"Really, the breath is over there, Xiaobai seems to be with Mu Huai."

Ying pointed to the beach in the distance: "Could it be that Xiaobai was discovered, and Mu Huai imprisoned it in a fit of anger?" "

Raiden really admired his sister's brain hole.

"It's good if he is caught, at least there is no danger, solve the misunderstanding, sincerely apologize, Mu Huai is sensible, and will return it to us." I am afraid that I will be eaten by other evil spirits. "

At this time, Lei Dian really hoped that the white fox could be with Mu Huai.

At least Muhuai is a good person.

Together, the True Shadow sisters searched for the breath of the white fox and the shepherd locust, and found a person and a fox on a beach.

As a result, the scene in front of him surprised the shadow and made Zhen cry and laugh.


On the beach, Mu Huai sits on a stone bench, holding paper and pen in his hand to doodle and draw.

And the white fox they are looking for is pushing the back of the locust with its front legs.

From time to time, he also asked affectionately: "Master Muhuai, is this comfortable?" I did it for the first time and can do it better next time. "

Like a little maid.

"Well, good." Mu Hui enjoys a fox massage in the breeze.

One person and one fox, get along extremely comfortably.

I don't know, I thought that the white fox was Muhuai's pet.

Good guy, let you come out to monitor, now massage the person under surveillance, and still so happy.

Leidian really felt strange, how could his little pet become so close to Mu Huai?

How long have you known each other?

She admits that Mu Hui is very attractive, but she won't tame Xiao Bai in one day and one night, right?

That little guy is very clever.

It must have been some means!

Mu Hui is still painting the story of the Sea King.

While working, enjoying a massage, this life is also comfortable.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Sensing the arrival of the Raiden Sisters.

"Master Muhuai, why did you stop? Am I uncomfortable pressing? Then I'll try this trick! "

Fox Palace, thinking that Mu Huai was not satisfied with her service, would stop writing.

In order to see the manga, I worked harder.

The arrival of the original owner was not noticed in the slightest.

It wasn't until two shadows covered her that she realized something was wrong.


"Your Highness?!"

Kitsunomiya was taken aback.

Seeing the face of the Raiden sisters, she remembered that her task was to come out to observe Mu Huai's daily life, and then go back to convey the news so that His Highness could judge Mu Huai's character.

Forgot, forget everything.

"Xiaobai, why don't you return home at night?" Raiden Zhen's expression was serious, but his tone was still soft.

Fox Palace's eyes were dull, knowing that he had made a mistake.

Oh no, that's right!

As soon as the little brain of the Fox Zhai Palace moved, he immediately said to Lei Dian Zhen: "Your Highness, Lord Mu Huai is very kind!" Definitely a good god! "

However, she observed Mu Huai's whereabouts with her own eyes.

It's all good deeds, not doing bad things, and being good to her, can't be a bad person.

At this time, Mu Huai turned around and looked at the Raiden sisters squarely, "Don't blame her, I mistook her for a monster who wanted to sneak up on me and captured her, so she couldn't go back." "

Mu Huai's meaning.

You two sent foxes to spy on me, I'm not happy, how to compensate.

Leidian really knew that he was wrong, and showed an apologetic smile, "This matter is my fault, please forgive me." We really want to make friends with you, that's why we want to know more about you. I beg your pardon for choosing the wrong way for a moment. "

A good trick to steal beams and change columns.

In a word, surveillance is described as promoting feelings.

Who listens and is not confused?

It is only if you are sure of the aftermath that you can send the little white fox out with confidence.

Mu Hui smiled, not losing the ruler who made Inazuma prosper.

It is precisely with this skeptical attitude that Mu Huai can rest assured.

For the suspicion of the Raiden sisters, Mu Hui did not care at all.

On the contrary, he appreciated Raiden Zhen even more.

"So, do you understand?"

Mu Huai asked.

Lei Dian Zhen smiled: "After understanding the kindness and tolerance of the God Monarch, the rest will take a little longer to know." "

Mu Huai couldn't hear the meaning of these words.

I really asked him to give him a step down, and continue to get along with each other in the future.

She has already admitted her mistake, and Mu Huai naturally will not be ignored.

"Then you can start getting to know me now." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Mu Huai handed over the drawing in his hand: "Let's see, are you interested in letting your people appreciate it." "

Taking advantage of the time when Raiden was really guilty, Mu Hui directly started the comic popularization plan.

Zhen took the drawing and looked puzzled: "What kind of picture is this?" "

Seeing that his crisis was lifted, Fox Shrine immediately introduced Raiden Jin: "This is a manga made by Lord Muhuai himself!" Tells a very exciting story! "

Exciting, how exciting?

Zhen smiled slightly, intending to take a good look at this painting.

"Sea King, it's a very ideal theme, I like it."

Pursuing dreams and working hard for them is very in line with the concept of Raiden.

Interest came immediately.

She casually summoned a stone, sat down next to Mu Huai, and admired the comics.

And Lei Movie stared straight at Mu Huai on the side.

From the moment they met, they stared and stared intently.

Mu Hui coped with Lei Dian Zhen, and then looked at her beautiful face, "'Staring at me like this is the first step to understanding me, right?' "

But he listened to the shadow and said calmly: "I'm not good at observing, but I'm good at feeling."

Mu Huai, you must be very strong, duel with me.

It only takes a duel for me to get to know you thoroughly. "

"Shadow, don't be rude." Zhen immediately admonished his sister and turned to apologize to Mu Huai: "My sister is good at martial arts, it sounds a little rude, but she has no malice, she is just not good at expression, you don't have to accept a duel." "

Mu Hui smiled and said nothing.

He must know more about the film than he really knows.

After all, he really died early, and he didn't even show his face in the plot.

Ray Movie, but he watched the transformation step by step.

The duel request was also expected by Mu Huai.

The thunder at the time of the electric fish is intentional.

Prepared for the moment, prepared to attract Ray movies.

Because he knew very well that he wanted to gain Shadow's trust.

In addition to fighting, it is fighting (King Nou's).

One fight can achieve the goal, why not?

But he came on behalf of Liyue, and taking the initiative to duel was a bit of a kick in the hall, which was inappropriate.

You can only choose to seduce the other party and make a duel request.

Mu Hui said lightly: "In that case, I will accept your duel until you understand me." "

When Lei heard the movie, his face showed joy, his wrist shook, and he summoned a beak knife.

[Ferina: "Duel of the gods? Interesting, take a look. "】

[Sugar: "Huh? Just fine, suddenly about to fight? "】

[Yae Miko: "She's the temperament, it's okay, if you don't rush your eyes..."

[Ray Movie:""]

One heart pure land.

Shadow was very entangled in his heart.

As a martial artist, she doesn't want to lose.

But if Maki loses, will he leave Inazuma?

What about my sister?

"No, I can't win, I must lose to Mu Huai."

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