Natasha looked at Su Ze with a strange look.

After saying so much, she only wanted money.

"I said that the Mi family did all this to repay the favor, so they will only charge a little."

Su Ze obviously guessed what the other party would think, and once again pulled out the banner of the Mi family to continue to deceive.

"The upper and lower areas have been closed for too long, and the credit points may not be able to collect 200,000."

"Can I pay with 4,000 Winter City Shields?"

Su Ze nodded: "Yes."

He was prepared before discussing the transaction, and specifically checked the currency exchange of Beloberg in the system.

The ratio between Winter City Shields and credit points is 1:50.

200,000 credit points is exactly 4,000 Winter City Shields.

Sure enough, Natasha is the most suitable trader.

At the beginning, Su Ze also considered other people, such as Xier, who he met first.

It's just that the other party's personality is too direct and he is more likely to act impulsively.

Although he is also a member of the Earth Fire and has some say, it is not enough.

It would be better to go directly to the boss of the underground fire and negotiate directly, which would be quick and efficient.

This is also why he specifically talked to Hook in the clinic and took out the sunset fruit.

It was to inadvertently scatter some information to Natasha to attract the other party's attention.

At the same time, release goodwill and show that you are harmless, at least leave a good impression.

After all, Natasha is not like Xier who hates people on the ground to the extreme. As long as she doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, she is friendly to everyone.

Taking all factors into consideration, Natasha became Su Ze's first choice for trading.

"Okay, then I'll go and get the money now."

"But it will take some time, you can stay at the Goethe Hotel first."

"Report my name, they won't charge you any more money."

Natasha thought about it. The four thousand winter city shields are also a considerable amount for the underground now.

It is also difficult to get them all together immediately.

The resources in the underground are tight, and a large part of the materials can only be bought with money.

So the funds of the underground fire are also tight.

The underground fire is not hers alone, but everyone's.

She now needs to find other senior members to discuss this matter together.

Should we invest this money to fight for a possible bright future?

As long as we don't see it with our own eyes, we can't prove whether what Su Ze said can come true.

"It doesn't matter, you can use it first and see the effect."

"Aren't you worried that I will take it all?"

"I don't believe the leader of the underground fire will do such a thing."

As soon as these words came out, Natasha's face flashed with surprise. She didn't expect that the other party had known her identity for a long time.

And said it so bluntly.

"You are very honest."

"Only businessmen based on integrity can do it for a long time." Su Ze chuckled, "I believe in my vision."

He not only knew Natasha's true identity, but also knew that the other party would rather give up life in the upper area and stay in the lower area to take care of the children.

In the lower area where medical resources are scarce, he opened a clinic as a doctor and insisted on taking care of men, women, old and young underground.

It takes a lot of courage and courage.

He is an admirable good doctor.

"Thank you for your trust. I will give you an answer tomorrow."

Natasha still rejected Su Ze's proposal.

This answer surprised and puzzled Su Ze. He felt that the conditions he offered were attractive enough.

"As Natasha, I am of course willing to use it right now."

"But as the leader of the Earth Fire, the leader that everyone trusts and relies on, I need to be responsible for them."

"We must inform them of the situation first, so that if something unexpected happens, we can be prepared."

"This is not a trust issue between you and me, but a responsibility that I must bear as a leader."

Natasha smiled apologetically at Su Ze and answered Su Ze's confusion.

"Okay, I'll wait for your answer." Su Ze didn't say anything more. He believed that Natasha would make the most correct choice.

He was full of confidence in this.


In the lobby on the second floor of the assembly hall, the leaders of the Earth Fire, Oleg, Luca and Xier, had been waiting for a long time.

After receiving the news from Joshua, the Earth Fire clerk, they hurried here to gather.

"Boss, what's going on? Why are you calling us back so anxiously?"

"Master Oleg, what happened?"

"That's right, you didn't say anything even though you're here."

"Don't worry, there are still people who haven't arrived."

Oleg stretched out his hand to signal Xi'er and Luka to be patient.

About ten minutes later, Natasha appeared.

"Sister Natasha, you're here."

"Natasha, you're here."

The two shouted in unison.

Seeing that everyone was present, Oleg closed the door of the hall.

"Now that everyone is here, you can talk. What is the big deal that requires us all to be gathered together?"

As soon as he spoke, Xier and Luka, who were present, immediately turned their heads to look at Natasha.

"There is indeed a big deal that needs to be discussed with you..."

Natasha told everything that happened, emphasizing the deal that Su Ze mentioned.

As soon as the voice fell, Xier couldn't help but ask: "Is he really that capable? Isn't he a liar cheating money? How can there be such a powerful thing?"

Her first reaction after hearing it was that it was impossible, it must be fake.

If there really was such a powerful thing, Beloberg would not have become what it is now.

The people underground would not have lived so hard.

Unlike Xier's suspicion, Luka was very optimistic. "If it's true, it's a great thing."

"I really want to meet that wandering merchant named Suze. It sounds very interesting."

Seeing his excited look, Xier couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Hey, Luka, are you too happy too early?"

"What do you think, Oleg?" Natasha asked the man standing in front of her without saying a word.

The man in front of her was from the upper district like her, unlike Xier and Luka.

In their hearts, they all wanted to go back to the past, to the time when there was no difference between upper and lower Beloberg.

"Will that power have any problems with your body?"

"Does it have to be you?"


Before Oleg finished speaking, Natasha knew what he was thinking.

"He chose me."

After this sentence came out, everyone was silent.

Everyone understood the hidden meaning of this sentence.

Natasha had actually decided to give it a try anyway.

It was just that out of responsibility to the Earth Fire, she had to inform the other members first.

"Since you have decided, then do it." Oleg spoke first. He had experienced too much and understood what Natasha was thinking.

As long as someone had experienced what happened to Beloberg, no one would be able to refuse this deal.

Even if there was a little hope and opportunity, someone would want to give it a try.

"Boss... Natasha..."

Xi'er wanted to say something else, but when she saw the firm eyes of Oleg and Natasha, she swallowed the words that had not yet come out of her mouth.

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