The girl was so angry that she was lying on the ground.

A familiar voice, and——

Feeling the subtle temperature through her smooth skin, the desperate woman slowly opened her eyes.

"Qin Yu?"

This exclamation expressed Beidou's horror, because she couldn't imagine how Qin Yu rescued her from the entanglement of countless tentacles...

"Hehe, Big Sister Beidou, didn't you expect it? When the boat docks, you have to treat me to a good meal of Liyue's delicacies!"

"No problem, leave it to me, I'll take you to whatever you want to eat!"

After dodging the attacking tentacles, Qin Yu just lowered his head, his figure shook slightly, and then he quickly moved his eyes away.

"Well, that, Big Sister?" Although it's not good to have strange images popping up in my mind in this scene, but...

The half of the country on someone's chest made me see everything, that is a magnificent view that can rarely surpass the narrow gap of the Wuxiang Blade in the continent of Teyvat!

"Why don't you pull the clothes up a little?"

As soon as the voice fell, Beidou in his arms moved his eyes downwards...

The body seemed to be less cold, but because of the cold tentacles, he didn't notice it...

The two hands pulled the clothes that were already close to the skin up hard, and then the snow-white was taken back again...

"Qin Yu, you..."

"Big Sister, I didn't see anything!" Put Beidou back on the deck of the Death Star, turned around and disappeared in a flash, "Sister Beidou, I swear!"

Listening to the boy's sonorous words, Beidou smiled.

You didn't see it?

Are you kidding me?

If you didn't see it, could it be that a ghost saw it?

At such a young age, he hasn't learned anything else, but he is so good at swearing without a teacher!

I guess... he has deceived many girls with this trick, right?

Standing on the deck, Beidou commanded everyone to use cannons and crossbows to attack the tentacles that emerged from the sea. Since the monster's body was hidden under the sea, it was temporarily impossible to cause effective damage to it, so they could only focus on breaking the tentacles.

However, the monster hidden under the sea seemed to have the ability to regenerate. The tentacles were broken one by one, and then more tentacles would emerge from the sea.

At the same time, Qin Yu, who flew to a high altitude, had a much wider field of vision, and naturally saw the monster hidden in the ocean. "Although you asked me... what should I give you as a reward?"

Suddenly, Qin Yu showed a mouthful of white teeth, and his smile was as bright as the sun.

It's decided!

It's you——

Eight-foot outline jade!

It might not be very effective against a small, flexible submarine, but it would be perfect for this sea monster that is twice as big as the Death Star!

Crossing his hands in front of his chest, he suddenly emitted a brilliant golden light comparable to the sun!

Almost at the same time, everyone below raised their heads involuntarily, only to see Qin Yu enveloped in golden light, followed by a flash of light like a storm hitting the sea surface!

The extreme meaning of the flash gave Qin Yu the speed and power of light, and he could emit light through his body.

It was not difficult for Qin Yu to emit light with his hands as the center.

In just a few minutes, everyone on the cargo ship of Beidou, Wanye and Feiyun Chamber of Commerce witnessed a flash of rain, and the huge waves caused the Death Star and the cargo ship to sway and bump.

The flash with extremely strong penetrating power shot the huge sea monster into a sieve in an instant. It could almost be described as broken. Even its regeneration ability could not keep up with the speed of the flash rain...

The monster was still swallowed by the sea. As the tentacles fell back into the sea powerlessly, the encounter between the sea monsters ended with the complete death of the monster.

Qin Yu, who appeared on the deck again, looked at the horrified eyes of the people on the deck and smiled softly.

Could it be that he pretended a little too much?

Due to the low energy level, the attack power of the flash could not be fully released, but...

The show effect was maximized, which was also very good!

How boring it would be to kill it in one go?

"Brother Qin Yu, you are amazing! You killed such a big monster, and your clothes were not even wet!"

"Who said that~"

Pointing to the water stains on his chest and back, Qin Yu joked: "Isn't it wet? And it's the kind that is transparent~"

The danger left, and everyone laughed at Qin Yu's playful words.

"Just now, thank you, Qin Yu!"

Beidou stepped forward and held the boy with a wet shirt under his armpits, rubbing

The boy's hair, said loudly:

"Everyone clean up the battlefield, help the people of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce repair the ship, if it can't be used, you can move the goods to the Death Star!"

"Boy, this is a punishment for your lie!"

Whispering to the boy who wanted to struggle but didn't dare to touch him casually, rubbing his head hard...

Of course, for Qin Yu, is this a punishment or another kind of enjoyment?

Qin Yu: Nonsense, it must be a punishment (if it comes again, it seems that it is not impossible, hehe~)

"Big sister, do you still need to communicate with Feiyun Chamber of Commerce about the transportation of the payment?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? When have we helped for nothing?" Beidou glared at the sailor who asked the question, and the latter jumped off the boat, touching the back of his head.

After a while, Beidou looked at Qin Yu, who had been crumpled into a mess, and returned to the cabin contentedly, "Don't worry, you can eat whatever you want after you get ashore! There is nothing in Liyue Port that I, Beidou, can't eat..."


After experiencing pirates and sea monsters, the Death Star finally arrived at Liyue Port after twists and turns.

Under the towering mountains is the most prosperous port in Teyvat.

Although the general appearance of Liyue Port was already in his mind, when Qin Yu stood at the bow and saw the spectacular scene, his heart still became surging.

Thousands of sails gathered, and thousands of ships stopped at the shore!

Here you can see ships from all over the world. This country, known as the Holy Land of Merchants, accepts people from all sides with an open mind.

The cornerstone to ensure the normal operation of countless trades is the contract.

Liyue is a country of contracts. Since the first contract between the Rock King Morax and humans, this country has gone through thousands of years and has always been one of the richest and most prosperous places in the Teyvat continent.

Thousands of years of historical accumulation have created Liyue's broad mind, and the God of Contract has engraved the word "Contract" into the soul of everyone living in Liyue, forming the character of this prosperous trade port.

Here is Liyue Port!

The holy land in the minds of all merchants, the country where the Rock King is!

Qin Yu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and one familiar character after another appeared in his mind, shouting loudly:

"Liyue, here I come!"

Hearing this shout, everyone on the Death Star smiled knowingly.


Uh... I'm writing the third chapter, wait a moment

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