Chapter 41 Yan Fei: I feel like Tartaglia has become smarter!

The next morning

, Lin Chen and Paimeng had breakfast and prepared to go to the location on the map to investigate.

If you get paid, you have to do the job.

Depending on the amount of salary, you can decide whether to do the job well or mediocre.

“I didn’t see that Wendy guy.” Paimon looked around and shook his head.

“Don’t worry about him, he and Zhongli met too late, and he might be telling Zhongli about the great history of the Rock King.”Lin Chen shook his head

“Why do he and Zhongli get along so well?”Paimeng didn’t quite understand.

“Maybe it’s due to the friendship between the older generations?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

Paimeng’s IQ has improved a little recently, but not much, so let’s not embarrass her. Lin Chen shook his head and said,”Let’s work first.”

【End of comparison】

【Chapter 1, Scene 3: The Approaching Guest Star][Starts in 5 minutes】

【Fu Nina: Alas, short and weak


【Keqing: Damn Fatui executive! You’d better come sit in the Thousand Rocks’ prison!

【[Tardaglia]: What’s wrong? What’s wrong? The comparison video is me in the parallel world, you can’t capture me in the real world, right? The video is about the future, not the present me. Even if I have this idea now, I haven’t taken action yet! Are you going to judge me? If fate is fixed, I will accept it, but now I have changed my mind, can you still judge me?

【Yan Fei]: Huh? Why does it feel like he has become smarter? (scratching his head)

【Paimon]: My head itches!

【[Tadalia]: In the future, you should watch and learn more from Brother Wenjie’s videos, do you understand?

【Keqing]: You!

【Ningguang]: Don’t be anxious. Wait until you have read all the future of the Liyue chapter before making plans slowly. I believe that you will not escape, right?


Five minutes passed in a flash.

Ying’s video started playing.

Zhongli, who was with Tartaglia in the real world, looked more and more solemn.

This suffocating feeling like a python entangled him.……

“”Mr. Zhongli, what’s wrong with you?” Tartaglia asked with concern.

“”Heh… Heh, nothing happened.” Zhongli waved his hand.

Seeing this, Tartaglia didn’t ask any more questions, and focused more on the video. He smiled and said,”This Ying is quite lucky. He got to know Keqing, one of the Seven Stars, and even climbed up to the Jade Pavilion… Hey, this place……”

Tartaglia was silent for a moment.

He was very familiar with the place where the imitation of the Hundred No Taboos Talisman was made.

It was fine if Brother Wenjie wanted to check it out, but Ningguang was paid to do so. You, Ying, are really enthusiastic.

Zhongli’s eyes also fell on the light screen, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at it.

In just a short while, Ying had already started fighting with the young master in the Golden House.

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Tartaglia’s eyes widened, her face full of disbelief:”No? Her fighting power… is not right! Why is it so high and sometimes low? I don’t think she is that strong even when fighting ordinary Fatui!!”

I couldn’t beat Ying in the God’s Eye state, and I still didn’t win in the Evil Eye state.

I even opened the Demon King’s Arms, but I still lost!

“Is this the value of the Traveler?” Tartaglia took a breath.

Zhongli said faintly:”Look at the group.”

【Paimon: Young Master doesn’t seem that strong.

【Kaiya: The sense of oppression given by others is not as good as that of a lady.

【[Funina]: After being beaten so badly by Ying, is there any chance of survival if I meet Brother Wenjie?

【[Tadalia]: What the hell!

【Xingqiu: Wait… Young Master!

In the video, Young Master, who was defeated by Ying, took out countless talismans of no taboos, and the talismans surrounded him.

Thinking that the Rock God who had tricked everyone was still alive, Tartaglia decided to awaken the whirlpool demon Osair.

Before Ying could stop him, Young Master had completed his ritual and then turned into water and disappeared.

At this moment, the group was a little quiet.

【Xiangling: Let’s fight Osel… Really?

【Chongyun]: Will you win? (muffled)

【Xingqiu: I don’t understand. What exactly does the Emperor want to do?

【Wendy: Just for fun

【Ningguang: I can’t figure it out

【Keqing: I don’t understand

【[Funina]: Keep watching, Morax can’t really be dead, right? If it’s as everyone guessed, then he wouldn’t be so bored as to just watch the fun from the sidelines, he must have some purpose!

The Vortex Demon is very strong, but he has lost a lot of power after being suppressed for a thousand years.

And there is one key point, the power of the Hundred Taboos can only allow it to break the seal temporarily.

The immortals are no match for Osel, and in the end of the battle, Ningguang gave up her own Qun Yu Pavilion and suppressed Osel back into the seal in the terrible explosion.

In the end, all the truth was witnessed by Ying, and the Rock God’s retirement plan came to an end.

【Funina】:@【Zhongli] Brother Baichao, you are actually the God of Geo?! Didn’t Brother Huashui say that you are an immortal?!

【Zhongli]: Alas… now that things have come to this, there is no point in hiding it.

【Zhongli: From the perspective of universal rationality, how many words spoken by poets can be trusted?

【[Wendy]: Morax considers himself to be a member of the immortals and is called the ancestor of all immortals. How can he not be an immortal?!

【Thomas: That makes sense, but not much.……

【[Tadalia]: No one cares about me?! I’ve been fooled from beginning to end! First, he’s my colleague, and second, he’s my target. I can’t stand it! I’m going to fight you guys!

Zhongli saw that Tartaglia’s face was red.

Obviously, he was already red.

His eyes were red, and he looked at Zhongli with a ferocious expression.

“Calm down, calm down……”Zhongli sighed.

“How can you expect me to stay calm?”

After watching the video, Tartaglia felt like the sky was falling.

This was a disgrace to all of Teyvat!

What a shame!

If he could defeat Zhongli, he would have fought him right now!

Suddenly, something was delivered to Tartaglia.

“Are you calm now?” Zhongli asked helplessly.

“Calm down.”

Tartaglia nodded and put away the Heart of God.”I’ll treat you to a meal.……”

“This matter was caused by me, so naturally I should explain it to Qixing.”

“That’s good!”

【Paimon: Tartaglia, I know you are very anxious, but don’t be anxious yet, because Ying and I have also been fooled!


【Keqing: Testing Liyue in this way, letting Liyue enter human rule…

The human rule that I had always dreamed of actually came in this way.

If she didn’t know the truth, Keqing wouldn’t think much about it, she would just work harder while lamenting the fall of the Emperor.

However, now that she has seen everything from a God’s perspective, she feels a sense of absurdity like a farce.

“”You don’t want to accept this ending, right?” Ningguang asked softly. Keqing looked at her with a complicated expression, and seeing her gloomy look, she asked back:”Are you reluctant to leave your Qun Yu Pavilion?”


Ningguang’s ambitions have been described in Ying’s video. She sighed and said,”It doesn’t matter. If necessary, I will still give it up.”

“I’m afraid this is not necessary.”

Keqing shook her head.

Now that everything has been exposed, the Emperor’s plan obviously cannot be carried out.

“What will be the ending of the parallel world? Ningguang asked softly.

Hearing this, Keqing also became curious.

【Kaia】:@【Tartaglia: Bro, are you still going to let Osel out?

【[Wendy]: Yes, Tartaglia, are you still going to let Osel out?

【Yan Fei]: I think the real Liyue also needs a test!

【Tartaglia: You just want me to realize this future so that you can sentence me, right? Don’t even think about it!

【Kaiya]: Hey, this kid is not stupid!

【Osel】:@【Tartaglia: Why did you let me out to get beaten? You’re crazy!

【Dardalia】:@【Osel: Don’t worry! Just wait until you face Brother Wenjie!

【Chapter 1, Scene 3: The Approaching Guest Star】【Begin Comparison】!

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