Chapter 61 Paimon: We are the four most powerful generals of the resistance army!

Xiao Gong helped get some medicine

“”Lin Chen, how are you injured?” Paimeng asked worriedly.

There was still an arc of electricity flashing on Lin Chen’s chest. It didn’t look normal at all!

“It’s not a big deal.”

Lin Chen shook his head.

General Lei Dian’s strength was beyond Lin Chen’s imagination.

If he hadn’t used all his strength to block the knife at the most critical moment, Lin Chen felt that he could not stand up now.

“But it looks scary!”

“It’s just an injury, it will be fine after some rest.”

Lin Chen shook his head without saying anything more.

【[Funina]: This is truly Brother Wenjie’s most embarrassing moment, or it’s the only time I’ve seen him like this!

【[Kaeya]: Alas, although Brother Wenjie is very strong, he is still far from the level of the Seven Rulers of the World. Perhaps he will be able to fight after he obtains another elemental power?

【Wendy: Four kinds are not enough. (Shakes head)

【Zhongli: From a general rational point of view, the five elemental forces combined should be comparable to the demon gods. But there are differences between demon gods, and there are also high and low among the rulers, and the Thunder General is the one who is best at military force.

【Shadow: Inazuma is the best at fighting, but not in Teyvat.

【Tartaglia: What? I thought General Raiden was invincible. There is someone braver than her. Whose general is he?!

【[Funina]: Who else could it be? Brother Baichao, do you think he lived for six thousand years in vain?

【Zhongli: Misunderstanding, I don’t have as strong martial arts as you guys.……

【Wendy: Yes, because normally he doesn’t have to use martial arts, the old man only has that one move, and everything in the world can move!


【Rudraksha: Joy!

【Arata Ichito]: I understand. That means my brother is now second only to General Raiden in Inazuma, right?!

【Albedo: That’s what I mean.

【Tinari: But the gap between him and General Raiden is so huge that it’s hard to believe what it would take to defeat General Raiden.


Lin Chen and the other two were wanted.

They were on their way to Haiji Island.

A few days had passed, and Thomas’s injury had improved a little, but Lin Chen’s injury had not improved much, which made Thomas and Paimeng a little worried.

One thing was that once Lin Chen used the power of the lightning element, the lightning element would shrink, and the pain was so frightening that Paimeng was afraid.

“Maybe you are too strong, so the general has restricted you?” Thomas guessed.


Lin Chen shook his head and said nothing more.

He hadn’t used the power Zhongli had lent him yet, and he could summon Wendy at any time, so he didn’t have much to worry about.

“It’s better to avoid using force during this period.” Paimon advised.


Lin Chen nodded.

On the way to find the rebels, the three met a rebel who was besieged by the shogunate soldiers.

As soon as he appeared, the shogunate soldiers quickly retreated after seeing the three.

Lin Chen’s reputation as a ruthless man who could force the general to retreat two steps has spread among the shogunate army.

“I just scared them away with my face.” Paimon laughed.

The young rebel who was rescued by the three was named Zheping.

Zheping said that the rebels were short of manpower recently, and the three of them just wanted to join the rebels. He planned to introduce the three to the rebel general Goro.

Along the way, Zheping listened to Lin Chen’s deeds with admiration on his face.

“Having a master like you join the resistance army will definitely be a great help! Lord Coral Palace and Lord Goro will definitely be happy!”

Zheping was very excited.

Lin Chen smiled and said nothing.

Along the way, the three found that Zheping was a passionate person.

It’s a pity that he is an ordinary person, but he hopes that one day he can become as strong as Lin Chen, so that he can establish real merits with the sword in his hand

“If you have this intention, you should train yourself more. If you persevere, you will become stronger one day.”Lin Chen said with a smile

“Really? Haha, I’m looking forward to that day!”Zheping nodded repeatedly

“Well, don’t aim too high in this process, always keep your feet on the ground and move forward step by step…Your future achievements will not be low.”

Zheping listened carefully and wrote down everything Lin Chen said in a small notebook.

“Is it necessary?”Paimon thought he was exaggerating.

“Paimeng, you don’t know.” Zheping shook his head seriously and said,”A strong man like Lin Chen is exactly what I yearn for and admire. Write down his words, maybe you can use them someday.”

“Haha, it’s always right to listen to the words of the strong.”Thomas laughed.

Paimon spread his hands.

“Just like if you swing your sword 10,000 times every day, one day you will achieve something in the way of the sword.”Lin Chen said

“Is it really feasible? Zheping is eager to try it.

“Of course it’s true, but you should start by practicing a thousand swings a day. Ten thousand is too much.” Thomas advised.

“I’ve got it!”

Teppei wrote it down quickly.

Not long after, he brought the three to the rebel base.

If what Teppei said was true, he brought the three to meet the rebel general Goro.

After listening to Teppei, Goro looked at the three and said,”You should have heard that the rebels’ current goal is to defeat the shogunate army and overthrow the Eye Hunting Order. This is not an easy task. Everyone who steps into the battlefield may be sacrificed. Tell me why you joined the army. The rebels cannot allow people without the will to fight to join the army. I personally hope that the three of you will think it over carefully.”

“Let me speak first.”

Thoma spoke first,”I broke the law in the shogunate, broke into a prison, resisted arrest, and injured many soldiers of the Tenryo Bugyo… It’s very simple for me to come to the rebels. The general can kill me with one sword, but he can’t take away my God’s Eye and then kill me!”

Loyalty is the most important thing to Thomas.

Losing the God’s Eye means losing his loyalty,���I don’t want to die so miserable.

“Is that so? I understand.”Wu Lang nodded and looked at Lin Chen and Paimeng.

“”Do you know about the 100th Eye of God?” Paimon asked. Wu Lang nodded and said,”I heard a little bit about it. I heard that someone made General Lei Dian retreat two steps.”

“We did it!” Paimon said proudly


Goro was stunned, and said thoughtfully,”The black-haired traveler, the yellow-haired and blue-eyed Fire Elemental God’s Eye holder, and a mysterious flying pet mentioned in the wanted posters I picked up from the Shogunate Army these two days, could they be you?”

“This combination should be rare, right?”Lin Chen said with a smile

“It turned out to be you!”

Wu Lang was shocked and clasped his hands together:”I’m so sorry, I didn’t recognize you three the first time!”

“Can we join the resistance now?” Paimon asked

“Of course, on behalf of the resistance army, I formally welcome the three of you to join us!”

Wu Lang nodded and said,”Madam Coral Palace is not in the resistance army camp at the moment, and we don’t know where she went, but before she left, Madam Coral Palace left a message for us to do as usual.”

“I would like Teppei to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment of the resistance army first, and then ask you to support the front-line operations, is that okay?”

“I have no problem. Lin Chen nodded.

“I have no problem with that either!” Zheping said excitedly

“I…” Thomas scratched his head and said,”I’m not as strong as Lin Chen. I may need to recover from my injuries for two days.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t let seriously injured soldiers go to the battlefield.”I’ll have someone bring you medicine later, I hope you get better soon.” After saying goodbye to Goro,

Teppei led the three of them around the camp.

The atmosphere of the resistance army was unexpectedly much better than that of Inazuma Castle.

“If you ask me, we made the right decision to come to the resistance army.”Lin Chen said with a smile

“How do you say that? Thomas asked curiously.

“”If you take a quick look, it’s much more comfortable here than in Inazuma Castle and the shogunate, right?” Lin Chen said.

Thomas made a comparison secretly and nodded:”That’s true.”

He sighed deeply and said:”I hope this matter will not affect the head of the family and the young lady”

“Otherwise, you should not go to the battlefield. If you are exposed, the Eightfold Son of God may not be able to protect the two of you.”Lin Chen suggested.

Thomas was a little moved when he heard this, but then he shook his head firmly:”No, since we are here, I have to contribute my strength. As for them… the power of Lord Eightfold Palace Master is greater than you and I can imagine!”


Thomas pulled Lin Chen aside and whispered,”Some things the community official does are prompted by the eight-level priest.”


Lin Chen showed an expression of”as expected.””That woman is very scheming. It’s better to have less contact with her, otherwise you will be played to death without knowing it.”

Thomas did not comment.

In fact, the place he least wanted to go was Mingshen Taisha. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The day passed quickly.

At night.

After dinner, Zheping said excitedly:”Five���The adults actually organized the four of us into a small team!”

“Eh? Am I one of them too?”Paimon was very happy to feel respected.

“Of course, Paimon, we will be teammates from now on!”Zheping nodded.[]

“Hehe, I will help you too.” Paimeng said happily

“Should we come up with a name for our group of four?” Thomas suggested.


Paimon racked his brains, and after a while he said firmly:”Let’s call them the Four Heroes of the Rebel Army!”

“You’re still going strong.” Lin Chen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Haha, this title is suitable for Lin Chen and Thomas, but I am not worthy of it yet.”Zhe Ping waved his hand.

“It sounds quite intimidating. Thomas laughed.

“Super domineering!”

Paimon rolled in the air and said,”Hehe, from now on, I will make the Shogunate army tremble when they hear my name Paimon!”

“How about sending Paimeng to the battlefield tomorrow to let her see blood?” Lin Chen suggested.

“Hey, hey, hey, no, no!”

Paimeng was scared again and flew over to admit his mistake:”I am just clinging to you, you are the main force!”

Lin Chen laughed dumbly, and then said:”This name is actually okay”

“Let me think about it, Lin Chen is the tiger guarding the mountain!” Thomas said.

Paimeng hugged her hands and said:”Thomas is a wolf good at fighting!”

Lin Chen said happily:”Paimeng is the drum of retreat”

“Hey!” Paimon stamped his feet angrily.

“Wouldn’t a rice bucket be more appropriate?” Thomas joked.

“Not bad, this is it.” Lin Chen nodded.

“What about me?”Zheping raised his hand.

“you���…A hard-working person!”Paimon said

“I think it’s okay.” Lin Chen nodded.

Thomas also nodded.

0 Ask for flowers

“”Okay! Then I’m the hard-working person!” Zheping nodded.

After chatting for a while, the four of them took a rest.

Lin Chen lay on the bed and pondered for a while before saying,”Paimeng, how do you think we can defeat General Thunder?”


Paimeng was stunned, then said:”Why are you thinking about this? This is not your style, right?”

“If you want to be safe, you must be early.”

Lin Chen sighed and said,”Being safe is not bad, but you can’t lose your enterprising spirit, otherwise how can I reach the end?”

“That seems to be true.”

Paimeng nodded in agreement. She frowned and began to help Lin Chen think.

Lin Chen couldn’t think of any good ideas and lay there bored.

After a while


Paimeng suddenly patted Lin Chen’s shoulder with excitement.

Lin Chen turned his head to look at her, only to see Paimeng laughing and saying,”I have a good idea!”


Lin Chen’s expression became serious.”Tell me about it.” Paimeng whispered,”Well, you find a way to find the trace of the Abyss Cult, and then let the Abyss Mage or Abyss Apostle send a message to your sister… When your sister comes, you can ask her to borrow some power, right?”

【Funina]: Wonderful!

【Wendy]: This is not a rice bucket! I declare Paimon a genius!

【Elhaisen: Although this proposal is a bit abstract, the probability of success is not small. Moreover, Lin Yin has already had a journey. She should be in her prime now. Although it is difficult to determine her strength, I think she is not worse than General Lei Dian.

【Linni]: Ah this, it feels like Mr. Lin Chen really borrowed the power of his sister, and Inazuma might be in a bloodbath. (Covering face)

【Tartaglia: That’s a good idea indeed!

【Qiliangliang]: Inazuma, please don’t let the blood flow like a river!



“Sometimes I think you are really a genius!”

Lin Chen gave Paimeng a thumbs up and continued,”But forget about this method.”

“Why?” Paimon was puzzled.

“It’s not appropriate.”

Lin Chen shook his head and said,”Think about it, the Abyss Cult is more hated than the Fatui in Tevarin Continent. If I use the power of the Abyss Cult… then why would I travel? Just wait to be wanted by everyone.”

“Ah this……”

Paimeng scratched her head, she really didn’t think that much, then she continued:”Then ask Wendy and Zhongli to borrow some more?”

“That’s not the case.”

Lin Chen shook his head and explained:”They are all the seven rulers of the mortal world. Lending their strength to save my life is already the greatest support. It is not appropriate to lend their strength to fight General Lei Dian!”

“What should I do then?”

Paimon had a headache.

“What kind of power can be used in Inazuma?” Lin Chen pondered.

“Worshiping God?”

Lin Chen shook his head after hearing this:”It feels a bit worse.”

“I don’t know.”Paimeng shook his head, unable to think of any solution.

Lin Chen pondered alone.

He raised his palm.

The lines in the palm were clearly visible, and there were one or two arcs flashing.

Paimeng looked at him curiously.

After a long time, Lin Chen said:”I found a very interesting phenomenon.”

“What phenomenon?” Paimon asked curiously.

“When I was fighting with General Raiden in front of the castle tower, I discovered the fluctuation of my wish.”

“The fluctuation of wishes?”Paimeng didn’t understand what he meant.

Lin Chen nodded and said,”It is indeed the fluctuation of wishes. At that time, the wishes on the Thousand-armed and Hundred-eyed statue and Thomas’s loyalty seemed to want to confide in General Lei Dian.”

“At that time…” Paimon thought about it and she found nothing.

“It was quite strange at that time. You suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared again. General Lei Dian took two steps back because of you… What happened at that time?”

Lin Chen described the scene at that time.

“General Raiden holding different weapons… It’s so complicated. Could it be that he is afraid of hurting the people around him, so he dragged you into the field to fight?”

“Not really.”

Lin Chen shook his head.”There is a subtle difference in the aura on her body. If the Thunder General outside is like the Executor as Kamisato Ayaka said, then the General inside seems to have emotions.”


“Well, they are different. Lin Chen was sure

“Are we going to face two generals?” Paimon was horrified.

“That’s not the case.”Lin Chen shook his head

“That’s good, that’s good.” Paimon was slightly relieved,”Does the fluctuation of wishes you mentioned have any effect?”

“I don’t know either.”

Lin Chen shook his head.��”At that time, I was fully focused on facing General Lei Dian, so how could I have the mind to pay attention to anything else?”

“But since those wishes have fluctuations… does it also mean that they can be used?”

PS1: [Fighting the Dragon God] [Dusk Flowing Clouds] [Feilu Book Fans 1318298] [Tizy] [Giratina in Training] [Fu Yan] [Old Pete King] [Le Zi Ren Ling Shi] [Beginning] [Yuan Ran Jing Xing Sheng Wu Regrets] [13965..】【[Dreamland] Thank you for the monthly tickets!

PS2: [The First Idol of Destiny Ai-chan] 100V, [Wild Bee Dance] 100V.【Kick the cripple’s good leg] 100V.【Lord of Light and Shadow】1000V, thank you for the reward! Beg!.

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