A dazzling white light burst out, and the arrow hit the back of the Wind Dragon, hitting the contaminated wound.


The Wind Dragon let out a shrill and painful wail.

The wound that exuded an ominous aura was being purified little by little, revealing normal flesh and blood.

"What!" The lady stood up with a shocked face, "How is it possible? This power..."

She could feel the purity and cleanliness of this power.

It was incredible.

It actually came from the hands of a little girl. The Fatui had obviously investigated the Knights before, so there was no way there would be any mistakes.

The lady couldn't figure out when she was exposed, so that the Knights hid such a trump card in their hands.

"A bunch of useless trash, they can make such a big mistake when investigating a person."

She was chilled to the bone, staring at the statue of the God of Wind for a few seconds with hatred, "I will never lose next time."

After saying that, she kicked over the small sofa and walked away.

There was no need to look any further.


"Look!" Fischl suddenly pointed at the white light that streaked across the sky, "What is that?"

Oz looked up and couldn't help but sigh: "I can feel that the power contains the most extreme purity."

"It's a very clean power." Rosaria said lightly, her eyes fixed on the Wind God Square swallowed by the white light.

She couldn't help but wonder who shot the arrow, she had never seen it before.

"What?" Mona looked in the direction of Fischl's line of sight, her eyes full of shock: "Is this the pure sun mentioned in the divination!"

This wave of power exuded a clean breath, which made people calm down.

"You..." Barbara pushed open the door of the West Wind Cathedral and saw that the three people looked at the same place at the same time, with different expressions.

The dazzling light caught everyone's attention at once.

Even Barbara and the people in the church behind her were no exception.

"Oh my god, what is that?" someone exclaimed, pointing at the white light outside.

"Could something terrible happen again?"

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe it's the Lord of the Wind who appeared."

"Yes, yes, it must be a miracle."

"Then are we saved?"

"May the Lord of the Wind bless us, thank the Lord of the Wind."

The people in the West Wind Cathedral also showed shocked expressions.

Some were happy and some were worried, but the only thing that remained unchanged was that everyone hoped that Mond would be able to return to peace as soon as possible.


The Wind God Square, which was highly concerned by everyone, was now shrouded in white light, and the purifying power of the Demon-Breaking Arrows exploded in an instant.

All the monsters nearby were wiped out in an instant, leaving no trace.

This change shocked everyone present.

"Monsters... all the monsters disappeared?"

"Am I dreaming? In the blink of an eye, they are all gone."

"Ouch, it hurts, it's not fake, it's real."

"Incredible, too incredible."

"Are we safe now?"

"Has Mondstadt been saved?"

Originally, they were all prepared to fight the monsters to the death, but now there is nothing.

The members of the Knights looked at each other, cheered loudly, and hugged each other excitedly.

"President, the light just now seemed to come from the top floor of the Knights of Favonius."

"No matter where it came from, it's good to destroy the monsters."

Celeus excitedly took out the wine from his waist and took a big sip.

Today's experience was so exciting that his heart couldn't stand it until now, and it was beating wildly.

"The president is right, as long as Mond is fine."

"Then can we go back?"

"Oh, my old bones."

"Fortunately, it's fine. I was so nervous that I almost thought I was going to die here."

The adventurers chattered and discussed, and everyone's face showed a sense of relief.

Some people even started to brag.

"I'm telling you, I almost killed the monster with this knife just now. If it hadn't suddenly disappeared, I would have succeeded."

"Really? I thought you were scared silly."

"Get out of here, that was a trick, a fake move, don't you understand!"

"Hahaha, you, I don't believe it anyway."

"Laugh, laugh, laugh, if I hadn't pulled you just now, you would have been killed."

Amidst the laughter, the Wind Demon Dragon gradually regained consciousness.

It turned a circle in the air and flapped its wings again, and there was no madness in its eyes.

The heart was calm for a long time.


The Wind Demon Dragon looks up to the skyHe howled, stopped attacking, stared at the green figure on the eaves, and after two seconds of silence, turned around and flew out of Mondstadt.

"The Wind Dragon..." Kaia wanted to continue, but was stopped by Qin.

Qin looked at the figure going away and sighed, "Let's deal with the Mondstadt affairs first."

"Yes, acting leader." Kaia retracted his action and fell silent as he looked at the messy Wind God Square.

Almost all the buildings had varying degrees of damage, and the only one that was intact was the statue of the Wind God that had stood for a long time.

Silence and tranquility.

The green figure looked at the direction where the Wind Dragon left and whispered, "Long time no see, Tevarin."

As the figure disappeared, the words also dissipated in the wind.


The flying Wind Dragon looked at the monsters piled up outside the city gate and roared.

Countless tornadoes rose from the ground, blowing all the monsters into the sky, and the city gate suddenly became much quieter.

It was empty, except for the stunned people, there was nothing.

"The Wind Dragon actually helped us eliminate the monsters?" Someone asked in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

What a joke, is this world magical?

How come the big guy who had been harming Mondstadt a few days ago suddenly changed his nature?

"Wow, the big guy is so powerful, he eliminated the monsters in an instant."

Klee blinked her bright eyes, looking at the Wind Dragon that turned into a black dot in the distance, showing a hint of interest.

"It's really strong." Diluk put away the surprise in his eyes, turned his head and shouted to the others present, "Since this wave of monsters has disappeared, clean it up quickly, don't forget that things are not over yet."

As long as the effect of the drug has not passed, monsters will continue to be attracted.

This wave disappeared, and the next wave will continue.

However, before Diluk could make any other arrangements, two white lights broke through the sky again.

It landed on the flat ground outside the two city gates.

Like a dividing line, it swept away the monsters that were ready to move within a radius of ten miles.

The remaining monsters attracted by the potion were scared away by the purifying breath and immediately regained consciousness.

They ran faster than rabbits, as if there was something terrifying chasing them.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared from people's sight.

"The monster actually escaped?"

"What is so powerful!"

"Does that mean it won't come back later?"

"Who shot this arrow! It's so powerful that it can scare away monsters!"

The people guarding the side gate and the city gate looked at the white light that had not completely dissipated in the ground with some curiosity, and talked about it for a while.

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