The first time, the second time, the second time.

"Fragrant coconut milk, delicious, I can't get enough of it. Qiqi is leaving first, I'll come back next time."

"As long as you like it, welcome back next time!"

Seeing that the new drink she made by herself received the first five-star praise, Xiangling suddenly became happy, and even had the urge to add it to the menu immediately.

Thinking that she would get the second customer's evaluation soon, the girl couldn't help but start looking forward to it, but the scene she saw when she turned around made her frown.

A beautiful transparent bottle was filled with white liquid that looked good and should be quite good to drink, but Qin Yu frowned and looked embarrassed. He was reluctant to start, and glanced at Ganyu who was standing beside him without saying a word from time to time.

"That... what's the problem? You don't even drink it. Is it the color? I heard from Qiqi that coconut milk should be this color."

"Not really, I'm just... drinking it dry now?" Qin Yu winked, pouted, and asked again:

"I'm just, uh, drinking it dry? Wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

Hearing this, Ganyu, Xiangling, and a Guoba looked at each other, and then the girl clapped her hands, turned and walked into the kitchen, and a few seconds later brought out a plate of Mora meat, "If the dry drinking experience is not good, I also thought of this problem!"

"Try my special Mora meat, this uses... Hey, let's not talk about it, you try it first!"

After a while, Ganyu leaned over and asked timidly: "Qin Yu, are you embarrassed to eat it because I'm here?"


"Oh, how could it be possible! This coconut milk definitely doesn't have anything else added, it's all edible!"

Having said this, how can I refuse?

Take a sip, it's sweet and soft, and seems to be chewy!

The taste is similar to the must-kill dumpling milk, but it's completely different, and there's a faint coconut fragrance lingering on the lips and teeth...

"How is it? If you think it's good, I plan to make a batch directly, let the old customers taste it first, and then discuss with my father to add it to the recipe."

In an instant, Qin Yu seemed to be hit by the thunder and lightning general, and the whole person was petrified on the spot.

After a long while, he turned his head like a machine, "Is the quantity so large?"

Xiangling looked at Ganyu and scratched her head embarrassedly. She didn't know how much damage this scene caused to Qin Yu's young heart. She stood up instantly and blocked Ganyu behind her, saying righteously:

"As a man, I will never allow you to ravage them like this!"


"I've been discovered!"

The girl stuck out her tongue, scratched her head, and said embarrassedly:

"I also know that if you know the raw materials of this kind of thing, you I will definitely disagree. But, I got them after dozens of attempts, they are absolutely safe for the human body, and more importantly, they are in sufficient quantity! "

Faced with such bold remarks, Qin Yu was shocked beyond measure, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Sister Gan Yu, she knows everything I did."

"So, you agree with her doing that?"

"Well, yes."

Qin Yu took several steps back and almost fell into Gan Yu's arms. He stared blankly. Could it be that they could be so wild?


Suddenly, Qin Yu smelled something burning, and then felt a burning pain.

"Guo Ba, what are you doing!"

Guo Ba:???!!!

In a hurry, Xiangling picked up a wooden barrel in an inconspicuous corner of the house and poured it directly, finally extinguishing the flame. Qin Yu smelled a fishy smell and his body was covered with mucus...

After a lot of trouble, Qin Yu heard Xiangling talking about the production process of "coconut milk", and his stomach suddenly turned upside down, and he just wanted to vomit out everything he had just eaten.

He had used slime to make fried tofu sauce with his own hands, and now he actually mixed fried tofu with frozen pork belly and ate it directly, and there were some seasonings that could give people a coconut aroma...

The person in front of him was also a super ruthless person who mastered many ruthless jobs. It also reiterated that when eating things made by Xiangling, you must never ask about the raw materials and production process!

Walking on the slightly crowded street, Qin Yu didn't understand why Ganyu had been following him since just now.

After two streets, Qin Yu still couldn't suppress the doubts in his heart and asked:

"You have been walking with me for so long, if there is anything, you should tell me, right, Sister Ganyu?


Hearing a deep breath from behind, Qin Yu suddenly realized that his clothes were being pulled. He turned his head in surprise and saw Ganyu's other hand on his corner. He looked away because of shyness.

"Actually, I want your help with something~"

"Since I came to Liyue, Sister Ganyu has been taking great care of me. I can help you with anything! "Qin Yu said cheerfully, muttering in his heart that it would be okay even if I sacrificed myself~

After a few months, because he spent most of his time living in the Qunyu Pavilion, he had a very close relationship with Ganyu. He took Ganyu's hand and walked into the teahouse on the rock.

It turned out that Ganyu, as the secretary of the Liyue Seven Stars, had assisted each of the Seven Stars in handling government affairs in the mortal world for many years. In a few days, it would be the birthday of Master Liuyun Jiefeng. Ganyu, who had been absent for many times, felt that it was wrong, and finally asked for leave from the Seven Stars.

After all, he had not asked for leave for hundreds of years, and he had lived in Yujingtai for many years. He didn't know much about things outside Liyue Harbor. The Seven Stars originally intended to send the Qianyan Army to escort, but Ganyu felt that it was too much of a fuss.

After thinking about it, he still felt that it would be best to quietly go to the location of Master Liuyun Jiefeng's immortal residence, that is, to find Qin Yu, who was familiar with him.

"Sister Ganyu, no problem!"

"Then I'll leave it to you! "

However, Qin Yu looked at Gan Yu's shy look and asked again: "I wonder if Sister Gan Yu has any unspeakable secrets? We are on the road together, if you have any, just tell me."


Gan Yu hesitated for a moment, and still asked: "I am a half-immortal beast. The taste of worldly food is varied and it is a great temptation to me. If, if I eat and drink too much again, you must help me!"

"Uh... help you with what?

"Stop me no matter what!"

"Any way is fine?"

"Yeah, anything is fine!" Ganyu looked away, blushed, and whispered, "I don't want to experience that kind of humiliation again..."

On the other side, Qin Yu couldn't help but imagine the beautiful and happy life that would follow~


There are more plots and characters in the Liyue chapter, I will speed up the pace a little, thank you for your support, I have experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed by comments, I will fight for every message.

Uh, I have a small request, can you who can see this come up with a book review>.<

Please please please~

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