This time, the originally enjoyable meal was also interrupted by an inexplicable silence. During this period, Su Bai tried to bring up the topic, but Chui Xue hesitated and forced a smile in embarrassment.

Su Bai could naturally see what she was thinking.

After eating, he said something to Fubuki

"I helped you wash the dishes and then left. You, you don’t have to worry about what you just did.."

"ah! Please, please stop talking!"

Fubuki blushed, shouted, and quickly hid back in her room like a thunderbolt.

Then she remained silent.

She is really autistic.

In front of the person she likes, this is a good time It was embarrassing.

She was torn apart.

Su Bai had no choice but not to disturb her, to prevent her from becoming more autistic, or to let her calm down for a while. It would be fine after a while.

Then he also went back to Teyvat.

Chuixue knew about his He left, his face was as red as blood, and he could only bury himself like an ostrich.

"Wow, so embarrassing."

She turned on the TV in the room, and there was also a variety show about her before playing on the TV.

It was a series of interviews where she looked very good-looking, wearing exquisite clothes, and looked like an everyday beauty that was completely different from when she was a hero. and chatting.


Fubuki wanted to introduce him enthusiastically. Do you think it looks good in that way?

How about it?

I can wear it for you in the future, or, now, now.

Any style is fine.

Originally This was to impress Su Bai and show him her charm better.

Now it’s all in vain

"I'm really stupid"

"Next time, next time, it must go smoothly!"

"Wow, this throbbing heart is really incredible. If I were Esdeath, I would laugh at me for being so clumsy."

"How could he be as resolute as he was when he was a hero?"

"I feel so confused that I don’t want to think about it anymore. Let’s take a shower. It's better to go to bed early tonight."

And when Tatsumaki came over, Fubuki opened the door in a bathrobe. She had just blowdryed her hair. She never thought that looking at such a sister, Tatsumaki's face turned dark instantly.

It felt like a big letter appeared on her forehead. hash mark

"Already finished?"


"I want to kill that man! He actually gave me my lovely sister...."

Powerful telekinesis broke out here.

Then Fubuki screamed in surprise

"Sister, what the hell are you talking about? Stop it!"

"If this continues, the house will be demolished!"


"Are there four missing sages? Just choose them again. Anyway, there is no shortage of scholars in the Imperial Academy. There are plenty of people. If they don’t do their job well, just replace them with others."

"After all, they have gone completely crazy in pursuit of wisdom."

"If it's rotten, replace it with fresh blood"

"Ok, I know."

Lovely Nasida nodded,"Several sages and the original great sage Azar were all exiled to Daochenglin and raised pigs for the rest of their lives to make up for their sins."

"I'm afraid the attitude of others alone is enough to give them the fate they deserve."

Su Bai was opposite her, and the Great Ci Tree King was standing on Su Bai's hair with a strange expression. He actually arranged for people to raise pigs.

Those sages originally stood at the top of Sumeru and were used to living a comfortable life. , there was such a huge gap all of a sudden. For them, this blow was enough to make them despair.

Originally, she, the Great Merciful Tree King, was very kind-hearted and said that she would not let them plant trees in the desert for the rest of their lives?

Greening the desert , everyone is responsible.

To make up for their sins.

But Su Bai said, it’s not necessary, just a few sages can plant any tree, and there are many ways to plant trees.

Nasida is jealous

"Then, um, Su Bai, can you be invited to take up the position of great sage? There are currently no outstanding candidates for this position."

"Only you are the most qualified"

"Although I know this is very difficult for you, after all, you are Liyue, the actual second rock god, right? Although there is no successor, in terms of prestige, it is almost the same."

"But Xumi is really short of a key person right now, how about putting on a name?"

"After all, you have their trust more than me. You have obviously made such great contributions to Xumi and the Order Council, but now that the position is vacant, you have such a good reputation."

"That's very sorry for you, so I definitely can't do this."

At this time, Nasida looked very dependent and cute, which really made Su Bai feel happy. The original Nasida was very cute and interesting. She would take the initiative to think about Xumi and work hard silently.

And she was After rescuing her, he became the person she relied on the most.

This was completely different from the situation when the Daci Tree King disappeared and she inherited the Tree King + Grass King combo.

One was that she was weak and was saved by someone. Regain your freedom.

As for the original treatment, it belongs to the [original sage]】,【all in life】,【fateful friendship】,【it has to be you】,【Helping in times of need].

But once she became the existence after the tree king disappeared.

Then it became Buyer who succeeded King Daci Shu. will become.

Nacida: The original sage? who?

It would change from"all of life" to"a passer-by" in a long life. After all, she thought she was the situation after King Daci Shu lost his memory. She had lived for a long time and met countless people.

Naying is just one of them.

It doesn’t have to be you.

Giving help in times of need will also become the icing on the cake.

As one of the heroes.

Just a passer-by who acted out of righteousness.

That's just it.

This is a huge change in her concept. She will think that she is a member of the ancient demon god, and now it is just a low point, so her self-perception and behavioral logic will change.

Very normal.

After all, that Nasida, do you think she would still say that she is the moon, and would she still blame herself so much?

I feel that I am insignificant, how can fluorescence compare with the sun.

Think she is not nearly enough.

Very humble and lovely.

But once the Tree King is gone, she won't have this idea, because she is the sun (Buyer).

So Su Bai felt that the original Nasida was still cute.

King Daci Tree is still King Daci Tree, and he is still [Buyer].

Facing Nasida's request, Su Bai pondered for a moment.

"With the existence of this little auspicious grass king like you, the position of the Great Sage is actually not that important anymore. The six sages can already check and balance each other, and you have to be added above them."

"So I will temporarily act as the acting great sage for a few days, teach them a lesson, correct their thinking and atmosphere, and put them on the right track, and then I will step down."

"Just give me another title of honorary elder or something, and I will continue to return to my original idleness, playing around."

There was reluctance in Nasida's eyes.

"All right."

Originally, she hoped that Su Bai could keep Sumeru for a long time. With such a big boss, she could feel particularly at ease and manage Sumeru better.

Unfortunately, rationally, Nasida also understood that it was impossible to keep Su Bai for a long time.

The Great Ci Tree King nodded and looked at it with the same kindness and smile as always.

Xiaocao needed to grow, and Su Bai obviously knew that he had to give her enough space, and it would not be good to rely too much on her.

"Today is an outdoor course. Sometimes it’s good to walk outside more. Not to mention that we have scholars from the Academy of Education in various countries, and you are all considered to be the best people today."

"So I brought you here. This is the first trace of the rainforest created by the tree king."

"In order to create a dense rain forest in the sand, the Great Merciful Tree King created a rain-calling mechanism [Faruna Divine Machine] deep in the earth. With water and trees, it means the beginning of life."

"Some strange lives also began to be born, so the ancients respected them as sacred animals, such as tigers, and the symbol of our Sulon sect, the big red peacock."

Actually, the Cui Ling Terror Fungus is also very similar to the sacred beast on the [Su Lun Pai] pattern.

It's just that the colors are different. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Very similar. But they are not the same species.

Biological creatures, but in the distant land, they indeed walk on the ground together. This is a development of mimicry evolution.

0 Asking for flowers is now deep in the rain forest, and Su Bai leads a group of scholars here to do whatever they want. Talk, the Little Lucky Grass King is also here.

The students of Su Lun Sect are all bright-eyed.

"Senior, no, the Acting Great Sage knows so much. He even knows the origins of divine machines and sacred beasts. It’s so amazing."

"This is the power and creation of Lord Tree King, which makes the rain forest form a cycle. Even today, it can still be so green and lush, how touching it is."

"Yes, the Great Merciful Tree King is so great that he deserves to be the god of our Sumeru."

"Such technology has just reflected the mystery of wisdom. This is the manifestation of omniscience and omnipotence, and it is the guiding light for us and Sumeru."

But after seeing Su Bai's face getting more and more serious, they didn't dare to speak out.

When Senior Su Bai was in school, he used to point out other people with this expression. It was different from usual. He was very stern and fierce. More than one female student cried when he scolded her.

So everyone was silent.

Su Bai also shook his head.

"There should be a limit to stupidity. Since you are loved and protected by the Great Merciful Tree King, then you should show your shining points, otherwise why would you be loved by God?"

"Even the Tree King wants more followers who can help Xumi, not a bunch of big-headed babies who can't survive without her as a nanny."

"Because this is a super large seawater desalination device that can purify and desalinate water, and then roll it into the air, turn it into water vapor, and transfer it to most areas of Sumeru, where it rains and circulates."

The answer is obviously here.

Just copy it.

Forge a smaller version of the type, turn more deserts into rainforests, expand the territory of Sumeru Rainforest, and improve the lives of people in the desert.

Now the obvious answer is here , as a result, five hundred years have passed.

How is Xumi, or what is it?

The artificial canopy rainfall technology developed by Su Bai in the past is somewhat similar to it.

Initially, Xumi was all desert.

The environment was very harsh.

Daci The Tree King came here and kept trying to change. She kept planting trees and kept planting trees. What did she want?

Su Bai looked around at the students of the Teaching Academy.

"Let me tell you the answer, even if Sumeru is so bad, even this world is not perfect and cruel. But King Daci Shu still hopes that he can do his best in his own way."

"Let the world become what she expects"

"It can make life survive better, reproduce and thrive happily, put smiles on everyone's faces, and stop chaos and fighting. This is what she wants."

"Yes, she is such a kind goddess."

The Daci Tree King shrank at this time and was hidden in Su Bai's hair. She had a complicated expression and listened silently. It was the same as what was written in those books.

In fact, Su Bai understood her thoughts very well and understood her very well.

He knew her. wish

"Therefore, the philosophy of the Great Merciful Tree King has always been that wisdom and knowledge are only means, and life is the goal."

"The life that lives here is the most important, this is the essence!"

"However, the Order has forgotten this, and instead pursues wisdom, knowledge and the so-called truth even more fanatically, sitting back and ignoring the wailing people. Previously, the Dead Realm was going on, the Demon Scale Disease was still there, and many problems were getting worse."

"I asked the great sage from before, but he told me that everything can be solved once there is a new god. Are you kidding? This is still indifferent!"

"The Ecclesiastical Order has gone astray. It only pursues wisdom and omniscience, and conducts all kinds of fanatical research on taboos. People continue to pay the price, including one of my beloveds."

"There are also more people who have become crazy, or whose bones have become cold."

"I just want to remind you why the Order Academy originally existed, and so do you. In the end, don’t forget what you set out for."

The faces of these students are very moving.

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