"You, me, uh, this..."

Looking at the strange boy in front of her, Ying suddenly became flustered. She wanted to move a little, but she didn't expect that the hands were as strong as iron clamps, firmly controlling her and unable to move at all.

A touch of red rose up. It was the first time to come into contact with a boy at such a close distance.

As the saying goes, it's the first time for a young lady to get on a sedan chair, the first time~

Feeling Qin Yu's hot and slightly angry eyes, Ying didn't understand why she made her so excited. Did she say something wrong?

Or... suddenly changed her mind and asked herself to take responsibility? !

Oh, no way!


In a panic, Ying had already forgotten Qin Yu's question and became hesitant. His hesitation made Qin Yu even more excited.

"Tell me, who was the first person to come in!"

When a person stays in a closed space for a long time, with only those light novels and snacks to accompany him all day, a random sentence may trigger a wonderful drama in the small theater in his mind, not to mention facing such a strange and interesting situation~

Qin Yu's voice pulled Ying out of his strange thoughts, and then he stammered:

"It's the Son of God... The first person to come to the Pure Land is the Son of God."

"So it's her, I'm relieved." Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "Why did you ask her to come to the Pure Land?"

Ying shuddered all over after hearing this question, and weakly rolled his eyes at the boy who broke the casserole and asked the truth, and then said breathlessly:

"What does this and that have to do with you? Why are you asking so many questions!"



Biting her red lips lightly, it seemed that there was something on her lips that she didn't want to say, and it seemed that she might know something incredible!

Having just gone through many things, Ying is now in a strange state. If she shows the majesty of General Lei Dian, Qin Yu really can't do anything.

However, fortunately, she didn't realize this at the moment.

Don't you think... it's wonderful?

Putting aside the noble identities of General Lei Dian and Thunder God, Ying is like a...

Hehehehehe o(≧v≦)o

The corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and Qin Yu's face showed an innocent and sad look, and he said with some depression:

"I just want to ask, if you don't want to say it, forget it. You forgot that I promised you to share it together, so... Hey, it seems that I think too much~"

Hands slowly slid down from the shoulders, and the corner of his eyes saw that the pair of jade hands had a sense of nowhere to put because of the inner uneasiness, and suddenly a sense of guilt arose.

Is it really good for me to do this?

Why do I feel like I am a bad uncle who is tempting a young girl who is not familiar with the world to reveal her inner thoughts?


I am so pure and kind, how can I be a bad uncle?

Also, how can this be a young girl who has not experienced much of the world? If it is based on her actual age, I should probably call her a grandmother, right?

But, what is this pure and flawless girlish feeling? Hey...

Ying took a deep breath, and then mustered up the courage, and said hesitantly: "No, no, I am just a little, a little embarrassed."

"You, you can't laugh at me if I say it."

This may be a shocking secret!

"If, I mean if I laugh at you because of what you said, let me... let me fail to increase the amplification, and only increase one if it succeeds. Is that okay?"

After saying the oath, he regretted it a little. What if Ying really said something super fun, then in the future...

Qin Yu vaguely remembered that after he casually said the oath of drawing the card this time, the God of Contract really traveled the contract.

Since then, Master Diluk and Qin Hip have been full of life...

Although it is a bit strange to know what Qin Yu said, seeing Qin Yu's solemn look, Ying still chose to believe it.

"The Son of God saw that I was super bored when I was only practicing and sleeping, so she lent me her light novels and... a lot of snacks."

"Then she would come in regularly to bring me new novels and snacks, and would also help me... clean up and take out the garbage."


Sorry, Qin Yu really couldn't help it!

The voice was as thin as a mosquito, and this laugh sounded

The sound was particularly harsh, and her face turned red like a sunset fruit in an instant. She covered her face with her hands shyly. At this moment, Ying's heart was full of regret. Sure enough, they all laughed at me!

In this way, Qin Yu seemed to understand why Ying was angry that night.

Why did she leave without doing anything in the end? It turned out that...

I can't tell that Shenzi doesn't do anything at ordinary times. Could he be a good hand at housework?

"Uh, yes, sorry, sorry, I really didn't expect that the dignified Thunder God, the Thunder General who governs the country of Inazuma, would actually be..."

Halfway through the words, Qin Yu hurriedly covered his mouth, but the words had already come out, and it was too late.

Suddenly, Ying remembered that he was the Thunder God, and the whole person changed.

He pushed Qin Yu back with a palm. Although the tears on his face were vaguely visible, his expression had changed drastically.

To put it bluntly, if Ying was a cute girl who was not very experienced in the world, then the one standing in front of Qin Yu at this moment was a very cold queen~

"Hmph, you know something you shouldn't know..." Her eyes were like knives, and there were crystal tears on her long eyelashes. This strong contrast was really interesting. "You dare to take advantage of my upset mind, huh, you are very brave!"

The change in temperament, voice and tone all changed. At this moment, Ying was truly the thunder queen who ruled the Inazuma!

"Are you ready to accept my punishment?"

The pure land space began to collapse, and the sun shone in from the cracks. Ying walked towards Qin Yu with her slender and round legs.

The teasing eyes and playful smile made Qin Yu's heart beat wildly. The instant contrast brought a huge sensory impact, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Walking closer and standing on tiptoe, the arrogant Queen of Thunder and Lightning leaned on his shoulder and said coldly: "I will punish you. From now on, you must do the work of cleaning up the Pure Land on time and on schedule. Otherwise, you know what the consequences will be!"

After that, Ying gently flicked Qin Yu's forehead and returned to his opposite side.

When the two figures reappeared on the training ground, everyone's expression changed.

The arrogant man who dared to challenge the general was standing there, but why did he look stupid?

The general turned back to the high place...

After a short silence, the training ground burst into thunderous cheers, and everyone shouted loudly, "The way of the common is magnificent, and the gods are eternal!"

Obviously, everyone subconsciously thought that the winner of this competition was General Thunder and Lightning, and the reason why Qin Yu was not killed was because the general felt pity for his stupid appearance, so he spared Qin Yu's life.

"Brother, come and throw yourself into your sister's arms~"

Hearing the rather shameless shouting of the Son of God, Qin Yu could not help but roll his eyes, turned his head to look at the back figure that was walking towards the height step by step, and sighed.

Has he achieved his goal?

With a domineering turn, General Lei Dian sat down, and Kujo Sala stepped forward and asked in a deep voice: "General, can we start the duel in front of the emperor?"


The moment Sala raised his head and turned around, his eyes could not help but look at the woman sitting on the high seat, especially when he noticed the tears on the face of the general, he was slightly startled.

The general cried?

... Qin Yu dared to bully the general?

Laughing loudly, Youren stood up and walked towards the center of the training ground step by step.

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