The three of them walked to the entrance of the C-level hall to see if there was any commission to fight monsters.

"Let me see..." Lin Yuan's eyes swept over a pile of commissions:

[Commission type: Recruitment]

[Commission content: The Knights of Favonius urgently recruits the following positions: guards, financial accountants, file managers... assessment required , once approved, entrusted with an important task...]

[Commissioned funds: with a staffing plan, salary negotiable]

Paimon scratched his head: "Um... the Knights' recruitment advertisement has been posted to the Adventurers' Association..."

"But I Already a little genius knight, hehe! Next one! "

[Commission type: Recruitment]

[Commission content: Chengxi Winery urgently recruits the following positions: guards, financial accountants, file managers... Need to be assessed, once passed, commission With a heavy responsibility...]

[Commissioned funds: No establishment, but definitely higher than the salary of the Knights of Favonius! 】

Three people: "......? Master Diluc really doesn't miss any opportunity to target the Knights of Favonius."

Lin Yuan glanced at the D-level hall and B-level hall next door and found that both had these two recruitment notices. Advertisement, it seems that the Knights and Dawn Winery should have released all from A to F.

Generally speaking, after the client publishes the commission in the Adventurer's Association, Catherine and others will grade the commission and distribute it to different halls. Improve work efficiency.

But the Knights of Favonius and Dawn Winery are obviously rich people, and as the local bosses of Mondstadt, they naturally have the ability to let the Adventurer's Association post their commissions in every hall.

However These two commissions are of no use to the three people. What they need is a commission to kill monsters.

After reading seven or eight commissions, I finally found a suitable one:

[Commission type: Clearing monsters]

[Commission content: Please go to the Knights to find the cavalry captain Mr. Kaia for details]

[Commission funds: Mr. Kaia said to be negotiated] "Kaia? Issued a commission to exterminate monsters? Why didn't he use his own cavalry?" Paimon was confused when he saw the commission.

"Maybe it's because his cavalry is just in name only," Lin Yuan said to Paimon Meng explained: "Think about it, the Knights are so short of people, and Kaia doesn't even have a warhorse, so he must be a commander without troops."

Ying nodded: "What you said makes sense, then we will accept this commission. "Of course I'll take it. Anyway, we're all leveling up by beating monsters. It doesn't matter who we fight for or where we fight. I just want to see what Kaia wants to do." Lin Yuan took over the commission, and then the three of them went to Xifeng The Knights.

"Hello, honorable knights!" The guards standing guard at the entrance of the Knights were very energetic. As soon as the three approached, they shouted slogans with high spirits.

"Eh! You scared me!" Paimon covered his pounding heart.

"Hahahaha, how are you three? This is a special arrangement by me. It's a special treatment for the great hero of Mondstadt and the knight of honor."

Kai Ya came out and laughed when he saw Paimon was frightened, but he felt a little disappointed when he saw Lin Yuan and Ying were not frightened.

"Ahhh! Kaiya! You will These bad ideas! The scum of the Knights! "Paimon stamped his feet, looking very annoyed.

"Oh, okay, okay! I was just joking, but since you scared little Paimeng, I must apologize."

When he heard the words "apology", Paimeng snorted coldly , turned his head away: "You're smart! How do you want to compensate me?"

"Well... how about giving you a horse?"

"Horse?" Paimon thought for a moment and shook his head: "I can fly! I want you to Why buy a horse? It's better to have a good meal!"

"Oh no, you mean a horse? Where did Mond get a horse?" Paimon found the blind spot.

Lin Yuan and Ying also looked at Kaia curiously. As far as they know, all the horses of Mondstadt were taken away by Captain Falgar, and now Kaeya is just a bare cavalry captain without a horse.

No, Lin Yuan suddenly remembered something. Before attacking the three temples, Kaia said that he was breeding war horses. Could it be that...

Kaia glanced at the commission in Lin Yuan's hand: "Haha, it's you three. Please accept the commission I posted in the Adventurer's Association."

"I was worrying about this matter. Thank Qianfeng and Fengshen. Since it is you three, this matter should be a sure thing."

"Speaking of which What is going on?"

"Haha, don't worry, little Paimon, come in and talk to me in my office."

The three of them walked into the Knights.

After entering, Lin Yuan found that there were many messy people in the hall.

"Haha, don't be surprised, the three of you, after the dragon disaster was resolved, Mondstadt was also on the right track, and the Knights naturally had to recruit people to maintain law and order. These are the people who came to apply."

Kaia explained to the three people, and then took them into his office.

After closing the door, Kaia no longer kept them in suspense: "Anyway, it's about my plan to reorganize the cavalry team."

"Reorganize the cavalry team?"

"That's right," Kaia nodded to Lin Yuan: "The Knights recently recruited people, and some of them were assigned to my cavalry team, so the problem now is that there are only people but no horses. Can it still be called cavalry without horses?

"You also know that Captain Falga took all the war horses away on the expedition before, and ordinary horses can't bear the responsibility of war horses."

"So I plan to find a place to train war horses for my cavalry team."

"But you also know that although Mondstadt's terrain is mostly plains and hills, which is suitable for raising horses, most of the places are currently undeveloped and there are many monsters. ”

“With the Knights, given the recent workload, it will take who knows when to finish. So the fact that you three can come here is really like the messengers sent by the Wind God to save a mortal like me!”

“Wow, don’t say it so corny,” Paimon touched the goose bumps on his body: “But don’t worry, we are professionals in clearing out monsters, just leave it to us!”

“Yeah, of course I believe this. Well, anyway, this is the horse farm I selected, and you just need to clear out the monsters there. "

Kaia took out a map of Mondstadt and drew a circle on it.

Lin Yuan took a look and found that it was actually the Windward Mountains. Although this place was not very flat in the game, the situation in reality was different.

The Windward Mountains in reality were indeed surrounded by small hills, but the center was a huge plain.

And there was a wide river in the middle of the plain, which nourished the surrounding land. The weeds were endless, and it was definitely a holy place for raising horses.

And the transportation conditions in the Windward Mountains were not bad. Mondstadt could take the Whispering Forest as a land route and the Wine Lake as a water route. In addition, it was connected to the ocean in the north and had an abandoned port.

However, according to the current development of Mondstadt, I am afraid that the port will be revitalized soon.

By then, the Windward Mountains will be very popular. Kaia has a vision for development and took this land in advance, waiting for the appreciation of the horse farm in the future.

"Okay, if you are ready, let's go. It's better to go sooner rather than later. "

Kaia took out a map of the monster distribution in Wangfeng Mountain from the drawer of his desk and handed it to Lin Yuan.

"So? How do you calculate the entrusted funds?" Lin Yuan did not forget this.

"Oh, right, Kaeya, you want to fool us again!"

After being reminded by Lin Yuan, Paimon remembered that he had not mentioned the money yet.

"Haha," Kaeya smiled awkwardly. He had recruited too many people recently and he was still a little short of funds. He originally wanted to make a big promise first, but looking at the eyes of the three people, it didn't seem like they could be easily fooled by him.

"How about this, after the matter is done, each person will get 100,000 Mora, plus 3,200 raw stones, and I will pay you half in advance. ”

Generally, to clear this number of monsters, the entrusted funds must be more than three times higher than Kaeya’s bid, but since the Knights are short of money recently, it is not impossible to consider...

Seeing the three people hesitating, Kaeya gritted his teeth and said, "In this way, you can take the treasure chests you find when clearing monsters, as well as the monster drops, for yourself. In addition, when the war horses are well raised, I will give you three more for free!"

"Okay, it's decided," Lin Yuan was about to agree when he heard Kaeya's additional conditions. He quickly grabbed Kaeya's hand, as if he was afraid that Kaeya would go back on his word.

Monster drops are secondary. The main thing is that a good war horse is very scarce. This thing can't even be bought with money.

As far as he knows, Mondstadt is the only place in Teyvat that is suitable for raising horses.

Most of Liyue's land is steep mountains, so raising goats is okay.

Inazuma is not to mention it. Most places are not suitable for living. The place is not suitable for living.

Xumi is not suitable either, because it is a place with nothing but rainforest and desert, and there are already local pack animals, so horses can't compete.

As for Fontaine... Lin Yuan thinks it is better to raise domesticated fish.

Nata is not suitable either, because the magma and mountains are not suitable for raising horses.

Let's not talk about Zhidong, unless Kaia breeds horses that can survive in the snowy mountains.

In this way, the rarity of horses has increased, and it is not an exaggeration to say that rare goods are worth living.

It is conceivable that once Kaia breeds war horses, they will be very popular.


When Kaiya saw that Lin Yuan agreed so quickly, he knew that he had spoken too quickly, but he was too embarrassed to take it back, so he could only comfort himself that good work pays well.

Then he took 150,000 Mora and 1,600 rough stones from the finance office and gave them to Lin Yuan as a deposit.

"Mora, you can deposit it on our card, so you don't have to pay in cash," Lin Yuan took out the membership cards of the three people.

"Okay," Kaiya took Mora and the membership cards of the three people and went to the finance office again.

"As for the 1,600 rough stones," Lin Yuan stared at the shiny gems in the treasure chest. In his last life, he ran around and worked hard for this thing for half his life, but he didn't expect that he would have to work for this broken thing after traveling through time.

He looked at Ying and Paimeng: "We won't take these rough stones away, just draw them, who will you draw?"

"Let Ying draw, my skills are too energy-consuming, and I can't use them if I pay gold again," Paimeng shook his head.

"Well," Ying no longer refused to be polite, and directly charged the original stone into the lottery panel.

Then the original stone in the treasure chest turned into a gas and disappeared, and the lottery panel had an extra 1,600 original stones.

[Pray ten times! ]

"Oh, another gold!" Lin Yuan saw a golden light flash across the lottery panel, and then the image of a high-tailed wanderer appeared on it.

Congratulations on getting the skill: [Way of the Wanderer].

"Great!" Ying and Paimon clapped happily.

Currently, there are only five golds in the prize pool: Yasuo's [Way of the Wanderer], Blademaster's [Meditation], Big Bug's [Feast], Dog Head's [Soul Draining Blow], and Annie's [Wrath of Tibers].

Currently, except for [Wrath of Tibers], all other skills have been drawn.

As Ying finished drawing, the lottery panel in Lin Yuan's perspective had an extra 1,600 original stones, and the [Upgrade] button in the lower left corner lit up.

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