"Lord Luo Chen, you are laughing, it is our honor to relieve the general's worries. "

Kamisato Ayato had a smile like a spring breeze on his face, but his voice made Luo Chen nervous.

"What's wrong with you, are you resentful of me?" Kamisato Ayato pondered, the two had never dealt with each other, so they should be fine.

"No, it's your voice that reminds me of an old man. "

"The old man?".

"Forget it, let's not talk about him, I know, the society has been collecting some things and giving them to me. "

The society has been struggling to survive in the cracks, and has been suppressed by the Kanding and Tianling commissions, and has been able to lead the society to this point, and Kamisato Ayato has made great contributions.

And the ninjas under his command are not vegetarians.

"What you want, I'll give it to you. "

Kamisato Ayato's smile remained the same, like a fox, reminding Luo Chen of Yae Miko.

No wonder Yae Miko doesn't like him, this kind of old fox feeling, Yae Miko probably thinks it's the same kind of meeting.

Animals like people may feel smart, and people like animals are sometimes not a good thing.

"Okay, the Survey and the Far Country Supervision Department will be handed over to you, and you know how to change it. "

"Is this nature, the cooperation with the Fatui?".

"Inazuma, you only need to do three commissions, and besides, it's better to be clean in the Kamisato house. "

Luo Chen left without looking back, and Kamisato Ayato restrained his smile, this acting general was much more domineering than he imagined.

Maybe that's a good thing?

"It wasn't wise to let Ayaka contact him before, maybe he already knew that I was pushing behind it, and the rebels couldn't let anyone send anything. "

Kamisato Ayato walked towards Kanda and summoned the ninjas of the end of the year to get them into action.

Tianling is in prison

Luo Chen stood in the torture cell, and in front of him, Hiiragi Shinsuke was tied up, looking at him with an angry face.

"Luo Chen, do you know what you're doing?! I'm the head of the family who has been surveyed and pursued! Do you want to die?"

Luo Chen stirred up the charcoal fire in front of him, and the red-hot soldering iron was extremely terrifying in Hiiragi's eyes.

"Hiiragi family master, explain what you've done over the years, well, start with colluding with the Fatui. "

"Fart, you slander, how could I possibly collude with the Fatui?!".

Hiiragi Shinsuke shouted, "I want to see the Shogun! I work hard for the Shogun, for Inazuma, and I dare not slack off, but you have arrested me, it is simply lawless!"

"Don't think that if the general rewards you with the position of acting general, you are really a general!"

"Go on, I'm listening. Luo Chen's sad and joyless expression made Hiiragi Shinsuke feel like he had kicked a brick.

"Enough scolding? After scolding enough, why did you increase taxes after the lockdown order began, and where did the money from those taxes go?"

"The increase in taxes is just to make money for Inazuma, and I have never taken a single cent of Inazuma's money!

"Well, the people who are in charge of the Heavenly Collar should be coming soon, let me see how much your Hiiragi family's property is. "

"No, that's all what our Hiiragi family has saved over the past few hundred years!".

"For the record. Luo Chen motioned for the official who took the record to write it down.

"Let me ask again, what do you want to use for crystallized bone marrow? Why do you use crystallized bone marrow as a tax? Why do you want those foreign merchants to buy it?"

"Crystallized bone marrow is the raw material of Yugang, and Kanding pursues this just to relieve the tension of Inazuma Yugang. "

"For the record. "

Luo Chen continued, "The heart of the Imperial Shadow Furnace has stopped, what do you want so much crystallized bone marrow for?"

"I, I ......".

"You're here to provide the Fatui with crystallized bone marrow, and also earn money from foreign merchants, right?"

"No, you're slandering!" Hiiragi Shinsuke shed a cold sweat, and Luo Chen didn't play cards according to the routine at all.

"Put my words on record. "


Looking at the way the transcriptionist was struggling to write, Hiiragi Shinsuke only felt that one head and two were big.

"Hiiragi Shinsuke, you also said that you didn't cooperate with the Fatui! Kanji is in charge of Inazuma's finances, and now that the Lockdown Decree has been issued, the crystallized bone marrow will not be exported abroad at all, and there is no need for so much domestically, so where did the crystallized bone marrow you collected go?!".

Luo Chen shouted, which made Hiiragi Shinsuke's soul angry.

Before the ledger or anything arrived, Luo Chen clung to this point, and this alone gave him a headache.

"I ...... I'm just doing business with the Fatui!yes, it's business!".

"Business dealings?oh~ Then I ask you, what about the taxes of those merchants? The shogunate can receive the accounts that you have established and pursued. "

"I haven't had time to present it to the Admiral. "

Shinsuke Hiiragi regained some courage, and he looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

At this moment, Kujou Sara came with two soldiers and a wooden box.

"Lord Luo Chen, this is the account book found from the Hiiragi family, and after the judgment of the head of the Kamisato family, it does not match the account book on the surface of the Kanding Mission. "

Shinsuke Hiiragi stared at the ledgers, his face pale, his lips twitching, his fingers trembling.

"Who, who put these ledgers in my secret room?".

As soon as the words came out, the whole person was stunned in place.

Luo Chen had a playful smile on his face, "Oh, the ledger is in the secret room. "

"You...... You're scheming about me?!".

Hiiragi Shinsuke struggled violently, the rope on his body was too strong to break free, shaking the chair, and finally letting himself fall to the ground.

One foot stepped on his face, "Old man, the previous problems are not the most important, the important thing is the ledger, and your Hiiragi's money." "

"Hiiragi's house, it hasn't been raided yet, it's just fenced off. "

He opened the box, "It's just Yaedo's light novel." "

Before the interrogation, she told Kujou Sara that she had been waiting outside the door with someone, cooperating with Luo Chen, so that Hiiragi Shinsuke would reveal his flaws.

Looks like it's working well.

"You...... Bastard!".

"Whatever you say, whether it's colluding with the Fatui or collecting heavy taxes, no matter which one you have, the Hiiragi family will fall, and in the future, it won't be the world of the Hiiragi family. "

The three families, more importantly, have been entrenched in Inazuma for thousands of years, with branches and leaves everywhere and intertwined.

In order to rejuvenate Inazuma, it is necessary to remove the redundant lesions.

Kanding was holding the money bag, Luo Chen and Zhen, and were the first to choose to take them under the knife.

"I want to see the General!".

Hiiragi Shinsuke shouted noisily, but Luo Chen ignored him.

"After that, I will let you see the general, but when you are judged. "

"It's time for Inazuma to change the sky, Kujou Sara!".

"Yes!" Kujou Sara knelt down on one knee, "Lord Luochen, please." "

"Raid the house!".

"Yes. "

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