"Friend, don't be so nervous." Sangbo stretched out his hands and smiled again.

But this smile did not reach his eyes, which made people feel creepy.

It was creepy.

"I think..."

Before Sangbo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Ze.

Looking at the hand getting closer and closer to him, he really didn't want to continue, and shouted directly: "Help! Someone is robbing!"

"Help! Someone is robbing!"

These two shouts made Sangbo stunned.

"Not... friend..."

"Help! Is there anyone!"

Su Ze completely ignored Sangbo's words and kept shouting.

He even took advantage of Sangbo's moment of distraction to get out from the gap next to him and wanted to run.

As a result, he was grabbed by the other party's arm.

At this time, Natasha and Oleg, who had just arrived downstairs, also heard Su Ze's shouting. The two quickly ran upstairs and saw the scene in front of them.

"Misunderstanding! It's really a misunderstanding!" Sangbo was stared at by Oleg, and he loosened his grip on Suze.

He wanted to make a move, but he didn't.

He was careless.

Sangbo raised his hands high, took two steps back in surrender, and explained to the two people in front of him, "I just heard someone mention that he had a treasure, and I was curious and wanted to take a look."

"I didn't want to, but he wanted to make a move on me!" Suze hid behind Oleg and complained to Natasha in a low voice: "He wanted to steal your things, and I didn't agree."

Although he spoke softly, the people present had good ears.

They all heard it.

Oleg looked at Sangbo with a sharper look, and even Natasha, who was always gentle, had a hint of displeasure in her eyes.

Sangbo's face froze, and he laughed dryly, "What a huge misunderstanding!"

"Am I that kind of person?"

"If I knew that this was what the big sister wanted, I wouldn't have dared to think about it."

He just wanted to have more fun, but who knew that Su Ze would appear.

It would be fine if it was a variable, but it was quite mysterious.

It aroused Sangbo's damn curiosity, especially the treasure in his hand, which made people feel itchy.

But who knew that the other party actually knew him, and was quite defensive.

The original plan was completely useless.

It was really an unhappy day.

It was a mistake.

Sangbo's mind turned, and when he looked at Su Ze again, he showed a pitiful look, "Friend, it's Sangbo who is rude."

"Can you forgive me for my mistakes and let me off a little?"

"Hehe, I'll just consider it as a favor to you."

He is just an ordinary reseller, and he still wants to do some business underground.

We must not offend the Earth Fire.

Facing Sangbo's crazy blinking hint, Su Ze thought about it and thought it would be nice to let this slippery guy in front of him owe him a favor.

After all, the other party is the masked fool of joy, so it is better to leave some room.

"Okay, let's forget it this time." Su Ze nodded, agreeing with Sangbo's statement.

He explained to Natasha behind him: "He showed up at my door early in the morning, which scared me a little."

"But nothing serious happened anyway, so let it go."

"The things are still in my hands, don't worry."

"Our transaction is still valid and can start at any time."

Su Ze's last sentence made Natasha and Oleg, who were originally a little worried, feel relieved immediately.

"Let's go to another place to talk. This is not a place to talk." Oleg said, and glanced at Sangbo standing beside him cautiously.

He was just about to name him.

Sangbo pretended not to see it, looking up at the ceiling and studying something.

As long as you are thick-skinned, others will be embarrassed.

Moreover, he wanted to continue to follow and see what Su Ze had in his hand.

Otherwise, who would compensate for the loss of fun?

Sambo was not a person who could not afford to lose, but he was very curious.

He wanted to know what kind of treasure could change the current situation in Beloberg.

"Sambo, the person you brought back from the ground has woken up, don't you want to go and see?"

Natasha looked at the person who was pretending to be busy.

"Oh, as long as the person wakes up."

Sambo had to retract his gaze to the ceiling. He looked reluctant, and those who didn't know the situation would think there was some treasure on the ceiling.

"Sangbo, I and them are just casual acquaintances, and I just helped them out when I saw injustice."

"Really, there is no other relationship."

He said with a flattering smile to Natasha, "Big sister, you know me."

"I really don't have any bad intentions, I just have a little curiosity."

"Think about when I first arrived at the lower level, was I particularlyI will help you get medicine everywhere."

"If there is any news later, I will bring it to you on the way, right?"

"Big sister... we have such a deep friendship, why don't you give me a chance?"

Sangbo rubbed his hands expectantly, like a dog seeing a bone.

Natasha frowned and looked at Sangbo up and down, then looked up and looked at Oleg beside him.

After all, he helped the underground a lot, and the other party did not do anything out of line.

Whether she, the underground fire or even the people in the underground still need the other party to help a little, it is better to fulfill his small request.

Anyway, with Oleg watching over, there should be no trouble.

"You can follow, but..."

Natasha didn't finish her words, but Sangbo understood immediately.

"Big sister, don't worry, I understand. "

After the negotiation, the four people went downstairs and left the Goethe Hotel.

Oleg walked in front, and Sambo took the initiative to follow Natasha to avoid suspicion.

Su Ze walked at the end happily alone. He didn't want to be observed like a monkey, especially with a happy believer around him.

He likes to watch fun, but he doesn't like to be watched by others.


Su Ze was stunned. He seemed to have heard something just now. He turned his head and looked back. There was nothing.


In the small room on the second floor of the meeting place.

The four people walked in, and Oleg closed the door and stood guard at the door.

Sambo walked away and found a place against the wall to stand, making sure he could see clearly without disturbing Su Ze and Natasha in front of him.

"This is the Four Thousand Winter City Shields. You can count them. "Natasha took out the prepared coins and placed them in front of Su Ze.

Round coins appeared in front of him.

The outer circle was a golden layer, the inner circle was gray-blue, and in the middle was a silver shield mark.

Su Ze curiously reached out and picked up a Winter City shield, which weighed about the same as a coin.

Smooth, cold, and a little thick to the touch.

Unlike what he saw in the game, he actually touched it.

It's a bit magical.

"No need to count, I believe Dr. Natasha. "

After the transaction was completed and everyone left, he put it directly into the system.

It will automatically count it.

Why does he need to spend time counting one by one? It's so tiring.

Su Ze put the Winter City Shield in his hand back and reached out to take out the small ball of light from his pocket.

The warm and hot red light immediately attracted the attention of others present.

Oleg could clearly feel the temperature change around him.

He actually felt a hint of warmth.

Sambo was also shocked.

Happy, this is really a big treasure.

Although his position was a little far away, his feeling was not as obvious as Oleg's.

But his perception of power was stronger than the three people present.

Such a small ball of thing is almost equivalent to a blow from a star god.

And there is a ball of vibrant flames in it.

No wonder it is said that it can change the situation of Beloberg.

It's quite good!

Sambo suddenly felt a little regretful. He missed the big treasure.

It shouldn't be!

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