At the gate of Dawn Winery.

The traveler carefully counted the Mora in the purse, and was a little confused as to why there was only so little money left.

She tried hard to recall that after receiving the reward from Su Ze, she had taken on more than a dozen adventure association tasks in the past few days.

Logically, there shouldn't be so little left.

"What's wrong, traveler?"

Paimon had just finished eating an apple in his hand, and looked up to see the traveler's worried face.

"I was thinking if the wind god doesn't show up, should we try our luck in Liyue first."

"But I just looked at the Mora in my hand, and there's still a lot of money left for the fare."

The traveler silently glanced at Paimon, who looked innocent, and suddenly remembered.

The day before yesterday, the two had a barbecue steak dinner. After dinner, Paimon was hungry, so he bought him a large fruit pie.

Yesterday morning, he had a luxurious invincible giant sandwich. In the afternoon, Paimon was thirsty, so he bought him a large drink.

And today...

Thinking of this, she sighed with some resentment: Oh - it's really that a certain little guy has a good appetite. If it continues like this, I really can't afford to feed him.

These days, I have been busy taking tasks and running errands everywhere. I thought I could save some Mora, but it was almost eaten up.


Paimon, who knew nothing about this, took out another dried fish and took a bite, "Don't worry, at most we can take more tasks and save enough money for the trip."

Traveler: "..."

Is this the question she wanted to talk about?

Seeing that Paimon was still concentrating on eating the dried fish in his hand.

The traveler couldn't help but ask again: "Paimon, how many meals did you eat today?"

"Ah?" Paimon was a little stunned by this question.

It didn't understand why the traveler suddenly became a little irritable, but it still thought about it seriously, and even stretched out its hand to count carefully, "Breakfast is grilled pizza with cream mushroom soup, lunch is fried steak, butter bread and meat and vegetable stew... and three cakes and two milk puddings in the afternoon, plus... uh, a glass of grape juice."

Paimon counted and thought to himself: the chocolate sandwich cookies eaten in the morning and the fruit before the nap are snacks, which should not be counted as a meal.

"Counting the main meal and afternoon tea, it should be only three meals." It put away its hand and answered confidently.

Hearing this answer, the traveler's face was full of speechless.

If she remembered correctly, she passed by a small stall selling cookies at about ten o'clock, and the little guy refused to leave and insisted on buying a bag.

And when taking a nap in the guest room, he showed off a large plate of fruit platter before he was willing to close his eyes.

Don't these count as a meal?

Thinking of this, the traveler sighed again. She looked at Paimong helplessly and asked, "Can't you eat less?"

She even glanced at Paimong's belly.

She really couldn't understand how such a small body could hold so much food.

"But I'm hungry."

Paimong didn't understand, blinked, and took out another piece of butter cookie and put it in his mouth.

Looking at Paimong's belly that didn't bulge at all, the traveler couldn't help but sigh, "Why can you eat so much!"

"Because I'm growing."

Paimong noticed the traveler's gaze, straightened his back with confidence, and put another piece of butter cookie in his mouth.

It was so delicious.

The traveler was choked and didn't know how to continue speaking.

Forget it, instead of expecting Paimong to eat less, it's better to expect myself to work harder.

Just when the traveler was silently cheering himself up, Wendy appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, Traveler, Paimon!"

"What a coincidence, we meet again!"

He waved to the two enthusiastically and walked over quickly.

"Singer, why are you here?"

Paimon looked at the person in front of him with surprise, and the Traveler nodded slightly.

"I came to talk to Master Diluk, what about you? Are you leaving?"

Wendy asked curiously, he noticed that the Traveler was in a bad mood and seemed a little unhappy.

The Traveler rubbed his eyebrows: "We plan to go back to the Adventure Association to take a few tasks and save up for the journey."

"Those tasks are only worth a few dollars, how long will it take you to save enough?"

"Well, save a little bit." The Traveler said a little depressed, with a trace of fatigue between his eyebrows.

She was ready to work without sleep.

Take a dozen a day, each with four or five thousand Mora, and you can save up the journey in about a week.

Hearing what the Traveler said, Wendy's eyes turned and he set his sights on the two.

“Actually, II have a business that can make a lot of money. Are you interested in cooperating with me? "

"Make a lot of money?" The traveler looked at Wendy suspiciously, "What business? I don't do anything that cheats people."

"Don't worry, I will never cheat you, and I will give you money."

"Give you money?" The traveler couldn't believe what he heard and widened his eyes.

"Yes, I will give you money."

Wendy repeated it again.

"That's fine!"

The traveler thought about it and nodded happily, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"I'll tell you..." Wendy briefly explained the activities of the Wine King Competition to the traveler.

As long as you can complete the tasks I assigned, I can also share half of the money I earned at the end of the event."

After saying that, he showed a look of pain. He didn't believe that the other party would not take the bait.

Before the traveler could react, Paimon got excited and shouted, "That means there will be a lot of Mora!"

He quickly grabbed the traveler's hand and urged, "Traveler, please agree to him, so we don't have to work so hard to accept the Adventure Association's mission."

However, the traveler always felt that it was a little unbelievable.

How could there be such a good thing in the world? She only needed to run errands and sell her physical strength to get half of the profits.

"Are you really willing to give me half?"

"Yes, I'll give you half."

"Think about it. The registration fee for one person is 2,000 Mora. If 100 people register, it will be 200,000 Mora. If 1,000 people register, it will be 2 million Mora..."

While Wendy was talking, she stretched out her hand and gestured.

It can be said that she skillfully used what Su Ze said when he negotiated the deal with him, which made the traveler more excited.

According to Wendy, this is indeed a business that makes a lot of money, and the income is very considerable.

"But will there really be so many people participating?" Although the traveler was very excited, there was still a trace of hesitation on his face.

"Don't worry, I have prepared a complete set of publicity procedures. As long as you follow this plan, there will be absolutely no problem."

Wendy put her arm around the traveler's shoulders and patted her chest confidently: "You don't have to worry about other things. You just need to distribute flyers and introduce the content of the event in detail. When the event ends successfully, the registration fee alone can allow you to go to three Liyues."

"Besides, Master Diluk and Su Ze are also involved."

"One of them is a popular wandering merchant, and the other is the boss of the largest winery in Mondstadt. What else do you have to worry about?" Wendy saw that the traveler's expression was relaxed, and played another trump card, which completely stabilized the traveler's heart.

"Okay, everything is up to you."

Listening to Wendy's description of the grand occasion of the event, the traveler and Paimon couldn't help but imagine it, as if they had seen a lot of Mora appear in front of them.

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