The day before yesterday was a long one, but the day was long.

For many Liyue people, it was another ordinary, dull and boring day.

Ningguang and the other three hurried to the General Affairs Department of the Qianyan Army. The guards guarding the door saw that the people who came were Ningguang of Tianquan Star and Beidou, the big sister of the [Southern Cross Fleet]. Although the third person looked unfamiliar, he must be an extraordinary person to be able to travel with Ningguang and Beidou. He immediately knelt on one knee and said in unison:

"Lord Ningguang!"

Nodding slightly, Ningguang walked into the General Affairs Department of the Qianyan Army without looking back, and Beidou and Ye Lan followed closely behind.

"You are so lucky! You have only been on guard for three days and you have met two top figures in Liyue!"

The older of the two guards brushed off the dust on his pants and said to the young man next to him: "Come and play a few games with me after get off work. Everyone said that Ningguang and Mora came to visit. You can't waste such good luck!"

The young man nodded repeatedly, and began to look forward to it.

He is a rich man who can be ranked among the top in the whole continent. If he can really get a little bit of wealth, won't he have no worries about food and drink for the rest of his life?

"Lord Ningguang, you are here!"

The Qianyan officer on duty took two steps at a time and was about to salute, but Ningguang asked anxiously:

"Take me to where you have detained those four people who are immoral."

"Lord Ningguang, are you talking about the man and two women with Lady Keqing?" The officer looked puzzled, scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "They have been released."


Oh my god, will it affect my career?

Seeing Ningguang's face change drastically, the officer hurriedly explained: "Because there is a guarantee from Lady Keqing, and according to Lady Keqing, the four people are conducting an experiment called weighted running, so..."

"What about this report?"

"Sister Beidou, isn't it said in the latest revised security code that every step of maintaining order should be recorded? First, the four people were arrested for the crime of violating moral standards, and later it was found that it was Lady Keqing, so, so it was a misunderstanding."

"Lord Ningguang, Sister Beidou, this is the relevant record, please read it."

According to regulations, the patrol team of the Qianyan Army to maintain order has a strict work process, and all kinds of records cannot be missing, so-

Just turned the first page, and what caught the eyes of the three people was a body that looked quite good. It only used linen trousers as an apron to cover the key parts, and the abdominal muscles and chest muscles that were enough to make many mature women drool were exposed.

That's right, it's Qin Yu!

Compared to Beidou and Ye Lan who still unconsciously glanced at Qin Yu in the middle of the picture, Ningguang's eyes were fixed, and her towering breasts rose and fell in a moving arc. Even though it was not clear in the photo, the person Qin Yu was carrying behind him was dressed exactly like Master Liuyun Jiefeng!

The two of them?

The officer looked up from time to time at the three people who were concentrating on looking at the picture, and complained in his heart.

By the way, why can't I take part in this experiment?

Even though two or three hours have passed, the officer can still clearly recall the erotic scene.

Let's not talk about Lady Keqing, the remaining two women are more beautiful than each other, just like immortals!

I don't know what's so good about that little guy who hasn't grown up yet. He has no physical strength and no endurance. Maybe he is still a virgin. Why do women like this?

"Lord Ningguang, someone at the scene identified the man in the photo as Qin Yu, an adventurer who has been in the limelight in Liyue Harbor recently. As for the other two, they are unwilling to say more. In addition, Lady Keqing is here, so we..."

"You did a great job on this matter. Thank you for your help."

The officer felt flattered when he heard the praise from Ningguang of Tianquan Star, and he laughed unconsciously.

When they walked out of the General Affairs Department, the expressions on the faces of the three people could only be described as rich.

"In this case, I just have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Beidou bowed and clasped his hands, and left immediately, while Ye Lan muttered softly and said goodbye to Ningguang.

Looking at the two people's backs, she gently touched her chin with her delicate hand and said to herself:

"Looking like this, maybe the three of us will get together again soon!"

In the warm room, the light sunlight gently hit the boy's handsome face, and there was a cup of steaming green tea on the cabinet beside the bed.


I don't know how long it took, the boy opened his eyes and looked at the strange man in the room.

Seeing the familiar ceiling, he glanced at the layout of the room again. It was definitely his own home.

Shen He's room?

What's the matter with this missing memory? Is it a blackout?

Qin Yu only remembered that he carried Keqing and Liu Yun Jie Feng on his back and ran away. Why did he wake up and go home?

Hey hey hey!

What's the matter with the restraint between his legs! ?

He touched his hands down and quickly lifted the quilt to see that Ku Cha Zi was dressed neatly...

Taking a breath, Qin Yu couldn't believe that such a thing would happen to him one day.

If it was true, then he would be... too happy, right?

I just don't know, who was the one who did it personally, Shen He or Liu Yun Jie Feng?

Anyway, it's better to get up quickly!

When Qin Yu exerted force on his waist and his head was about to leave the pillow, the pain in his waist, like a needle piercing and an axe chopping, instantly spread throughout his body.

Although Qin Yu was used to enduring and even enjoying pain during his sparring with Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and Shen He, this pain was completely different from the previous one!

It hurt and was sore.

And a little... uh, weak.

It was like going through a long-lasting war with continuous artillery fire, and it was a person facing thousands of troops alone!

In this case, shouldn't normal men have a very normal reaction after waking up from sleep?

Second brother, are you okay?

Qin Yu gritted his teeth in grief and anger, supporting his body with his arms, but his waist was so painful that he had to give up in the end.

"Ah, Junior Brother, you're awake!"

Shen He quickly straightened Qin Yu and brought a bowl of blue-black, viscous, white unknown liquid floating on the surface. "Junior Brother, well, it's a little difficult to explain, Master will explain it to you later."

Qin Yu's eyes went dark and he almost fainted again.

What happened!

"Your physical condition is a little bad!" Shen He almost couldn't hold back his tears when he said this. A crystal teardrop hung on his long eyelashes. Then he turned his head away, forced a smile, and said sweetly:

"This is the medicine that Master and Mr. Bai Shu prescribed according to your physical condition."

"Junior brother, be good, come, drink the medicine, open your mouth, ah——"

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