The Liyue Immortals, except for those few, all lived in seclusion in famous mountains and rivers. They were like dragons that could only be seen from head to tail. True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang and True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng usually did not show their human form, so no one could see them. Of course, the gender issue of True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng was very clear and understandable. Shen He stepped out with one foot, and the cold wind blew immediately. He expanded his domain with it as the center. A cold light flashed in his eyes. As the spear pointed, several talismans turned into human figures and danced on the domain. How could Shen He just sit there and watch the immortal being spanked in front of his own cave, and the immortal being spanked was Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun who had done him a great favor!

Gan Yu, who was standing next to him, grabbed Shen He's wrist with one hand, and shouted loudly with the other hand:

"Qin Yu, what are you standing there for? Hurry up and put Zhen Jun down!"

"You said that the one who was merciless and had a duck's mouth was Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun..."

At this point, Qin Yu suddenly remembered that he had never seen Liu Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun in human form, but only remembered Xiang Ling's description.

A big bird that can talk.

His eyes wandered between Shen He and Gan Yu. At first glance, their dressing styles were indeed quite similar to the person on his shoulders. Then...

The cruel reality was in front of him. Qin Yu had just wanted to humiliate this sharp-tongued and ruthless woman, so he didn't hold back at all...

"Hey, Master Liuyun Jiefeng, do you want to get down by yourself or do I let you down?"


He moved his body twice fiercely, and the heavy weight pressed on his shoulders. Qin Yu realized that he had one hand on the other's ankle and the other hand on the other's thigh. Just now, because his hands kept moving around, he was tied up. Now it was impossible for him to get down.

Well, now there is another thing, deliberately making the immortal look bad.

Crouching down, he gently put down Master Liuyun Jiefeng. He looked at him again. His clothes were messy, his face was flushed, and he was panting heavily. His long black hair looked a little messy and casually scattered.

There were still crystal tears on his long eyelashes, and his eyes were red. I don’t know if it was because he was just humiliated or because... Qin Yu was too heavy-handed. The two towering mountains on his chest rose and fell, which was spectacular.

In short, Master Liuyun Jiefeng was in a very bad state at this moment. He had lost the fairy spirit when he appeared before. He was like a crane that was licked by a big cat, messy and embarrassed.


Gan Yu and Shen He stepped forward quickly. It was the first time in their lives that they saw Master Liuyun Jiefeng like this, and Gan Yu didn’t know how to explain it at this moment.

After all, she brought the person here, and Qin Yu took good care of her along the way.

But Qin Yu did beat up Master Liuyun Jiefeng, or...

Thinking of the crisp sound of Qin Yu's clapping, Ganyu blushed for some reason, but she had seen many mothers beating their children before, so why didn't she feel this way?

How strange!

Her brain was working fast, and Ganyu knew that she had to solve this knot by herself!


It must be said that Shen He and Master Liuyun Jiefeng were of the same lineage in some aspects. Seeing where Qin Yu had hit him, Shen He subconsciously touched it after he had tidied up Master Liuyun Jiefeng's clothes.

"But how do you tell if that person is injured?"

In the past, little Shen He once asked Master Liuyun Jiefeng this question.

"That's easy. Just try it with your hands. If the other party screams in pain, then he must be injured. Bandage it and apply medicine."

At the beginning, Master Liuyun Jiefeng didn't expect that what he taught little Shenhe would be used by her one day. The pain and numbness in his buttocks instantly spread throughout his body.

"Then he is injured. I'll go in and get medicine."

When turning around, Shenhe looked at the boy who kept rubbing his hands and snorted coldly. She didn't like this man who spanked her master as soon as they met.

If Ganyu hadn't grabbed her just now, she should have rushed up now...

"Master Liuyun Jiefeng, Master Jiefeng, immortal! I really haven't seen you in human form. I just hit you... not lightly, please forgive me!"

As the saying goes, ignorance is not a crime. If you want to talk about it in detail, Qin Yu himself feels quite wronged.

I waited for Ganyu to be gone, ...

Come, I have nothing to do, so I am going to do some warm-up exercises. Besides... can't I move my body and twist my butt in front of the fairy palace?

At the very least, don't make Ganyu embarrassed. What if later... Well, apologize now so that we can meet again in the future!

Master Liuyun Jiefeng thought that Qin Yu was deliberately being presumptuous in front of her fairy palace, but now it seems that it has something to do with Ganyu. She has been looking at Ganyu since just now. The latter frowned and was obviously thinking about something...

At this moment, Master Liuyun Jiefeng suddenly realized that Ganyu, the fat girl, has grown up?


Time flies so fast!

Back then, she was just a round, cute and lovely fairy beast, but now she has grown up like this. Time really flies!

While Master Liuyunjiefeng was thinking, a hand gently pressed against a swollen hillock and began to rub it. The pain and shyness that came with it made the woman who was in nostalgia recall the scene of being humiliated by Qin Yu.

"Shenhe, what are you doing!"

"Didn't you tell me that the best way to treat this kind of injury is to rub it?"

Shenhe was a little confused. This was clearly taught by her master, so why did her master question her in the end?

Master Liuyunjiefeng felt a little weird today~

What a great shame!

The dignity of the immortal family is gone!

If Master Xueyuezhuyang and Master Gechenlangshi, who like to joke, knew about this, she would never be able to raise her head again in the days to come, right?

It must be admitted that Master Liuyunjiefeng has a big imagination in some aspects. With just a few actions and a few looks, he basically deduced the relationship between the two.

Although they are basically wrong...

However, this guy is disrespectful to the Immortal Master, and even worse... it's blasphemy!

How could such a person be assured of handing over the simple, kind and lovely Ganyu to him? Could he treat Ganyu like this when he returns?

No, no, no, don't even think about it!

Clearing her throat, Master Liuyun Jiefeng tried to squeeze out a kind and gentle smile like an elder on her face, but with the remaining tears on her face, it was inexplicably funny.

"Ganyu, why did you bring such a guy to Aozang Mountain!"

"Uh... Master, Qin Yu is a very good person, but he may..."

Ganyu's shy appearance made Master Liuyun Jiefeng believe that Ganyu didn't come earlier and couldn't play with him, but at this time, there must be something important.


"Let me ask you a question, Ganyu."

"Master, ask." Ganyu blinked her eyes, still wondering why Master Liuyunjiefeng did not go to Qin Yu for trouble, but asked her instead. She immediately thought that the matter might be over, and said happily: "Okay, ask."

"Did that guy eat you?"

It was this question again. Ganyu did not think much and shook her head. "Originally, I wanted him to try to eat me, but something unexpected happened in the middle, so he didn't eat me."

"Besides, I also want to play that with Qin Yu. We have already made an appointment!"

Thump, thump...

"Ganyu, have you become like this now?"

Master Liuyunjiefeng was shocked, and he couldn't believe that this secular world would taint the pure and flawless Ganyu!

Yes, it must be that frivolous guy who did it!

Give me back my Ganyu!

The woman clenched her fists and shouted:

"I don't agree with what you two are doing!"

"Even if the Rock King comes, I still don't agree!"

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