The dusty memory fragments were constantly combined and disassembled in the storm of thought. After thousands of times of splicing, when the last fragment appeared in its original position, the storm of thought came to an abrupt end, and the huge and complicated memory was condensed into a small seed, quietly falling into the soil. This is the space of consciousness. The seeds of memory took root and sprouted in the soil of consciousness, and in a few breaths they became a big tree that could block the sky. Qin Yu, from the perspective of a bystander, walked through the long river of time in an instant and witnessed the growth of the tree of memory. A gust of wind blew, bringing up the quietly falling leaves. That familiar figure appeared again. The holy long skirt and the silver long hair fell naturally. Under the headband woven with green leaves, there is a flawless face. The years can be seen in the eyes, and the beautiful red lips are gently raised in an arc.

She tilted her head playfully and said softly:

"We meet again."

After leaving the void, the Great Compassion Tree King who appeared with the power of the void has also left.

"You are..."

"Intentional or unintentional, I have to thank you."

The tree king gently raised his hand, and a breeze blew in the consciousness space.

At this moment, the tree king's face became solemn. What she wanted to do was something she wanted to do but had never had the chance to do.

The holy place of Lanna Luo, Huanalana, is also the place where the new god is.

The broken branches left at that time are still growing now, and one day they will grow into a towering tree that can cover Xumi and the Red Gold Desert.

When the new god ascends the throne, the old god hands over the crown.

The opportunity that had never been had was finally realized by coincidence. How could the tree king not be happy!

As a witness to everything, Qin Yu went from being confused at first to gradually becoming clear, and there was more respect in his eyes when he looked at the tree king.

Not every god has such a temperament.

The gift of the Great Kindness Tree King will help the little grass god obtain unprecedented nutrients and strength, and Nashida, who is still in the growth stage, will definitely be much more powerful than the tree king in the future.

What Qin Yu didn't know was that at this moment, all the creatures, including Saranka, were feeling the passage of time in anxiety and piety.

Lannaro felt the power of the Great Kindness Tree King from Qin Yu. The intimacy and familiarity of the years made them excited. After years and the wear and tear of battles,

Their memories also became blurred, and the texts left behind were vague, and they had forgotten too much.

Rich elemental energy filled the entire space. Lannaro and others received the grace of the tree king, and Salanka also gained her own power from it and benefited greatly.

Where the eyes met and gathered, the boy was supported by hundreds of flowers, and the river flowed gently without getting his clothes wet.


In the elemental energy, a green shadow quietly appeared.

His eyes were slightly closed, and his expression was kind and peaceful.

Salanka's mouth had grown big, his pupils trembled, and his body knelt on the ground involuntarily.

For her, who was born and raised in Xumi since childhood, the Great Kind Tree King is not only the embodiment of wisdom, but also a respected and loved god.

In this way, it makes sense that Qin Yu can absorb the energy of the dead zone!

The messenger of the tree king!

The shadow of the tree king gently took off the headband, glanced meaningfully at every corner of Huanalana, and then smiled happily and relievedly, and gradually dissipated.

"So, you still have to leave, right?"

The tree king who took off the headband and put down the burden of the inheritance of the gods gave people a feeling of being much more relaxed, and even had some of the tenderness and cuteness of a girl.

"I have already left, and now my real mission has been completed."

The tree king sighed softly, sat under the tree, and looked into the distance.

Suddenly, the morning sun rose from afar, and two figures appeared at the end of the space.

One of them was burly, with bronze skin and a strong torso. He wore a head hat that was somewhat similar to that of Seno, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

Beside him, the woman was wearing flowers as clothes. Her every frown and smile was full of the fragrance and brilliance of flowers.

Needless to say, Qin Yu had guessed the identities of the two.

The god of the desert, the Red King, and the master of the sea of ​​flowers, the flower god.

"This world doesn't need two gods who are in charge of wisdom. After doing everything, I may be forgotten by this world when the new god is determined to grow up?"

The voice of the tree king is soft and slow, like the sound of spring water flowing out of the cracks, ethereal and pleasant.

"Your appearance may be a coincidence of fate, or it may be

The inevitability of fate. "

Qin Yu found that his shoulders had become heavier, and he adjusted himself to a more comfortable position.

"If I were still alive, I believe we would become good friends. But if I were still alive, how could we have met? "

Fate is often so wonderful, the boy and the memory of the god chatted in the consciousness space.

God is lonely.

Guarding the world tree and mastering the wisdom of this world.

After leaving helplessly, it was not until this moment that a person who could listen to the inner words appeared.

"Qin Yu, it seems a bit unfair to you to say this. God's every word and action is a model, and it is impossible to be willful. "


Qin Yu actually wanted to say that there was no need to restrict himself in this way. For example, next door to the next door, there is a Jiumengzi god who is either drinking or sleeping.

"At this point, I am just her remaining memory, including letting you listen to a lot of time-wasting gossip just now, which can be regarded as the last little willfulness of me, the last god of wisdom!

You have done a lot for me, but in the end, it seems that there is nothing to thank you for. "

The tree king stood up, turned his back to the morning sun, and said gently:

"Please allow me to say thank you to you as a friend."

A friend recognized by the gods from the bottom of their hearts.

"That's it?"


"Qin Yu, I know you are a good person, so..."

"This, we have never started, you just gave me a good person card, alas!"

While sighing, the tree king gently hugged Qin Yu.

"If, if I were still alive, maybe I would be willing?"

The lips gently touched the boy's cheek.

"Wait, wait."

The cheerful tree king turned around immediately, "Goodbye, Qin Yu! "

The Red King and the Flower God, who had been waiting for a long time, nodded to Qin Yu after the Tree King returned, and then walked into the morning sun with the Tree King.


There is no eternal glory, and it will eventually usher in nothingness and darkness.

The towering tree that had just grown up withered and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared.

Only the memory seeds buried deep in the soil of the consciousness space still remain.

When Qin Yu woke up, the first thing he saw was Salanka, who had fallen asleep on him, looking tired but revealing a little Very resolute.

Looking at Saranka's appearance, she didn't know how much time had passed. She couldn't help but touch her face. Saranka opened her eyes immediately, and her surprise was beyond words.

There were huge changes around. Huanalan, the holy land of Lannaro, disappeared, and it was just an inconspicuous corner of the deep forest.

Qin Yu just wanted to get up when he found something wrong with his body. Saranka next to him blushed instantly, put his hands behind his back, and looked away...

"What did you do to me?"


"I just think it's strange that you are unconscious, so I want to give you a full body check."

Saranka swore: "Don't look at me like this, I was also a scholar who studied medicine before..."

After a while, the boy got some residual traces.

"What full body check? I believed your lies!"

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