The battle was won, and the battle was won.

Located at the junction of forest and desert, Kawanyi has both the unrestrained passion and cunningness of the desert, and the cautiousness of the forest.

Ying and Paimon have settled down safely under the arrangement of Saranka.

Qin Yu handed over many matters of the Gilded Brigade coalition to Babel, and everything except the army was in Saranka's hands.

After occupying Kawanyi, Babel quickly gathered the army and ensured that Kawanyi, the passage of communication, could resume operation as soon as possible in many aspects.

Saranka was surprised by Babel's way of governing the army, and she naturally showed more talents because she was unwilling to admit defeat.

The Book Burner was quite familiar with the various systems and contents of the Order Court. It had only been three days since he took over Kawanyi, and everything had returned to normal.

According to Ying, the wind turbine officer Senor, the secretary Elhaisen, and his good roommate Kawi would all participate in the plan to rescue the little grass god.

While waiting, Qin Yu heard that the Flower God Festival was held in Xumi City. As a result, that night, Xumi City was wrapped in thunder and lightning, and countless people were awakened from their sleep.

Countless scholars who had seen the power of Inazuma Thunder God believed that this was General Thunder demonstrating to Xumi.

In the Order Court, Azar slammed the table, and his violent roar could even be heard clearly by the Fatui executive Dotore in the corner of the corridor.

He also heard about the accident that occurred during the Flower God Festival.

Gathering all the people of Xumi City in one person's dream, and being able to record all the experiments and data in a cycle, can be regarded as a cheating academic research method.

The first reincarnation of dreaming in a dream was solved by finding the starting point of the reincarnation and awakening the master of the dream.

Although dreaming in a dream can maximize the utilization rate of dreams, it also has disadvantages such as being easily cracked by people with ulterior motives.

The dream reincarnation at the Flower God Festival is simple and rough. Because of this, once you enter it, even if you know it is reincarnation, you are powerless.

However, the fact is that scholars responsible for entering dreams for research have fallen one after another. Most people will have symptoms of sluggish eyes, crooked mouth and eyes, and foaming at the mouth within half an hour of entering the dream.

"…It's not a void terminal failure, it's clearly frightened!"

The Punishment Nail appeared, and Dotole stared at the fragments on the table and said to himself:

"This is a product from Sky Island. Even if it is converted into other substances, back and forth, can't I reverse it again?"

"The secret of why it is so powerful is already in my hands."

The plan was full of loopholes, and there were even various failures, big and small, which once made the perfectionist Dotole almost collapse.

A perfect experiment is far from perfect.

In the container, the boy's body has been cultivated and obviously strengthened.

"Knowing that the experiment will eventually fail, for the true heart of God and complete and reliable experimental data, I will just take it as a favor to you!"

It is becoming more and more difficult to absorb the power of the Grass God. It can be predicted that the Grass God is unwilling to hand over more power, which means that the Grass God has gradually begun to awaken.

The victory or defeat of the new god created and the old god whose power is gradually increasing is actually very easy to judge.

"When I unlocked the power restriction in your body, you asked me how to repay me."

"Now is the time for you to repay me."

The Punishment Nail plus the complete collection of the new god's data and the grass god's energy, who has gained the most so far?

It must be Dotole.

The moment the new god appears, the old god will inevitably appear.

After the fight, the failure of the new god is a foregone conclusion.

How to get the heart of the grass god?

Dotole thought of the world tree that might appear and the war that might come.

A wise god will naturally hand over the heart of the god in a wise way.

Time is passing quickly.

A crop of green leaves is replaced by new buds.

The Gilded Brigade coalition entrenched in Kawanyi neither retreated nor had obvious offensive intentions, which made Azar and other sages start to ponder carefully.

In this process, the experiment of creating a new god also came to an end.

"Guobeng, are you sure you want to become a god through this method?"


After confirming again, Dotore led the scattered soldiers through the underground secret passage to a laboratory outside Xumi City.

This laboratory has a nice name.

Jingshan Liuli Workshop.

Many members of the Ministry of Education participated in the new god plan

The scholars who planned the book have gathered all the books, and their eyes are looking at the boy who is walking side by side with the doctor, with complicated expressions.

Such a boy will soon become the god of the entire Xumi region. After that, will he represent Xumi?

Slowly embedding the false god's heart into the machine, Dotole personally connected various channels that can connect to the false god's heart. He couldn't help but look at the boy a few more times, and then slowly closed the hatch.

"Baalzebub, the moment you take me to the godhood completely, you will tremble!"

"Come on!"

Dotole raised his hand, and the pure power of the grass god was completely enclosed in it through the machine.

In the dark laboratory, the scattered soldiers looked determined.

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