Knights of Favonius, reception room.

"Has Mond been so incompetent?"

"You asked me to come for an interview, but you still have to bring helpers."

The lady sneered, looked at Jean who came in, and her eyes fell on the three people behind him.

"They are all witnesses to this incident, so they should be present."

Jin ignored the lady's cold words and called Suze, Diluc and the traveler to take a seat.

Seeing this, the lady snorted coldly and sat down.

She wanted to see how far this acting leader could go?

"The Knights found an abandoned base in the wild before."

"According to the captured people, it is the place where you Fatui secretly carry out activities."

"You can't deny this anyway."

Jin took out the testimony left from the last interrogation again and put it in front of the lady.

"I thought you would come up with some new evidence this time, but it's the same old story."

"I don't know if you Mondstadt people are stupid or if you are just pestering me."

"If you just want us to take the blame for this groundless evidence."

"It's just a waste of time. I'm sorry I won't accompany you any longer."

The lady stood up and prepared to leave without even looking at him.

But she was stopped by Diluk's sword before she took two steps.

"Why don't you just talk to me and fight me?"

The lady looked at the person in front of her coldly and smiled contemptuously.

"But it's just the beginning, Miss Rosaline is in such a hurry to leave."

"Are all the executives of Solstice so impatient?"

Diluk said coldly, looking the lady up and down, and then changed the subject, "Or are you actually guilty?"

"Heh--" The lady laughed out loud when she heard this, "Provocation doesn't work on me. I want to see what tricks you can play?"

From beginning to end, Rosaline insisted on not admitting that the chaos in Mondstadt had anything to do with them.

She even refused to cooperate with the investigation with a strong attitude.

It seems that she completely ignored being in another country.

The lady sat back, with a stern face, exuding a chill all over her body.

"How can we compare with you, the Fatui, in terms of tricks?"

"Why don't you take a look at these documents and letters in my hand? They all have your signature and seal on them."

"It clearly records the crimes you committed in Mondstadt."

"I'm afraid it's not something that can be quibbled over with just one or two sentences."

Jin calmly explained the facts and threw a few letters and documents with the Winter Solstice mark.

Each one clearly printed Rosaline's name, and some even had the official Winter Solstice seal engraved on it.

It can be said that the evidence is conclusive.

Hearing this, the originally disdainful lady's expression tightened, and her eyes fell on the newly revealed evidence that was spread out.

A row of clear names and seals seemed to be mocking Rosaline's incompetence.

How is this possible?

Obviously it shouldn't have been...

The lady was shocked, but she pretended to be calm and said stubbornly: "Who knows if these are forged by you?"

"Forged?" Qin couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She didn't expect the executive in front of her to be as stubborn as ever.

However, the other party's answer was also within her expectations.

"According to what you said, then the official diplomatic document sent by Zhidong before is also fake?"

Qin was prepared and took out the letter she had received from Zhidong Palace before.

The content above was about the lady leading Zhidong's diplomatic mission to Mond.

"What do you mean?" The lady immediately understood that the other party had been prepared for a long time, but had never shown it before.

She was careless.

I thought that Mond was useless from top to bottom.

"No meaning, I just hope Miss Rosalin will think clearly before answering."

Qin smiled politely, tapping the table with her fingertips from time to time.


The crisp sound made the lady more and more irritated.

She suddenly realized that she had been forced into a dead end and had no choice but to admit it.

From the beginning, the other party deliberately led her in the designed direction.

If she still insisted on not admitting the newly produced evidence with signatures and seals.

That would be a disguised admission that the previous evidence issued by the Winter Palace was fake.

In this way, her identity would be questionable, and the people she brought with her would become suspicious people.

She could even be accused of provoking relations between the two countries.

Even if she tried her best to prove her identity, Mond could find an excuse to refuse to admit it.

But if she admitted that the chaos in Mond was caused by the Fatui, she would also be charged with provoking relations between the two countries.The only difference is that the people under her can be cleared and not all of them will be convicted.

Thinking of this, the lady raised her chin and laughed sarcastically, "I underestimated you. You actually have such a plan. It's amazing that you have designed it to this point."

"But unfortunately..." She looked at Qin in front of her meaningfully, "There is a fatal problem in this plan."


"In ten minutes, the servant of the executive officer of Winter will arrive in Mond, and she will prove her identity for me at that time. It's too late in time, and your plan is doomed to fail."

"Are you sure the servant can really arrive on time?"

"You..." The lady's face changed, and she stood up in a flash, "How could she know in advance that she would come to Mond."

"What did you do?"

Faced with the lady's excited questioning, Qin still had a calm face, "There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the actions of the Fatui are not only concerned by Mond."

"I'll give you half an hour to think about it, and I hope the answer will not disappoint me."

"What if I insist?"

"Then I can only deal with those suspected fake Fatui who stayed in Mond first."

This sentence is both a warning and a hint.

Qin changed her previous style and became strong.

Although she spoke calmly, there was a hint of sharpness in each sentence.

Every word hit the lady's heart.

Rosalin clenched her fists in anger.

Damn it! She failed again.

This time, not only did she fail, but she was also caught by someone.

She was caught in a dilemma.

Damn Mond, damn Barbatos.

She kept cursing in her heart, her eyes full of resentment, and it took a long time for her to calm down.

"I admit that the chaos in Mond was planned by me, and my subordinates just followed orders. I don't know about the old grudge with Mond, and I don't know that these orders were not issued by Zhidong."

"I took revenge on my own and used my status and power as an executive to do these things."

The lady said in a deep voice, word by word, her face became worse and worse, and the coldness on her body almost froze her to death.

"Since Miss Rosalin is willing to admit these crimes, please sign this confession."

Jin pushed the confession that she had prepared long ago in front of the lady, which listed all the troubles and chaos that had occurred in Mondstadt in recent days.

Most of them were related to the Fatui.

For example, the two monster attacks, and the various strange remarks that were unfavorable to the Knights circulated in the city.

But it was not the Fatui that made the Wind Dragon lose control, but the Abyss Apostle.

She just discovered this and added fuel to the flames and intensified the conflict between Mondstadt and the Wind Dragon.

"Acting Captain, don't go too far."

Rosalin gritted her teeth and looked at Jean who was standing beside her, "I don't have the ability to let the followers of the Wind God attack Mondstadt."

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