
Mu Huai had a thought.

The system used "domineering" for him.

Mu Hui himself did not feel any big difference.

It doesn't seem to be any different from usual.

It seemed that because of the first use, a coercive pressure instantly spread out from his body to all around.

Fortunately, Mu Huai noticed it in time and took it back.

If this is released, I am afraid that the castle tower will be quiet for a while.

There seemed to be no movement in his arms.

Mu Hui looked down.

It was found that the fox palace was motionless, and the demon power also stopped absorbing, it turned out to be ~ fainted.

"Accidentally injured, let you suffer the disaster of innocence."

Obviously, when he just got domineering, one accidentally released it.

The nearest fox palace bore the brunt and was stunned.

Now her cultivation is still shallow, and it is normal that she can't stop it.

Mu Huai crossed some demon power to her and woke her up.

As soon as Fox Zhai Palace came back to his senses, his expression was sluggish, "What happened to me just now?" Isn't it practicing? How could I dream that Lord Muhuai kissed me? "

Your dream...

Mu Hui was crying and laughing, completely unable to associate the little white fox in front of him with the big monster that was popular with Inazuma in the future.

Fox Palace can't see domineering special effects.

But the live broadcast room can see it clearly!

Mu Huai's body suddenly spread a fluctuation out, and the Fox Palace fainted.

[Xingqiu: "Domineering! That must be domineering, the Sea King appeared inside! I'm not mistaken! "】

[Collet: "I remember that there are three kinds of domineering, right, the one that can stun the target is the overlord color. "】

[Tinari: "Collet, you learn these very quickly, when will you be able to memorize the complete text of Tivat?"] "】

[Amber: "Come on Collet! "】

[Bennett: "Wow~! Is there really a domineering spirit in the Sea King? Mu Hui is so powerful, I like the overlord color domineering the most! "】

[Condensing light: "In the comics, it is said that domineering can compete with the power of nature, if there is really a domineering power, can it easily crush the Eye of God? "】

[Xeno: "In this case, you don't need to do anything to catch the prisoner, you want to." "】

[Furninga: "Mortals, the temperament of kings, only the gods can bear. "】

[Navillette: "Ferina, please say two less. "】

[Elheisen: "Kavi, the best choice to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, it feels better than the Eye of God. "】

[Kavi: "You guy, you must be trying to stun me with domineering, right? With bad intentions, you must not have the color of the overlord! "】

[Elheisen: "I didn't name you, you admitted that you were a miscellaneous soldier. "】

[Kavi: "You Aite, said you didn't name it? "】

[Fischer: "This royal daughter knows that the king of navigation is the autobiographical story of Mu Huai, domineering and devil fruit, Mu Hui must have it. "】

[Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "Nonsense, how did Ben Xian not know that he had these? "】

Since Mu Huai's domineering special effects are exactly the same as those of the comics.

Comic fans in the live broadcast room immediately recognized it.

But in the reality of Muhuai, there are no visual effects.

I can only feel that there is a coercive roof.

For example, the castle tower.

Raiden Zhen and Ray Movie are walking on the road.

"Lord Omisho, be fine."

The angels of God are respectful.

They are people who communicate between gods and humans, and their status among the people is second only to that of gods.


It was like some shockwave had passed by, hitting their brains.

The sky swirled in front of him, his eyes turned white, he lost consciousness, and fell to the ground one after another.

That is, the kung fu of the blink of an eye, the god messenger who was still greeting the human being one second, rolled his eyes the next second.

And it's scoped.

Everyone in a circle fainted.

People outside the circle, safe and sound.

Raiden was really stunned.

What happened again?

Why did coercion attack the castle tower?

Moreover, this sense of oppression is very strong, and she definitely can't release it.

The momentum that can instantly stun human beings, even Ying can't do it, let alone say that she is a literati.

Feeling the pressure, Ying immediately alerted and looked for the source.

It turned out that it was the old place again.

"It's still in Mu Huai's room..." (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

I don't understand, why are strange things always related to Muhuai?

"This feeling, this picture... Shadow, is it a bit like the overlord color domineering? "

The picture of the miscellaneous soldier fainting, Raiden Zhen immediately thought of the bridge in the comic.

The overlord-colored domineering can instantly scare the weak people around him into unconsciousness, just like the current situation.

Ying was puzzled: "But why did Muhuai do this?" "

Really shook his head.

But knowing that it was related to Mu Huai, the two were slightly relieved.

Man was ordered to place the fainted angel.

Then hurry over to see what new things Mu Hui is doing.


Mu Huai also realized that he had made trouble.

The envoys who served him nearby were all accidentally injured.

It's really ashamed, the first time I loaded the overlord color, it was leaked.

Just the domineering nature of the leak will also cause such a small consequence, which shows its power.

Fortunately, it converged in time, otherwise the entire castle tower could only stand three.

But Mu Huai had to go to the aftermath later.

Because now there are more important things.

After the fox palace woke up, he continued to absorb demon power to practice.

Her demon power is getting higher and higher.

It is constantly compressed, and it is about to break through a critical point.

Mu Hui knew that she was going to take shape.

Power produces qualitative transformation.

Like a snake molting, a little weaker than usual.

Mu Hui had to help her protect the Dharma.

"Transformation, the pet that can let me personally protect the Dharma, you are the first."

The voice fell for a moment.

The fox body of the Fox Palace was wrapped in demon power.

Majestic power burst out.

To outsiders, it looks very imposing, and in Mu Huai's eyes, it is like a child who has grown from one year old to one and a half years old.

The shape of the demon force changes from the sphere.

Gradually elongated.

Condensed into the silhouette of a woman.

[Yae Miko: "Finally reached the step of incarnation, I've waited too long. "】

[Gan Yu: "I remember that the Fox Palace has a very beautiful appearance..."

[Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: "How beautiful can it be?] "】

[Yingda: "How beautiful? "】

[Felling: "I haven't seen it."] "】

After the Demon God War, Ganyu worked in the human world and had a relationship with Inazuma, so he knew Kitsuna.

Other immortals lived in seclusion deep in the mountains, naturally they had never seen it.

But they have a unified idea.

Here comes a "vixen"!


Suddenly, the live broadcast room went black.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

[Yoomiya said: "I haven't seen it yet, why is it dark?"] "】

[Sugar: "What exactly did the fox palace look like?"] "】

[Lisa: "Think about it, when will the screen go black in the live broadcast room?" "】

[Kelly: "When Big Brother Muhuai entered the cave mansion! "】

[Jean: "Kelly!! "】

(It's too late to eat these two days, so there are only three more.) child).

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