"If you like to drink, drink more. I still have a few bottles here."

Diluk generously pushed the remaining half bottle of wine in front of Wendy.

"It's the first time I've seen someone who loves to drink so much and has such a good alcohol tolerance like you."

"Since I invited you two to the Dawn Winery, I should let you drink to your heart's content."

Hearing this, Wendy immediately smiled and made a chuckle again.

He said, "I'm so embarrassed."

But his hand naturally held the bottle and poured himself another glass steadily.

"It's okay."

Diluk said lightly and took another sip of wine.

"Since there is wine, let's start." Su Ze looked at Wendy who was about to finish the whole bottle of wine and reminded her quickly.

After hearing this, Wendy knocked his head.

He has a bad problem. He easily forgets things when he sees good wine.

"Then I'll start." Wendy shouted, carefully recalling the magic of unlimited refills in his mind.

He stretched out his hand and waved at the empty crystal wine glass.

The next second, a magical scene appeared.

The originally empty crystal wine glass was suddenly filled with crimson wine.

The aroma of the wine was exactly the same as what I drank just now.

"It's actually true, it's really interesting."

Diluk looked at the crystal wine glass in Wendy's hand with surprise.

Wendy took a small sip, and then a surprised expression burst out on her face.

"Even the taste and taste are exactly the same."

Wendy took another big sip, and her mouth was full of mellow wine aroma.

The unlimited refills are as good as their reputation, and they are indeed magical.

Hearing Wendy's words, Diluk became more and more curious.

He asked, "Can unlimited refills be used on anyone's cup? Or is it limited to the cups used by Wendy?"

"As long as the cup is full of wine and drunk, unlimited refills can be used, but this magic needs to be released by Wendy to work."

Su Ze answered Diluc's question.

At this time, Wendy was still immersed in the surprise of unlimited refills, and he was quietly calculating in his heart.

He had not forgotten where the Mora he bought the unlimited refills from came from?

He had to find a way to make money first.

While Tevarin didn't find out, he quickly redeemed the things and returned them quietly.

If he was discovered, he would be finished.

However, before Wendy could think of a plan to make money, he heard Diluc talking to him and wanted to buy the magic of unlimited refills.

"How much?"

"One million Mora."

"How much?"

"One and a half million Mora."

"How much?"

"Two million Mora."

"Master Diluk, that's not what I meant..."

Looking at the higher and higher prices, Wendy waved his hands and stopped them.

The first time he asked how much it was because he was distracted and didn't hear clearly.

Unexpectedly, Diluk misunderstood that the price was too low.

The second time he asked how much it was because he couldn't believe what he heard? .

You know, he only spent 600,000 Mora to buy it from Su Ze.

But now it has more than doubled in Diluk's mouth.

So much so that he asked the third time just to confirm it again.

Unexpectedly, it has increased again.

Although Wendy was very tempted.

That was a full two million Mora, enough for him to drink many bottles of dandelion wine.

But there was no way to refill it infinitely and he couldn't transfer it, so he could only envy it.

Seeing that Wendy was still hesitant to speak, Diluk raised the price again, "How about three million Mora? You have such a good alcohol tolerance, but unlimited refills don't mean much to you."

"Three million Mora!?" Wendy exclaimed again, and the price increased fivefold in a moment of shock.

Is this the world of the rich?

Wendy didn't understand, but was shocked.

"Master Diluk, you are so rich, and you own a winery. You are not short of money or wine. Why do you want to buy unlimited refills?"

"As the owner of a winery, you must strictly control the quality of the wine. So you often need to taste the taste of various wines."

"However, although I can drink a lot, I am not as good as you. Drinking too much will make you drunk and hurt your body."

"If I have unlimited refills, it means I have bought a portion of health when tasting wine."

Diluk's explanation made Wendy suddenly realize.

As expected of a wealthy family in Mondstadt, their ideas are different from others.

"Master Diluk, I'm sorry. Although I am very tempted by the price you offer, I can't give it to you."

Wendy shook his head and refused, "Perhaps you can ask Su Ze. Does he have any similar items?"

Hearing Wendy's answer, Diluk's eyes flashed with disappointment, but he didn't force it.

He turned his head and looked at Su Ze.Ze, and got the same answer.

"Well, I came too late, and I don't have this fate."

Diluk quickly put aside what he had just done, and took out another bottle of treasured wine to share with Suze and Wendy.

The three of them continued to chat until the maid Adeline brought a delicious midnight snack.

Fried golden and crispy butter bread with steak sprinkled with sauce, plus a small plate of fresh and tempting fruit salad.

How could this be a midnight snack?

It was simply a hearty dinner.

Wendy touched her stomach that was rumbling with the aroma of the food, and buried her head in eating.

Diluk and Suze on the side were not very hungry.

The two of them only ate a few bites and then stopped.

They chatted again on the topic just now.

"Master Diluk, actually, you can organize an event or competition about wine tasting."

"In this way, people can taste the quality of wine, and you can also do some research on Mondstadt's preferences for wine."

"After the competition, you can also promote the tavern, expand its reputation and attract more business."

"Isn't that killing three birds with one stone?"

What Su Ze said was very reasonable, and Diluk fell into deep thought.

It also made Wendy, who was eating hard, feel moved.

Yes, he can organize a drinking contest.

Then charge a little registration fee and give out first, second and third place prizes.

Isn't it just a good way to make a lot of Mora.

Not to mention that he has a good alcohol tolerance, and he has unlimited refills in hand, so he will never lose.

Thinking of this, Wendy immediately looked up and shouted, "Su Ze, this is a good idea. We can definitely organize a wine king competition."

"Using Master Diluk's wine will definitely attract a lot of people to sign up."

Diluk pondered for a moment, "It sounds feasible."

"Leave it to me. As the best bard in the world, I promise to help you spread the event throughout Mondstadt within a day."

Wendy's unusually positive attitude made Su Ze, who saw everything, a little puzzled.

Is this still the lazy guy he usually knows who only loves to drink and doesn't like to move?

Faced with Su Ze's question, Wendy smiled and started playing dumb again.

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