"Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Devils? I didn't hear you wrong, right? "

As soon as the commander's words came out, the soldiers below showed a surprised expression.

"Isn't that something from the "live room"? Even very large Warcraft can be killed in one move! "

"Is there really this immortal art?"

"Not kidding, right? I dreamed yesterday that I learned the Seven Killing Order. "

The soldiers apparently couldn't believe it.

They had all seen the power of the seven killing orders of gods and demons in the live broadcast room, and it was obviously immortal art.

Did the immortals really allow them to learn? Moreover, does this spell really exist?

Seeing that everyone was a little restless, Ning Guang stood up.

"Don't worry, this method is obtained by the emperor and handed over to the seven stars."

"From today onwards, you need to master the first form of the Seven Kills Order as soon as possible to deal with more force majeure in the future."


Ning Guang spoke on stage, and Ke Qing was watching.

The result of last night's seven-star discussion was to popularize the first form of the Seven Killing Order of Gods and Devils to every soldier of the Thousand Rock Army.

Commander learns two forms, generals learn three forms.

And the seven stars, you need to master the four forms.

This kind of layer-by-layer control can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Originally, Keqing's proposal was to ban it directly, and no one should learn it.

But others, led by Condensing Guang, felt that its value should be squeezed out.

In the future, Mu Huai and the live broadcast room will definitely have to move, which will still affect the reality of Liyue.

So, a little more strength, a little more insurance.

For example, Mu Huai came up with a bunch of magic weapons.

Keqing felt a pain in his brain.

In the past two days, I have been rushing for Mu Huai's affairs, and my sleep time is seriously insufficient.

If she could, she really wanted to rush into the live broadcast room, go back four thousand years, pull Mu Huai's neckline, and tell him: Don't make trouble!

It was like hearing her inner complaint.

The live room screen began to accelerate.

You can only vaguely see the sky changing from day to moon.

It didn't stop for a long time.

After Ning Guang's speech, a few paragraphs inspired the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

It should be said that he is worthy of being the star of heaven and the richest man in Liyue and a courtesan.

"This is thanks to Mu Huai, Liyue's military strength will be qualitatively improved, and he should be credited."

Keqing hugged his arm and looked flat: "This time is lucky, the Seven Kills Order fell into our hands, I am afraid that next time his inexplicable treasures will be picked up by evil people." "

If you can get treasures, the seven stars can't ask for it.

Annoyance is annoyance, where will Mu Huai's baby appear.

Over the years, the years have changed, who can guarantee that the location will not change?

"That's why we let the Thousand Rock Army learn the Seven Killing Order."

Ning Guang has already wanted to open, after all, he is a businessman, as long as it is beneficial to himself, how miraculous things can be accepted.

From the current point of view, Muhuai's behavior is positive for the development of Liyue.

She prefers to take advantage of the changes brought about by the live broadcast room.

"Well, there is still a long way to go, and we must always adapt to the influence of Muhuai and the live broadcast room."

"Captain Beidou violated discipline again, and the fine was a lot in arrears, and I had to personally urge her."

After speaking, Ning Guang left and went to the port to find Beidou to settle the account.

I don't know how long it took, the speed of the live broadcast room finally stopped.

The picture gradually returned to normal.

Mu Hui could be seen talking to several people in cloth.

"Sorry, Lord Shenjun. The phagocytosac you gave me was lost, and I ask the god to punish it. "

"Lord Shenjun, I wait for the supervision to be ineffective, and if I am guilty, I am willing to punish together."

These five people are a demon squad.

Five hundred people were divided into 100 teams by the acacia and distributed to patrol all over the place.

"It's a small object, if you lose it, you can lose it, and take another one."

What the assembly line produces, Mu Hui does not care at all.

Phagocyst this thing, how much and how much, you can pinch one out at will.

After receiving the leniency of the god king, the five people knelt down and once again plunged into the task of collecting materials.

Mu Huai returned to the final cave mansion and continued to make mechanical beasts.

In the end, he had left and returned to the market to prepare.

Because tomorrow is the day of Morax's visit.

The other side.

On Tianheng Mountain, all the immortals gathered.

Discussing tomorrow's itinerary.

Just as the immortals were saying a word, a large kite with colorful feathers arrived.

As soon as it landed, it turned into a human form and turned into a woman with a graceful figure, brightly dressed and beautiful.

"Narumi Qixia Zhenjun, it's still early today, but you found the treasure again?"

Liuyun teased.

Narumi Sukasumi is a true king who loves to collect rare treasures.

Every day he flew outside, looking for treasures everywhere, and then brought them back to hide.

Every party is the last to arrive.

When you come early, you must bring your baby to show off.

The immortals also cast their gaze one after another.

Sure enough.

Narumi Qixia Zhenjun took out a gadget, "I picked up a treasure in the valley yesterday, although it is not precious, it is cleverly born, look!" "

"It can hold all kinds of objects, and it has the magic method of immortal exterior, but it is better than being compact and portable, and it is larger than the space of a Qiankun bag!"

"I don't know which immortal friend refined the magic weapon, I love it very much!"

The immortals looked closely and saw a small ball, only the size of an ordinary person's eye.

Narumi Shinjun squeezed the magic weapon and suddenly poured out a pile of debris.

When the immortals saw it, it was all ore.

Iron ore, silver ore, stone ore, crystal ore....

There were even fainting three-foot-long monsters, as if they were burned to death.

"To refine a spatial magic weapon, even this immortal will have to spend months."

"Presumably, this magic weapon is also the brainchild of a certain immortal friend, you still return it to others as soon as possible."

Several immortals persuaded.

Narumi Zhenjun put away the magic weapon, and she couldn't bear what she fancy.

"Not yet! Benxian picked it up is Benxian's. If I really meet this immortal friend, I will pay him a treasure. "

[Hu Tao: "Isn't that gadget made by Mu Huai?" What is it called... Phagocysts? "】

[Gan Yu: "The exterior of the immortals can also create space, but it is time-consuming and laborious, and it is not as convenient as 'phagocytosis' and 'nagging'. "】

[Furninga: "This Muhuai is really big and interesting. "】

[Arataki Kazuto: "Hahaha, laugh at Uncle Ben, what Mu Hui made casually, was treated as a treasure by this bird! ] "】

[Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Presumptuous! Where is the night small, do not respect the immortal master! "】

[Wei: "Disrespect the immortal master, be punished."] "】

[Kuki Shinobu: "I'm sorry, I apologize for our boss, he has a bad brain, immortals are not strange! ] "】

Jiu Qi Shinobu had studied and tested in Liyue, and naturally knew that the dignity of the Liyue Immortals was inviolable.

If he doesn't apologize, it's really possible that the immortals will come directly to Inazuma to clean up the boss.

[Arataki Kazuto: "Shinobu, this is a fact, hahahahaha "】


Multiply! Click!

Somewhere in Inazuma, a thunderbolt suddenly descended.

After the thunder, there was no more talk in the group.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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