"This is the Eight Thousand Winter City Shield."

Natasha brought Su Ze and his group to a temporary office in the treatment area.

She handed the prepared money to Su Ze.

"There is only one bottle of Wanbing Medicine, and the pills in it are not endless."

"You are also my old customer. I would like to remind you that you should control the dosage. It should be able to cure all the current patients."

Su Ze handed over the small jar of pills in his hand.

The transaction between the two was not hidden from the train trio.

So they also knew how to trade with Su Ze.

In fact, this was also intentional.

By promoting the Star Dome Train, more customers will come to the door in the future.

It is also more convenient for him to complete the task of system delivery.

"I understand, thank you for your reminder." Natasha understood Su Ze's implication.

She did not stay for long, there were still many things to arrange and deal with here.

Natasha called a small leader of the Silver Mane Iron Guard and led Su Ze and his party out of the Iron Guard restricted area.


On the way back, Xing approached Su Ze quietly and whispered about the Black Tower.

"Black Tower? She's coming?" When Su Ze heard the news, his heart was shaken.

But on the surface, he still looked calm.

There was no sign of abnormality.

"I'm just an ordinary person, there's nothing to study."

Su Ze decisively rejected Xing's request. He was not Xing and did not have the hobby of being studied by others.

"Okay, then I'll reject her now." Although Xing was a little disappointed, he also understood that he couldn't force others to do things.

Besides, Su Ze might have other good things in his hand.

What if he offended him and couldn't buy it in the future?

If Su Ze knew what Xing was thinking at the moment, he would definitely tell him that he was overthinking.

Who would have a hard time with business.

If you meet someone you hate, you should sell it to him. The best revenge is to make the other party bleed heavily.

"Mr. Su Ze... I..." Dan Heng suddenly came over and called Su Ze, looking at him with hesitation.

Su Ze looked at Dan Heng's tangled look, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "Don't be so polite, just call me Su Ze like San Yue Qi and Xing."

"I... I want to ask if there is anything to treat nightmares."

Dan Heng hesitated for a moment, but still said what he wanted to ask in his heart.

He used to have nightmares, dreaming of that man chasing him, dreaming of those fragmented and terrifying scenes.

Every time he woke up, he only felt deeply tired.

He didn't know why he was afraid or sad.

He thought everything would pass with the passage of time, but he didn't expect the nightmares to continue.

Now that he has seen the magic of Su Ze, he also wants to treat himself.

People should always look forward and should not be bound by the past.

More importantly, he is him, just Dan Heng, not someone else.

"Do you still have nightmares now?"

Su Ze knew why Dan Heng had nightmares, but he still had to pretend symbolically.

In fact, he knew more than Dan Heng himself.

"It was only occasional before, but it has become more frequent recently." Dan Heng pondered for a moment, but still concealed a little bit of the details.

In fact, he had dreams about it almost every day these days, but after waking up, he couldn't remember anything.

"Not yet, but if there is, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Su Ze thought about it and secretly noted this.

Record the needs of the customers in advance, and don't say it in a definite way.

When there is a suitable transaction item, another deal can be completed smoothly.

"Okay, thank you." Dan Heng nodded.

The group separated in the middle of the square.

The train trio went to find Ji Zi and Walter to meet up.

Although the black rift has a tendency to decrease recently, it still needs someone to patrol and defend.

For this reason, Natasha specifically asked everyone in the Starry Sky Train to help with the training to improve the combat strength of the Earth Fire and Silver Mane Iron Guards.

Only Su Ze was free and returned to the Goethe Hotel slowly.

After entering the room, he began to review today's transactions.

He worked hard to save three points of luck, two points were used to upgrade and open the system store, and one point was exchanged for the item Panacea in the system store.

It was spent cleanly, without a single point left.

The transaction completed with Natasha this time was not a transaction item issued by the system, so there would be no transaction rewards after completion, let alone luck points.

He could only exchange the 8,000 Winter City Shields he had obtained into gold coins for the lottery.

But there was no rush for this, there was no time limit, and he could draw at any time after the exchange.

The most important thing at the moment was the Demon Breaking Arrow that had not been traded.

The old one is hanging in the trading column.

He must complete this transaction, otherwise it will stay here.

Unless the weekly refresh time comes.

No matter how Su Ze thinks about it, he can't waste it. Only by completing more tasks can he save more luck points to continue upgrading.

Su Ze held his chin and thought for a long time, and analyzed the current situation.

Beloberg's current compatibility with the magic arrow is not high, so he can be crossed out directly.

The fairy boat is too far away, and he can't go there without the star train.

Then the final answer is only the continent of Teyvat.

I still have to go back.

There are still many people in Mond who use bows and arrows.

Eloy and Diona of the ice system, Amber of the fire system, Fischl of the thunder system, and Venti of the wind system.

There are five candidates in total.

No matter how you look at it, the chances of selling it are very high.

Su Ze thought about it and arranged the order of these five people in his mind.

First, find Amber. As a member of the Knights, she often patrols the wild.

Having a magic-breaking arrow can greatly increase the attack power, and it can also help purify the wounds of people attacked by monsters.

Next is Fischl, who is a middle school student and very strong.

He should like the magic-breaking arrow very much. This weapon with special abilities will make it easier for her to adventure.

And Fischl's family conditions seem to be good, but her parents are often not at home.

Finally, there are Diona, Eloy and Wendy.

Diona is a bartender and doesn't seem to like fighting very much, but maybe she is willing to buy it for the safety of herself and her family?

I am not very familiar with Eloy, and I don't know much about her situation. Maybe her financial conditions are better than Wendy's?

As for why Wendy is put last, it is naturally because he is idle, not doing his job, loves drinking and has no money.

As the wind god of Mond, I think he is not short of this power.

He is probably the one who is least interested in the magic-breaking arrow.

Su Ze decided to focus on the former Amber and Fischl.

"Done, the next step is to leave a message and go back." After Su Ze made a plan, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Natasha.

He explained that he would be away for a few days and said he would come back.

Then he contacted Xing and confirmed that the Star Dome Train would not leave for the time being.

After everything was arranged, he clicked on the transmission.

The next second, a white light surged under Su Ze's feet.

"Ding, transmission begins."

"Automatically turn on the transmission protection mode, connecting the channel..."

The mechanical sound of the system sounded.

After the white light disappeared, the people in the room also lost their traces.

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