"Ah?" The young master was stunned.

He scratched his head, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, "Didn't the lady go to Mond?"

"Did something happen?" The servant asked curiously.

The rich man didn't respond to the question, and lowered his head to touch the huge gem ring in his hand.

He still had a lot of accounts to settle and several big deals to negotiate, so he didn't have the heart to go to Mond.

There was no opportunity to make a lot of money there.

The soldiers and the doctor had the same idea.

One of them was still thinking about what was wrong with the experimental data just now, and the other was still immersed in the calculation of the god-making plan.

"I would like to see what a free city-state looks like."

"It's a pity that there are still two batches of recruits to train, and I can't get away."

The captain spoke to express his attitude.

The remaining executives looked at each other, and no one spoke.

"I know." The clown retracted his gaze and handed the document to the servant.

It was a detailed report on the lady's actions and everything that happened in Mondstadt.

Special measures were taken to expedite the delivery.

The only sound in the conference room was the servant flipping through the documents.

After a long while, the servant closed the document.

"The potion given by the doctor has expired. Did the lady lose to a businessman?"

She looked up at the clown, and it was hard to believe the result.

The clown was also a little shocked when he first received it, and now he nodded slowly in the face of the servant's expression.

He confirmed the contents of the document again.

This sentence also attracted the attention of the other three executives.

"Did the lady not win? Is the opponent strong?" The young man, who was still sleepy, suddenly woke up after hearing the servant's words.

As long as the clown nodded, he could prepare to leave for Mondstadt immediately.

Facing the young man who was eager to try, the clown did not answer.

The suitable candidate in his mind did not include the young man, a belligerent guy, but the doctor who had been silent since just now.

"The potion has failed?"

"Is it completely ineffective?"

"What's the reason?"

The doctor turned to look at the servant, his eyes fixed on the document in her hand.

He was confident that the potions he provided to the lady were the most perfect batch, and there would be no mistakes.

But why did it fail?

The doctor was puzzled, and he recalled it dozens of times in his mind but could not come to a conclusion.

"Look for yourself."

The servant handed the document over directly, and the curious young man also leaned in to take a look.

At this time, the rich man stopped touching the ring, he looked up at the clown and asked in a deep voice: "What kind of merchant is it."

"According to the information received, it is a wandering merchant. Since he appeared, there has been a special rumor."

"As long as you meet this wandering merchant, no matter what the goods are, no matter what the price is, you must buy it, because it will change your life."

As soon as the clown said this, he saw a sneer on the corner of the rich man's mouth.

What an arrogant rumor, just relying on an item whose value and what it is can change a life.

If there really is such a person in the world, then he really wants to meet him.

"I can stop what I'm doing and go to Mond."

The rich man put his hands together, and the gems between his fingers sparkled, just like his current mood.

The clown still didn't speak, he was still waiting.

A few minutes later, the doctor and the young master had finished reading the contents of the document.

"It turns out that he is a businessman, with so many treasures, he must be good at it, right?"

The young master touched his chin and muttered to himself.

"Interesting." The doctor closed the document, his eyes full of interest, "I can go there too."

The mysterious background, as well as the unpredictable means and treasures revealed, all aroused his curiosity.


Before the clown spoke, the scattered soldiers who had been watching the show spoke first.

"You must stay and complete the transaction with me first, otherwise I can only change a partner." The scattered soldiers stared at the doctor coldly, his eyes full of unkindness.

No one can hinder his plan to become a god, even if the other party is a partner.

The doctor frowned. The other slices were at different times, so there was no way to go to Mond now.

Besides, he had put a lot of effort into the plan to become a god, and even the target he chose took a lot of thought to achieve it.

It was really not good to put it aside for a strange businessman who just appeared.

But he also didn't like threats from others.

"Besides me, can you find a better partner?"


The soldier snorted coldly and turned to look at the clown, "I am willing to join the Fatui., because of the Queen's promise, if you can't do it..."

"Don't worry, we will obey the Queen's orders." The clown understood the unfinished meaning of the scattered soldier's words. He didn't want the other party to disturb the Queen because of a small matter, so he could only skip the doctor and change someone else.

His eyes fell on the servant who spoke first, "Alechino, please go and change the lady back."

"Remember that our enemies are not Mondstadt and the wind god Barbatos."

"Don't make the relationship with Mondstadt too stiff."

After speaking, the clown looked at the rich man again, "The approval of the Hearth House should be calculated as soon as possible, and don't let the servants go to Mondstadt and worry about the children here."

"Yes, I will handle it in the next two days."

The rich man nodded perfunctorily.

The servant responded respectfully, "I will handle it as soon as possible and set off for Mondstadt."

At the same time, the girl rubbed her sleepy eyes and asked, "So is the matter over? Can we go? If it's any later, beauty sleep will not work. "

"After today, I believe that all the executives will be more or less curious about the wandering merchant Su Ze."

"This person may help us complete the Queen's plan as soon as possible, but he may also become an obstacle to the Queen's plan."

"It is not known yet, we can only wait and see."

"We must grasp the balance."

When the clown said this, he looked at the doctor and the young master.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I like making friends the most."

Facing the gaze, the young master smiled and patted his chest, "As long as he can beat me."

"I'm still busy with experiments and don't have time to be distracted."

The doctor restrained his emotions and said lightly, which was regarded as an answer to the clown.

After the meeting, the executives left the meeting room one after another.

The rich man and the servant walked last.

"Why do you have something else to do? "

The servant looked at the rich man who deliberately lagged behind her.

The rich man smiled and took out a reserve fund approval form, on which the approval signature and seal column had been filled in.

"What do you mean?"

The servant did not reach out to take it immediately. She crossed her arms and looked at the smiling guy in front of her.

"You can fill in the amount as you like. I just hope you can help me buy something from that wandering merchant."

"What is it?"

"You can buy whatever he sells."

"Aren't you afraid of being cheated?"

"Anyway, I have a lot of money, I just want to see how magical the things in the hands of that merchant are."

"Just like that?"

"Of course, it would be better if you could share the information you have learned about him."

"I understand. "

The servant said calmly, took the reserve fund approval form from the rich man, and walked forward quickly.

The rich man standing there restrained his smile, lowered his head and looked at the gem ring on his hand that exuded a charming luster, his eyes were deep and I don't know what he was thinking...

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