The last word is to sing.

Please, you tentacle bastard, let me finish the chant, can you die or what!

(Osel: I will really die, okay!)

No matter how good-tempered Qin Yu is, he was furious after being interrupted continuously.

I wanted to release a 40-meter or 400-meter-long big lightsaber, and shout "Pledge Victory Curry Stick" again to satisfy my mouth, but the handsome Osel would never let Qin Yu use a sword that gathered the faith of thousands of Liyue people.

Even if he was directly under the bombardment from the Return of the End and the immortals, he had to stop the kid with dazzling golden light!

Compared to the giant in the sky, Osel instinctively knew that the real threat to him was Qin Yu!

After the baptism of the Demon God War, and being the king of the sea with tens of millions of people, Osel, the Demon God of the Whirlpool, was a figure who could compete with the Rock King Emperor at his peak.

If he were placed in other regions, he might be the final winner.

But he ran into an old monster with unfathomable strength and who liked to hide his weaknesses!

The huge rock spear that almost connected the heaven and earth in the past was just a strange-looking landscape after years of wear and tear.

Osel, who broke through the seal, was actually a little afraid in his heart.

Only after fighting with Morax at his peak state would you understand how terrifying that guy is!

However, nearly half an incense stick of time had passed, and Morax still hadn't appeared...

This can only mean one result!

As strong as he was, he had already died over the years!

After figuring it out, Osel became particularly happy.

Only when you survive to the end can you really laugh out loud!

During the two-front battle, Osel was not only waiting for Morax to show up, but also evaluating the combat power of both sides.

Even if the Qun Yu Pavilion was fully powered, it would only destroy the tentacles and could not cause any damage to Osel's body; and Qin Yu was trying to chant from beginning to end, and Osel only got the useful information that the speed was extremely fast.

Osel was very happy, and Qin Yu was very angry.

[Light Summoning Technique] gathered the dazzling brilliance of thousands of people in Liyue Harbor, and at the same time, it also carried the power of karma and the complete remnant of the demon god. In other words, the blue bar was not only full, but also overflowing!

I have never fought such a rich battle!

This is Qin Yu's mood.

Above the dark night sky, one after another bottomless golden channels suddenly appeared, like small suns.

It was late at night, but it was as bright as day!

Such a strange scene naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the Qunyu Pavilion. Except for Liuyun Jiefeng and Keqing, who had really seen Qin Yu fighting with all his strength, the rest of the people, including Ningguang, had never seen it. If they had not felt any rock elements, they would have thought that the Rock King Emperor had resurrected!

Dare to interrupt my spell again and again, this is an irreconcilable hatred!

I saw a golden meteor rushing towards the sky from behind Osel, and the number of golden channels was still increasing. Even if the tentacles hit it, it could not be broken.

To use this move, you must stand higher than your opponent and snap your fingers with an attitude of looking down on the world!


The meteor paused in the sky for a moment and flew to a higher sky again.

Looking at the golden channel again, the appearance of weapons slowly emerged, including swords, spears, halberds, axes, hammers, forks, and all kinds of weapons.




The weapons condensed by light were accelerated through the golden channel, and shot at Osel's huge body from all directions at a speed that was difficult to observe with the naked eye, as if there was no end, and the "bullets" would never be exhausted.

The tentacles that Ningguang could barely break under the amplification of the Qun Yu Pavilion were like white paper under the light soldiers, and they broke at a touch.

The huge body should have given people a strong sense of oppression, but now it became a live target that was quite easy to hit. In the blink of an eye, Osel's body was full of various light soldiers.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi..."

The sea breeze rose, and everyone smelled a burnt smell.

Did the golden light soldiers also have super high heat?

One light soldier might not be able to cause effective damage to Osel, but it could not withstand too many of them.

It is conceivable that if they had not fought in the sea, Osel would have been roasted and ready to eat...

The cold sea water gave off a faint steam, making everyone mistakenly think that the Jade Pavilion was flying over a pot of warm water!

Do you think this is the end?

Qin Yu sneered in the sky. If

If you hadn't interrupted my chanting just now, at most I would have been slashed by a lightsaber several hundred meters long. But now...


The ten fingers of both hands continuously shot out sharp and extremely fast lights, which actually went straight through Osel's body!

Even if it couldn't penetrate, there would be a large burn mark on the epidermis.

Usually, the blue would be exhausted after a little use, and Qin Yu didn't dare to do such a big battle. Now that the blue was flowing, Qin Yu naturally had no taboos.

Crossing his hands over his chest, the classic action of someone's uncle was reproduced-

Eight-foot outline jade!

The golden channel here was still shooting out light soldiers continuously, and the light jade with extremely fast speed and very hot fell from the sky over there. Osel's situation at this time can be imagined.

The scene in front of him completely stunned Ningguang!

She had heard Beidou describe it before.

"Beidou, she really should learn how to use words!"

This is much more spectacular than Beidou's description!

In other words... Qin Yu did not escape, but faced Osel straight away?

Ningguang's mouth curled up in a strange arc, and her beautiful eyes were shining.

"My Ningguang's vision is always accurate!"

About half an incense stick later, the Qianyan Army soldiers on the Qunyu Pavilion felt a little sympathetic to the vortex demon who had just broken through the seal. He was sealed before, and now he was boiled and shot...

Enough venting.

After the side dishes, it's time for the main course!

Qin Yu pointed to the higher sky, and countless golden passages suddenly turned into light spots and flew away. After a few breaths, they gathered into a terrifying huge golden gate.



Guys, extra chapters are here.

This time, asking for a quick update and a gift should not be too much~

Ha ha ha ha, good night!

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