Outside the door, a group of editors were busy; outside the window, pedestrians were walking on the street and vendors were shouting. In the not-so-big room, all kinds of novels were randomly placed, and at first glance, it seemed that the owner didn't like to tidy up. The white witch's costume was only a thin layer, placed between the palm and the delicate skin, which added a bit of mysterious touch. The unforgettable pain accompanied by the coolness brought by the smooth tongue licking constantly stimulated Qin Yu's nerves. His arms could not help but hold the soft body in his arms tighter. Then the Cangfeng Highlands gradually turned into a plain under the pressure of power, and then he would bite harder...

It seemed like a dead loop that could not be solved.

In fact, as long as one of the parties chose to withdraw, the dead loop would be solved. Unfortunately, neither the Son of God nor Qin Yu thought of withdrawing or giving up.

Perhaps, they were enjoying it?

The hot embrace, the strange touch through the clothes, and the big hands that seemed to be printed on the back finally made the originally fair and soft face appear red. At this moment, the heart lake of the Son of God, which was previously as quiet as a deep pool, began to ripple.

The two jade arms manipulated the pair of smart, small but still a little cold hands to explore the vast plain carefully, and finally found a comfortable position.

He stretched out his fingers and gently drew a circle of a medium size. A tingling sensation instantly spread from his back to his whole body.

At the beginning, neither of them expected that they would have such a wonderful change. The flames from their bodies and minds seemed to burn them in an instant.

It seemed that he wanted to rub the soft and boneless body in his arms into his chest. His arms evolved into steel clamps, responding to the silent call of the already hot body...


The pain spread throughout his body. The Son of God screamed inadvertently, and his cheeks were so red that water could be squeezed out.

"It's over, I can't control myself!" Qin Yu said in his heart.

"Ah, I'm out of control! Well, let it go, no matter~" Almost at the same time, the Son of God also said in his heart.

As if he was competing, the Son of God took another bite, this time with much more force than before——

A salty taste came from the tip of his tongue, like a stream of cool spring water that instantly cooled the Son of God's already hot heart.

Qin Yu couldn't help but reduce his strength when he noticed that the Son of God slowly loosened his hand. Immediately, the pain in his shoulder magnified several times, causing Qin Yu to take a breath, and the invisible flame that had been burning his heart also shrank rapidly with time.

Was he just... intoxicated?

Although flowers should be picked when they are in bloom, foxes can be eaten when they are ripe.

However, could it be that he was only one step away from eating a fox?

"Little Qin Yu, my lovely brother——"

The Son of God had no intention of being shy or getting down. He was still holding him, his body still tightly pressed against him, and he was lying there limply.

Uh... Little Pa Cai?

"Isn't it exciting?"

Nodding subconsciously, Qin Yu was still wandering in the beauty and fantasy just now, and seemed to be completely unable to distinguish whether he was in a dream or... a reality that could be touched.

"This time, just treat it as a punishment for you ignoring your sister. Next time, guess where your sister will bite you?"


Qin Yu shuddered all over, and it was unlikely that he would stay in the fantasy dream again. Then, some strange and indescribable pictures suddenly appeared in his mind.

Although there are countless experiences in a lifetime, some experiences should not be given up, right?

The Son of God slowly let go of his hand, and Qin Yu also put down his arm tactfully but reluctantly.

Then, at the moment when their eyes met, the Son of God suddenly held the boy's head directly at an absolute speed, and then, his red lips pressed tightly against the boy's slightly dry lips.


This woman always likes to attack unexpectedly!

Qin Yu's eyes widened, and the whole person had turned into a sculpture.

No, no, no, this is Miss Fox's magic. I, Qin Yu, have seen a lot, how could I be stunned by such a small storm?

Am I still the passive one in the end?

By the way, the appearance of the Son of God is really...

In one word, amazing!

Distance creates beauty, who said that distance is understood from a distance?

It is clearly closer, okay!

In my mind

Suddenly, a magical thought popped up in his mind: If I stick out my tongue at this time, it should be allowed, right?




Then, just when he stuck his head out, he encountered a world-destroying collision between heaven and earth.


The woman in his arms left nimbly, leaving only a poor boy with tears in his eyes, covering his mouth and looking at him in confusion.

"Humph, I asked you to stick out your tongue!"

Holding his hands in front of his chest, the whole person almost showed an indifferent look. The Son of God looked down at the boy who was rubbing his legs with his hands, and said lightly:

"By the way, you can go out."

Qin Yu was struggling whether it was because of his excessive recklessness that the Son of God showed such an attitude. He didn't think much about it. Just as he was about to get up and leave, he heard the Son of God slap a card on the table again.

"This is the fee for your novel."

It must be because he progressed too fast. Qin Yu picked up the card on the table and walked out the door, leaving Shen Zi alone in the empty room.

The moment the door was closed, Shen Zi, who was so cold and indifferent just now, sat down on the chair weakly, with one hand on his chest, feeling the rapid heartbeat, and exhaled a long breath.

"This little guy, almost..."

After a while, Shen Zi stood up and regained his former elegance, looking in the direction where Qin Yu had left before, and whispered:

"Hehe, your first kiss can only belong to me."

Coming out of the editor-in-chief's office, Qin Yu looked at the busy editors and felt a sense of absurdity and wonder as if he had returned to reality from a dreamland that was not just a nightmare but also a beautiful dream.

The numbness in his legs made Qin Yu stagger when he walked. When he moved his shoulders slightly, he found that they were very painful, as if they were bitten...

Is this the price of dating a fox lady who has lived for hundreds of years?


Qin Yu, who had calmed down in his seat, suddenly realized a cruel fact.

Just a few minutes ago, his first kiss had been taken away?

It was so late, could it be that she took the initiative!

However, she later gave him the card with her royalties saved on it...

Thinking about what happened after he followed Shen Zi into the house, Qin Yu looked at the exquisite card with fox and cherry blossoms printed on it in his hand, blinked his eyes, scratched his head, and murmured after a moment:

"I... was seduced?"

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