"It's okay, speak up."

Su Ze walked over and patted Wendy on the shoulder to encourage him.

Wendy exclaimed, thinking, is this a bold question?

He didn't know at all. What effect does the pill in Su Ze's hand have?

He didn't know. How much should a pill like this sell for?

If it was wine, he could still tell one, two, three.

But it was the pill, a blind spot he had never touched before.

At this moment, Wendy once again missed the old man in Liyue strongly.

If only he were here.

Facing Diluk's eyes, Wendy bit the bullet and reported a number.

"...Uh...three million...mora."

After he said that, he secretly glanced at Diluk's expression.

Anyway, Master Diluk is rich, and he is willing to spend 1.5 million Mora for a fake broken spoon.

It's not expensive to spend three million Mora to buy the unknown pill in Su Ze's hand, right?

It's definitely not because he's jealous that he offered such a high price.

"Okay." Diluk agreed very straightforwardly without any hesitation.

This straightforward look. Wendy was stimulated again.

Ahhhh——Why is Master Diluk so rich.

If he tells the other party his true identity now, will he be able to live a rich life?

Once this thought came up, he couldn't stop.

His mind was full of golden Mora and countless fine wines waving at him.

No, absolutely not.

You have to hold back, it's not time yet.

He is the free wind, how can he be corrupted by money and fine wine?

Wendy kept convincing himself in his heart.

He shook his head hard, trying to get rid of all those thoughts just now.

"What's wrong, are you uncomfortable because you drank too much wine?" Su Ze looked at Wendy who suddenly started shaking his head wildly and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Is this a seizure?

Wendy's face froze, and he said dryly, "No, I just feel my neck is a little stiff, so I'll move it around."

Hearing this, Su Ze retracted his gaze and looked at Diluk, who had already prepared three million Mora.

He took out the familiar white medicine bottle and opened it.

A faint medicinal fragrance wafted out from the mouth of the bottle.

Both Wendy and Diluk were shocked by the medicinal fragrance.

Just a light sniff, and they felt unblocked all over.

"This medicine..." Wendy was surprised to find that the originally agitated divine power in his body had calmed down a lot.

Diluk even asked directly, "What is the name of this pill?"

He could feel the subtle changes in his body.

The head that had become a little drowsy due to drinking suddenly became clear.

It was an unprecedented experience.

"It's called Primary Marrow Cleansing Pill, which can help ordinary people remove hair and marrow, remove most of the impurities in the body, improve their own qualifications, enable them to withstand greater power, and speed up their cultivation."

"What are impurities? What is cultivation?" Diluk stared at the small white medicine bottle with a curious look.

Su Ze handed the small white medicine bottle to Diluk, and then explained: "In fact, you can understand impurities as some bad things in the body, such as toxins, old injuries, congenital weakness, etc. These can be called impurities."

"Some of them are born with, and some are left by what happened after birth."

Hearing Su Ze's explanation, Wendy was suddenly a little excited, "Can all of these you said be cured? Then... wear and tear?"

"Wear and tear?" Su Ze pretended not to understand the meaning of these two words, and asked puzzledly: "Is it a disease?"

"I guess...I guess so." Wendy nodded vaguely, and he regretted that he shouldn't be so impulsive.

But the words have been said, and it's too late.

Su Ze sensed the regret that flashed across Wendy's face and understood what she was thinking.

Even gods who are revered by thousands of people and have powerful divine powers cannot avoid wear and tear.

It's just that the pill in his hand is only of primary level. The effect is useful for ordinary people, but not necessarily for gods.

It's a pity that there is only one primary marrow cleansing pill, otherwise I really want to try whether it has any effect on gods.

"Sorry, I can't answer this question for you." Su Ze shook his head slowly, looked at the two people in front of him and said seriously: "The level of this pill is only primary, so the effect it can achieve is also limited. As for how much medicinal effect it can exert, it depends on the absorption capacity of the user itself."

"It doesn't matter, I'm willing to try."

Diluk swallowed the pill in the small medicine bottle in one gulp.

It was so fast that even Su Ze didn't have time to remind him what would happen after taking it.

In less than three seconds, Diluk felt a dull pain in all his bones, as if he had been disassembled and reassembled.

Intense and intensive pain invaded his brain.

His face turned pale all of a sudden, and there was a hint of red in the fine sweat.

"Master Diluk... are you... okay?" Wendy was shocked by the scene in front of him. He didn't expect the effect of this pill to be so strong and overbearing.

He could even see the other party's blue veins bulging because of the pain.

Diluk clenched his teeth to prevent himself from making any sound, and tried to open his eyes and look at Su Ze, wanting to seek an answer.

"It has begun to take effect. There is no other way except to endure and wait for it to end."

Su Ze glanced at Diluk's state, which was a little more painful than before.

But this also shows that there are more impurities in the other party's body.

In this way, Diluk endured a long and painful three minutes, and the pain turned into a dense itching.

A strong and disgusting smell burst out from his body.

"Ugh... Master Diluk... The smell on your body is too strong." Wendy couldn't stand it and took a few steps back, covering her mouth and nose tightly with her hands.

He almost vomited on the spot.

He looked at Suze, who had retreated far away and covered his face with a scarf, and showed a sad look, as if to say, if there was such a thing, why didn't you say it earlier?

In the blink of an eye, Diluk, who was originally dressed neatly, instantly turned into a big black man covered in mud and emitting a foul smell.

Without waiting for Suze to remind him again, Diluk rushed upstairs and quickly ran into the bathroom in the bedroom.

Only Suze and Wendy were left looking at each other, and there were fierce vomiting sounds in the air.

"It's terrible." Wendy patted her chest with lingering fear, her face full of relief.

Fortunately, Diluk tried it first, otherwise it would be so embarrassing to become like this in front of others!

Su Ze chuckled, "I'm going to ask the head maid Adeline for a room to take a nap. Master Diluk may not be able to come out for a while."

Back then, he took a long time to wash off the smell on his body.

Diluk may have been in this state for even longer than him.

"I'm going too." Wendy quickly said and followed Su Ze away.

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