Fool's Tavern.

"Oh my, it's so funny."

A masked girl covered her mouth and laughed secretly, looking at the latest news sent back from her mobile phone.

I didn't expect that Sambo would have such a day of failure, it's so interesting.

Beloberg is just a small planet covered by a blizzard, but there are such fun things.

"Xiao Hanabi, what are you so happy about? Why don't you tell me about it?"

The bartender in a flowered shirt pushed the freshly mixed drink in front of the girl.

"Do you know there is a wandering merchant named Su Ze?" The girl smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch the foot of the cup in front of her, gently shaking the liquid in the cup twice.

Watching the colorful colors all mixed together at once, turning into blood red.

The bartender shook his head, "Why are you interested in wandering merchants?"

"Because he made Sambo a joke, and it was a big one." The girl tapped on the phone a few times and sent the message.

Soon received a reply.

"Hahaha... What a cute little guy." The girl looked at the clear photo sent from her phone.

It was Su Ze in it.

But judging from the angle, it should have been taken secretly. The distance was a bit far and only half of his profile could be seen.

"Sambo... Can't it be?" The bartender was a little unconvinced. He remembered that the last time they met, the guy was confident and swore.

The girl looked up at the bartender, her hand supporting her chin, "Why not, the star core can be killed by someone."

"What!" The bartender exclaimed, attracting the attention of other people in the tavern.

The girl seemed to have no idea what horrifying thing she had said, and continued to pick up the wine glass with a smile and sniffed the aroma of the wine.

"Isn't it interesting?"

"That's really fun."

The bartender quickly restrained the shock on his face, but his heart was still not calm.

Everyone knows how powerful the star core is and how terrible the disaster it can cause.

It spreads everywhere in the universe like a cancer cell.

The Interstellar Peace Company calls it the cancer of all worlds.

Such a troublesome and terrifying thing was actually killed by someone.

That's really like red rain from the sky, a star god getting married, a rare thing in the universe.

"Could it be that this wandering merchant you mentioned solved it?" The bartender is now very curious about who can be comparable to a star god and deal with the star core.

As far as he knows, there is no way to completely eliminate the star core among the current means of dealing with the star core, and basically all of them are sealed.

Of course, the methods of sealing are different, but the essence is to contain the power.

It's explosive news that someone can solve the star core!

"I don't know either. Sambo is always dishonest and his words are always half true and half false."

The girl drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, frowned and put it down, "Today's dream has more, less bitter, too sweet."

After saying that, she left her seat and turned to walk towards the door of the tavern.

"Won't you stay longer?" the bartender shouted, "Don't we usually have three drinks?"

"No, I have a new goal." The girl waved her hand, her lips curled up and she smiled cunningly, "Can't let the fun run away."


In the Black Tower Space Station, a girl with long flaxen hair was looking stern, carefully and attentively adjusting the values ​​on the screen.

Halfway through the calculation, the phone made a ding-ding-ding sound.

Several messages were directly sent to the screen, blocking the original experimental content.

"Black Tower, are you there?"

"Black Tower, are you there?"

"Black Tower, are you there?"

Black Tower directly stretched out his hand and turned off all the messages, anyway, there was an automatic reply.

Who knows what Xing wants to do again.

Always asking some strange questions, she is not an encyclopedia, so she is not responsible for answering.

"Hello, I am away now because of something, and I will not contact you later."

Xing on the opposite side received the automatic reply but was not discouraged, anyway, it was like this every time.

She's used to it.

As long as she sends everything at once, Heita will reply if she sees something interesting, and she can chat with him for a while.

After all, as a star core spirit, she knows too little about the outside world.

She can only learn from the people around her.

In Xing's eyes, Heita is one of the knowledgeable and talented people.

"Do you think people can defeat star cores?"

"Can star cores be completely destroyed?"


"Have you heard the sound of star cores?"

"Do you think this star core is still alive? - Attached Figure 1"

After sending all the questions in her mind, Xing put down her phone and happily devoted herself to rummaging through the garbage.The great cause of the trash can.

After a while.

Heita finished the experiment in his hand, collected the data and prepared to send it to the group chat of the Smart Expo to discuss it with others.

A dozen messages about the star came into view.

"Why does this guy have so many questions every day." Heita complained impatiently, clicking his hand quickly, wanting to swipe away again.

As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.

It's not that I haven't thought about blocking him directly.

But considering that the simulated universe still needs this guy's help, I still have to maintain a little relationship.

Heita can only be patient and occasionally answer one or two topics that I am more interested in.

Unexpectedly, this time it was an explosive news.

"What is this?" Heita clicked on the picture attached to the last message.

Inside was a stone that was completely black and the size of a baby's fist.

Is this thing a star core?

Are you teasing her?

Not only is there no beauty, but there is not even a trace of the power of the star core flowing.

Isn't it just a black stone?

Heita swiped up and read all the messages.

She roughly understood Xing's problem.

Someone on Beloberg used a powerful force to destroy the star core.

And this power came from a trade with a wandering merchant.

What kind of item, what kind of power, can destroy the star core?

Heita suddenly became interested, and she quickly poked Xing's avatar.

No one replied.

"Are you there?"

"I have something to talk to you about, reply to my message when you see it."

After sending these two messages, she pondered for a while and always felt that what Xing said was unlikely.

If the star core was really so easy to solve, so many planets would not have been destroyed.

The company would not call it the cancer of all worlds.

The waiting process is always long and painful.

After only a few minutes, Heita felt a little irritable. She thought about it and sent another message to Screw Gumu.

The other party's answer made her even more curious and itchy.

The cold wave in Beloberg has indeed ended, and the blizzard has stopped.

From the photos sent by Screw Gumu, we can see the changes of the entire planet of Yalilo VI.

She quickly flipped through the information of Beloberg sent by the other party, which was the same as the information she collected on her side.

In other words, what was said in the star message was true!

"Oh my God!"

Heita slammed the table excitedly, his eyes shining, and he wanted to go to Yalilo VI right now.

It was really incredible.

She became very excited and quickly checked the fastest route to Yalilo VI.

Even the news discussed in the group chat of the Smart Expo did not attract Heita's attention.

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