The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of clouds.

On the Yujing Terrace, thousands of clouds gathered and thousands of trumpets rang out.

The atmosphere was completely different from the invitation ceremony of the immortals a dozen days ago. It was solemn and silent, and everyone present showed sadness.

The god who had protected the land of Liyue for thousands of years and the rock god that the people of Liyue believed in sincerely had left forever.

The leader was Ningguang, one of the current seven stars. She had her long silver hair tied up high and was wearing an elegant black cheongsam embroidered with a long dragon and a flying phoenix in gold thread, which made her look graceful and noble.

Following behind were Ganyu, the head of Yuehai Pavilion, and Keqing, the Yuheng Star, and others, all holding a pure heart.

Although Ying and Paimon were the organizers of the Immortal Sending Ceremony, they could only line up at the back and helplessly look at the remains of the emperor covered with white cloth in the center.

According to Tartaglia, the remains of the Rock King Emperor will definitely be strictly guarded by the Seven Stars of Liyue, and there is no possibility for others to get close.

The only way is to become a staff member of the Immortal Sending Ceremony and wait for an opportunity.

But in these days, Ying has never seen the remains except running around with Zhongli to collect materials. Now, how can he get close in public!

"Laughing duck..."

Ying muttered softly, and the next second he was surprised to find that the guest Zhongli walked slowly to the center and began to recite the emperor's achievements.

On the other side, the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, the True Lord Lishui Dieshan and others frowned and looked sad.

Among all the titles of the Rock King Emperor, there is the title of [Immortal Ancestor].

In other words, these immortals with different forms and personalities are more or less related to the Rock King Emperor Morax.

Shen He stood at the end of the team, looking at the lonely back of the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, thinking about another thing in his mind.

Why did Junior Brother Qin Yu not have to participate in such an important ceremony after saying a few words in the Master's ear?

"…The eulogy is finished."

The Rebirth Hall has gone through seventy-seven generations since its establishment. The person who organized the ceremony of sending immortals was the most knowledgeable guest Zhongli. The whole ceremony was solemn but not too sad, which not only highlighted the achievements of the Rock King Emperor, but also did not make people too immersed.

Even Ningguang, who had the most discerning eyes on the Yujing Terrace, had to admit that this ceremony of sending immortals should be organized in this way.

At the same time, the figure who read the eulogy in front of everyone was also firmly remembered in his mind.

At the highest point of Tianheng Mountain, a slender and upright figure sat against a huge rock.

Sometimes he looked down, sometimes he looked at the distant view.

After arriving at the continent of Teyvat, the gears of fate began to turn.

The general direction remained unchanged, but the details had already changed quietly without his noticing.

At this moment, everything seemed to be still as expected, but after a series of things that happened to Inazuma before, Qin Yu knew that it must be different from his memory.

If the vortex demon god Osel will eventually break the seal, at which node will it be?

Half an hour later, accompanied by a melodious sound of bells ringing throughout Liyue Harbor, everyone understood——

The ceremony of sending off the immortals ended.

It also means that the future of Liyue Harbor depends on humans themselves!

Qin Yu took out the master-servant contract between him and Master Liuyun Jiefeng from his arms, and thought of all the things that had happened in the past few days, and smiled softly.

A few seconds later, Qin Yu was about to tear the contract into pieces, but he stopped again after a cut.

It was a bit of a loss to let go of the delicious bird so easily, and... Qin Yu thought about how much Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun had wronged and embarrassed him after he became his nominal master.

If he didn't collect some interest at the end, would it be worthy of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun?

Qin Yu didn't get up until the crowd below dispersed. He walked down Tianheng Mountain. When he reached the mountainside, he met Ningguang's personal maid again.

There were two again this time, Baiwen and Baixiao.

"Sometimes I'm really curious about how you know where I am."

"Mr. Qin Yu, Lord Ningguang invites you to the Qunyu Pavilion for a chat." Baiwen said softly.

Baixiao next to him smiled gently and said, "Perhaps you can get answers to other questions from Lord Ningguang in person?"

He was halfway through his words when a bright meteor rose from the ground and rushed straight to the Qunyu Pavilion in the sky.

Ningguang had just climbed up to the Jade Pavilion when she noticed someone relaxing on his recliner not far away. She said loudly:

"It's not a good habit to enter someone else's house without knocking!"

"It's also not a good habit to wait for others to come and then be late.

? "

"Other people don't seem to be as 'fast' as you!"

The two smiled at each other, and Ningguang invited Qin Yu to her usual work place.

Although it was well organized, it looked a little messy because there were too many papers and books.

"I heard that you were stabbed!"

Qin Yu didn't know if it was okay, but it was still a bit sad to be told by a woman in person.

If the genders were swapped, at least Qin Yu didn't want him to have only one kidney left. If that was the case, wouldn't it affect the quality of life?

"Well, although there is one less, it feels more... uh, fierce than before."

She exhaled a charming smoke ring, and her slender legs like mutton-fat jade gently rested on the other leg. Qin Yu could just catch a glimpse of the black high heels and the white instep and ankle from the corner of his eye. Because the residual power of the medicine soup was still there, Qin Yu adjusted his sitting position slightly after feeling something strange.

"How can a single core surpass a dual core? Or... have you tried it?" Ningguang leaned forward, her beautiful eyes fixed on the nervous boy. When she saw the slightly raised part, her cheeks flushed and she whispered:

"I see, it seems you didn't lie."

The Immortal Sending Ceremony was over, and the various tasks left by the Emperor needed to be completed urgently. The Fatui had been unexpectedly quiet recently, and the potential threats had been mastered. It was time to concentrate on solving them, but Ningguang couldn't make up her mind when it came to dealing with the terrifying existence from the distant sea.

Perhaps even Ningguang herself was puzzled, why would she ask Qin Yu, an... outsider.

After chatting for a long time, Ningguang finally asked the question.

"For Osel, I have two strategies, one for the upper and one for the lower. I wonder which one you want to hear, Lord Ningguang?"

Qin Yu smiled mysteriously, folded his arms, and looked quite confident.

"Hate it, deliberately keeping me in suspense, what if I want to hear both? "


Just imagine, a graceful and noble lady suddenly acts like a little woman, the lethality is no less than planting a mushroom egg in the heart.

"This is a last resort, and Lord Ningguang may bleed a little." Qin Yu looked around and said, "If Osel shows up, Lord Ningguang will abandon the Jade Pavilion and use the Heaven Moving All Things, the power will definitely be far greater than that of Big Ivan! What Osel, it must be no problem~"

Sure enough, although Ningguang tried her best to keep it, the corners of her mouth still trembled unconsciously, and her beautiful big eyes were wide open.

"Dream, you and Beidou that woman must have colluded, you are all bad guys! Next! ”

“Hehe, the next countermeasure is that Lord Ningguang will have to bleed a little~·”

Qin Yu told Ningguang his countermeasure in the face of her doubt.

At the same time, Ying and Paimeng learned from Zhongli that the remains of the Immortal Ancestor Fa Tui, that is, the Rock King Emperor, were hidden in the Golden House of Mora Foundry. After thinking it over again and again, they decided to go and find out.

“Mr. Zhongli, why did you tell me such important information? If you do this, it won’t be…”

“It’s okay. You and Paimeng have also made great efforts to prepare for the Immortal Ceremony. Naturally, I also know your real purpose. In this case, what’s wrong with telling you on the premise of meeting general and reasonable requirements? "

The girl was deeply moved by these words, and Paimon beside her widened his eyes, thinking that not a single Mora was wasted!

Just entertaining guests these days cost a lot of Mora, and I happened to meet a poor man who was too picky to pay and couldn't afford a single Mora, so Mora was spent like water!

Mora, the currency recognized by the continent of Teyvat, is also the flesh and blood of the Rock King.

The Golden House is where Mora is cast. It is the place with the highest security level in the whole Liyue. Its defense force is even inferior to that of Yujingtai.

Although the girl and Paimon arrived early, they still had no idea what to do.

They had to wait until nightfall before doing anything...

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