"So that's the case, is this the power of bonds?"

At this time, many people flashed in Arataki's mind,

Those people called his name affectionately, and finally froze on the group photo of the four Arataki faction.

"I must not fall here."

"I want to defeat you and reach the future we can reach!"

Kujo Choro was stunned.

I have absolutely no idea what this fool is smoking.

Mu Huai's comic book read the devil?

But one thing is certain.

Arataki's momentum is indeed stronger than just now.

What did he go through in the moment just now?

Qiu Luo was curious, but did not want to know, and was not interested in everything about this ghost.

"No matter how much you shout, you can't change the reality, if you still want to resist, I don't mind knocking you out."

She was also really speechless.

The others did not dare to fight back, they would only run away or hand over the Eye of God, which was simple and fast.

This fool is the first to fight back in public.

Whether he won or lost, he had to lie in prison.

Wasting her time not to mention it, delaying the General's plan.

"Ah Huang, A Shou, Yuantai, Uncle Ben has come to save you!"

Arataki shouted and rushed towards Tongxin like a bear.

Kujo Choro moved in response.

The black wings of the tengu are unfolded.

Where the fan points to, where the thunder goes.

A bolt of lightning struck Arataki Kazuto, blocking his charge.

The power of thunder and lightning is best used, who is disobedient, direct electricity, electric numbness will be honest.

The trick of Kujo Luo cleaned up a lot of evil people and the slippery.

"Boss! Go ahead, leave us alone! "

The younger brothers burst into tears.

It's like parting life and death.

Arataki Kazuto was electrified, his body tense, and he couldn't move an inch.

But seeing the sad expression of his little brother,

Somehow, there seemed to be some kind of power emerging in the body.

"Hey! Don't underestimate the power of bonds, the soul is weak! "

Arataki shouted loudly, and actually dispersed the thunder and lightning, and his momentum soared.

It's completely bigger and more fierce, which is jaw-dropping.

Allowing more thunder to fall on him was like it had no effect.

Can't hurt him in the slightest.

Kujo Luo frowned, shocked, and his heart was full of thoughts.

Is there really a fetter power?

What kind of force is that?

Arataki Kazuto's sudden surge in strength made Qiu Luo feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

Instinctively, if she went head-to-head with Arataki at this time, she would not be able to take advantage.

Obviously just a prodigal son who has nothing to do, how can he suddenly get mysterious powers?

When the younger brothers saw that Yidou had become stronger, they were immediately excited.

"Boss! It's the power of friendship! You get the power of friendship'! "

"We can really gain the power of friendship!"

Even Arataki Kazuto himself was dumbfounded.

He didn't know how it got worse.

I only felt that there was an emotion at work in my heart, and the blood scene of the comic I had read appeared in my mind, and then it burst out with amazing power.

"Hahahahaha! Nine tengu, this is the power of our bonds, scared, right? "

Ichigo laughed loudly and began to mock Kujo Jura proudly.

Laughed for a long time, gradually.

The momentum on Ichidou's body gradually decreased.

That mysterious power is gone.

"Hey? Ay! Uncle Ben's power? "

A bucket of people is stupid, just now I still feel invincible in the world, now a little weak, what's the matter?

Seeing this, Kujo Yuluo sneered at the corner of his mouth.

But that's it.

"Boss! Have you forgotten? The power of bondage can only last for a while, which is how it is drawn in the comics. "

"Boss, you just got carried away and missed the time."

The words of the younger brothers made Ichidou remember the reason.


He didn't have a second chance to gain the power of bonds.



A bolt of lightning struck instantly.

Electrified Arataki.

Directly fainted.

Kujo took the Eye of God from his waist, and led the people away without looking back.

Leaving the three younger brothers lying on the body of Arataki Kazuto to "cry".

"So what's going on? Is it the power of faith? "

Kujo Choro couldn't understand it at all.

When she got to the next place.

Met another team that received the Eye of God.

But something seems wrong with these colleagues.


When a "He Li" saw Qiu Luo, he immediately stepped forward to report: "Two God Eye holders have just escaped, and more than twenty of us have not stopped them. "


Qiu Luo asked lightly.

He Li replied with a blank look: "It's not very strong, they have already been caught, but as a result, they suddenly shouted bonds, friendship or something, and we inexplicably retreated." "

Friendship and bonding again? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zoro felt something was wrong.

She knew that these were many words that appeared in Muhuai comic books.

I also know that there are many plots in the plot of the comic book where the protagonist turns defeat into victory.

But she knows that the gap in strength cannot be bridged by shouting two words.

Now that it had happened, she was a little shocked.

"'It must have something to do with comic books that suddenly appeared, I'll go and ask someone.'

Qiu Luo left with a cold face.

I plan to go to Yae Miyaji to see what she has to say.


Miko held the comic book in his hand, looking at it and thinking.

"Those few people just now really have the power to bond."

In the process of collecting comic books.

She witnessed several guys who were caught in the eyes.

Those guys suddenly said lines from the comics, and then they really doubled their power.

Even if it's only for a short time, it proves that it really works.

This kind of thing, she has lived so long, it is the first time she has seen it.

"Could it be that Mu Huai's comic books have magical effects?"

Sensitive to magical events, she immediately had a bold guess.

Otherwise, the situation cannot be explained at all.

If that's the case.

After reading all the manga in the shogunate army, wouldn't it be able to get a short-term super buff effect when fighting?

This is simply an ace for the army!

Miko thought about it, but decided to go to Kage and make it clear in person.

If she doesn't meet, then no one is to blame.


Ancient times.

The castle tower.

Mu Hui held the white fox in his arms and stroked the fox.

Refreshments are placed on the table for an afternoon of leisure.

After getting along day and night, Fox Palace and Muhuai have also become very close.

The more accustomed to Mu Huai's tricks, it is better than the real technique of thunder and lightning.

So I often accompany Mu Huai, not just to read comics.

"It's been more than a month, can't you?"

He drew comics for a month in a row.

The entire island of Narugami has also been baptized by manga.

But the system's rewards are still not earned.

Presumably, people in the future should see his comics in the live broadcast room.

Or there should be comics that will be passed down and appear in the future.

"The crumb fox must be the happiest one."

Just thinking.

The system finally appeared.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the event and getting a random reward x2...].

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