With an attitude of doubt.

Raiden Zhen identified himself in the face of the gacha machine according to Muhuai's request.

Mu Hui was still wondering.

Is this facial recognition reliable?

The True Shadow sisters look exactly the same.

That is, the location of the tear mole is one left and one right.

Other characteristics are not obvious, will it really be drawn, and the shadow will be judged to have no chance because of the same appearance?

Bite! The certification is successful, and the gacha is being drawn.

The gacha machine gave a prompt.

Frightened, Raiden took a step back.

"This object, it's strange."

As she complained, a gacha fell out of the exit~.

The round gacha that I really picked up and looked at was a sphere without any highlights.

Very light.

"How do I open this?"

She handed the ball to Mu Hui and asked him to teach.

Mu Huai verbally instructed: "Hold the upper and lower hemispheres, and open them as soon as you twist them left and right." "

Really carefully unscrewed the gachap.

I feel like I hear something new.

There is a wonderful thrill of exploring the unknown.

When the gacha is opened.

What catches your eye is a ball in half of a red and white.


Is this luck?

As soon as it enters the soul, it goes straight to it.

"This is called the Pokéball, and it is a prop that allows Pokémon to live and rest."

"Just turn on the switch and you can put Pokémon out."

Mu Hui pointed to the switch of the Fairy Ball.

Unexpectedly, this gacha machine also comes with a Poké ball.

Simply sweet.

He began to look forward to what kind of Pokémon he could really open.

Really pressed the switch, a beam of light was emitted and fell to the ground.

Then the beam condenses into shape.

The light dissipated.

Mu Hui saw the appearance of the Pokémon clearly.


Lalu Lasse has a white body, and its green hair covers most of Lalulas's face.

Its hair is separated by two flat red horns inserted in the middle, one larger facing forward and one smaller one behind.

The eyes are red.

It's very small, less than half a meter, and it looks very cute.

I didn't expect her to get such a Pokémon.

Superpowers, leprechaun lineage.

Larulas can keenly use the red horns on his head to capture the feelings of people and Pokémon.

Although it is almost impossible to appear in front of people, it will lean over after feeling positive emotions, and hide in the shadows after feeling hostility.

It is said that it appears to people who are in a happy mood, tends to be close to people who are in a cheerful mood rather than those who are in a low mood, and there is no distinction between men, women, and children.

After it captures the warmth of people and Pokémon with its red horns, its whole body warms up slightly.

[Sugar: "Such a cute elf, I thought it would be scary."] "】

[Kelly: "It's like Sister Sugar!"] It's all green! "】

[Nilu: "It's really cute, I want to hug it."] "】

[Yun Pansy: "She's shy, so smart. "】

[Yura: "It doesn't look very powerful, I'm afraid I can't even hold the Zephyr Sword." "】

[Tinari: "Maybe you will use elemental power to strengthen your body?" "】

[Dadalia: "I think I can throw it ten meters away with one hand, and I feel that Muhuai's evaluation of Pokémon is a little moist." "】

[Bennett: "Some small creatures are also very powerful, such as Ray Slime, which does not look big, and the electric man can hurt. "】

[Beidou: "Cute is cute, look weak can't help the wind, don't like it. "】

Most people are still Yan Control.

All attracted and praised by Lalulas's appearance.

Some aggressive people only care about what Mu Huai said about surpassing the demon god.

Do you really want to have that kind of Pokémon as a pet, gee, life can't take off in place?

Thunder and lightning really belong to the cute control.

Seeing Larulas's cute and shy appearance, he was immediately shot in the atrium. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Can't help but reach out and hold it.

Larulas resembles a little princess in a white dress.

It's just, a little too shy.

With slender little hands, cover your face, and then open a gap, revealing a clear and beautiful big eye, curiously peeking at the owner.

When it really touches the red tentacles of Larulas.

It immediately sensed the real emotions of Raiden.

Positive, gentle, wonderful...

All the positive emotions it likes, there really are.

The infected Lalu Lass took the initiative to stick to the palm of her real hand and held her thumb.

There is the same joy on the little face as the owner.


It makes a soft cry.

In Muhuai and Ying, and even the people in the live broadcast room, they all heard simple shouts.

Do not understand.

On the contrary, Raiden was really surprised.

"It's called my master!"

"Yes? But all I heard was a scream. Is it very spicy? Shadow glanced at Larulas.

I feel that this little thing is used as a pet at most.

It's just pretty.

Mu Hui explained for them.

"Her name is Larulas, she is a goblin and superpower line, she has telepathic properties at the beginning of incubation, and can communicate with the owner telepathically, which others cannot understand."

"Moreover, this little guy can evolve into a Pokémon named Shanado, beautiful and powerful, able to predict the future, teleport, and even use superpowers to create small black holes."



Foreseeing the future?

Miniature black holes?!

A series of rare and rare words came out of Mu Huai's mouth.

It's all about describing this shy little guy.

Unbelievable, Shadow tilted his head, thinking that this was too exaggerated.

The two sisters were surprised.

The audience in the live broadcast room also couldn't believe that these words could appear on Lalulas.

[Elheisen: "It's excessive, telepathy I can accept, make small black holes, there are also related theories. Foreseeing the future is beyond the scope of theory. "】

[Zhong Li: "In terms of universal reason, the power to predict the future involves time. "】

[Furninga: "Impossible, I, Fontaine Water God, Fcarus, don't believe in my real name! "】

[Nasida: "Mu Huai can always do things that are unexpected beyond common sense, maybe, really?" "】

[Ning Guang: "No matter what, predicting the future is a bit over the standard. "】

[Kelly: "Alice, Mom, what is a black hole? A dark hole? Elves can dig holes, that's awesome! "】

[Alice: "Black holes... It is a dark cloud with a lot of gravity, even the sunlight will be eaten by it, the big house in Mondstadt can be eaten, baby Kelly sees something dark, you must hide away. "】

[Kelly: "Can the door of the confinement room be eaten?"] The gate eaten by the black hole, you won't blame Kelly. "】

[Kaia: "Can there really be a black hole more dangerous than Kelly's bomb?" Hahaha. "】

[Lushan: "Pinch a black hole with your bare hands? Incredibly, I believe it predicts the future. "a].

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