Klee's wish, Eula and Amber both had horrified expressions on their faces.

They seemed to want to say something, but before they could speak, Xiuyuan interrupted: "Klee." Big brother will only help you fulfill one wish. Super large bombs that can be made later with your abilities. Are you sure you want to spend your only wish on this?".

Xiuyuan patiently explained.

Hearing that she could only fulfill one wish, Klee hesitated.

As Xiuyuan said.

Super big bomb, Klee can still research it later.

Krye has more important wishes than this one that she wants to fulfill.

And it's something she can't do.

"Since that's the case. Can the big brother help get bigger?" asked Klee, holding her head up with an innocent expression.

"Getting bigger?" Xiuyuan asked with some confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Klee wants to grow up quickly. Klee replied with a firm gaze.

Xiuyuan understands it.

"So Klee's wish is to become an adult, right?" asked Xiuyuan.

Klee nodded and said seriously, "When I grow up, I can see my mother, and I can fry fish...... Do a lot of things, Klee seems to grow up soon~~~".

Children want to grow up quickly.

Adults, on the other hand, want to be children.

It seems that no matter what world you are in, adults and children have similar ideas.

Xiuyuan could understand, so he said, "Okay, then Brother Xiuyuan will help you grow up." If you feel that the world of adults is not so good, Brother Xiuyuan can also promise to help you restore the way it was. But there's a time limit, so it's okay to have a period of one month?".

"Hmm. Brother Xiuyuan is a good person~~" Klee said excitedly, she seemed to be eager to grow up.

Xiuyuan smiled and reached out and touched Klee's head, then searched for props in his pocket.

After hearing the conversation between Xiuyuan and Klee.

Eula said she was surprised.

"Can Xiuyuan really do it and help Klee grow up?" asked Eula.

Amber shook her head to indicate that she didn't know.

"But Xiuyuan's props are very powerful, maybe he can really help Klee grow up. Besides, didn't he shrink Stormterror before? I heard that he still has props that can enlarge everything. Amber guessed.

Eula frowned and said, "Is he going to enlarge Klee directly?".

"Well, that doesn't seem impossible. Amber thought for a moment.

Eula: "...... How can there be such a ...... growing up".

The three of them all looked at Xiu Yuan with blank eyes, as if they wanted to see what props Xiu Yuan was going to take out.

Unexpectedly, Xiuyuan actually took out a piece of cloth.

That piece of cloth looked very ordinary, and it wasn't even pretty.

There are two different colors on the cloth, one side is blue and the other side is red.

Looking at this piece of cloth, Amber couldn't help but ask, "Xiuyuan, what is this?"

"Time baggage!" Xiuyuan introduced: "Its function is to speed up the passage of time, and it can also turn back time. "

"Such a piece of cloth can change time?" asked Eula, incredulously.

"Yes. Xiuyuan nodded.

Xiuyuan remembers that Doraemon used this item to turn old items into new ones.

But you can find out after understanding the principle of time wrapping.

It can be used not only for items, but also for people.

When covered with a frontal cover, the time lapse of the covered object will be accelerated, taking on a future state.

If it is overlaid on the reverse side, the time of the covered object will be reversed, and it will appear in its past state.

Xiuyuan put the front on Klee's body, completely enveloping Klee.

In the curious and puzzled eyes of everyone, the wrapped Klee slowly grew taller.

"Klee, it looks like you've grown taller!!!" Amber said in surprise.

She pointed to Klee, who was wrapped in furoshiki, and her tone was very excited.

Eula on the side also felt a little unbelievable, and her eyes widened.

When the time was almost up, Xiuyuan pulled down the time baggage.

After a while, a cute-looking girl who looked to be about sixteen or seventeen years old appeared in front of everyone.

Not only does the girl dress exactly like Klee, but she also looks a little similar.

Although she saw it with her own eyes, Eula still had a little doubt that the person in front of her was Klee.

At this moment, the girl Klee spoke: "Sister Eula, Sister Amber, Brother Xiuyuan!

It's really Klee!!

So Xiuyuan really only took one step to make Klee grow up in an instant!!

"That's amazing!" Amber exclaimed, her expression shocked.

Eula on the side was also stunned.

stared at the girl Klee for a long time before she couldn't help but sigh: "What a magical prop...... This also ...... It's amazing......


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