A magnificent square

"I'm really sorry to trouble you this time, Su Bai."

Tian Tong Mu Geng bowed deeply to Liyue Su Bai in front of her.

Her face was uneasy.

"In fact, in terms of cost-effectiveness of cooperation, you probably lose more."

After all, the resources of this apocalyptic world are exchanged for the elemental resources of the Teyvat world.

However, Su Bai smiled freely

"How could it be? I just paid a few trivial gadgets to get a lot of resources from your world."

"A random move, why not do it?"

"I can make many copies of that potion at will, and at best it only requires my own grass element."

Just by pulling out the roots, Tendou Musara can gain a firm position and obtain any resources.

It can drive the forces here.

It's pretty good."

"Besides, the Tao ore in this world is used for various purposes, such as super soldiers, various weapons, electromagnetic guns, etc."

"I want to try using it for alchemy"

"Moreover, the children are innocent, those cursed sons"

"Just consider the potion as a gesture of goodwill from me."

Tendou Kisara, Nezuko, Tsuchima, and Fubuki all nodded and smiled.

No matter what, their (their) hearts will not change.

Then Tsuchima's face twitched and he focused on outside the city

"That linear super electromagnetic projection device was also replaced by you."

"I remember it was an electromagnetic railgun that could accelerate metal flying objects to sub-light speed. The humans in this world originally planned to install it on the moon."

"A veritable killer."

Originally, there was a huge weapon located outside the city.

It was a super huge weapon known as the [Ladder to Heaven]. It was the proud work of mankind.

It was just a product that was not put into trial operation even once and was forced to give up.

As a result, it was Su Bai was about to leave.

At that time, the Holy Emperor was dumbfounded and hesitant. It was a terrible killer weapon.

However, considering the amount of potion she took out, she swallowed hard and finally agreed.

There is no way.

Su Bai gave too much.

So now, it is completely blank, and it is directly installed in Su Bai's bracelet.

It is the immortal's cave art, the ability of the outside scene.

With the Chenge Pot Almost something

"I also used grass element to clear it. There are gastroenteroviruses everywhere in the world. It will be fine after they are eradicated."

"I will use alchemical methods to modify it later, and it will become a very good weapon."


Looking at the complacent Su Bai, everyone couldn't help but shed cold sweat.

What do you want to use this rail gun for?

The whirlpool demon Ocell?

This thing is much more powerful than the final machine.

Sir, times have changed!

Nezuko was also curious and said:"By the way, the smoke powder you gave me seems to be the elemental powder used by Inazuma Nobushi. It will explode when thrown out.""

"There is also the Yuishin Technique Talisman, which is the technique of the Onmyoji Yuishin Harunosuke."

"Later it was used by Hai Luanggui."

Fubuki covered her face helplessly.

"Don't say any more, I'm reminded of the days when I used to brush my knives and tangs all the time."

"Do you like my worn-out sword, shadow sword, and famous sword?"

Several other people laughed.

Su Bai nodded.

"Yes, they are all trivial things. If you mess around with them, there will be a lot of them."

"It's not even a piece of Xianjia talisman technology."

"So don't worry about my investment, it's really worthless."

Fubuki and the others also agree.

Who told this world that conventional weapons are less effective against gastrea.

You need to use [錵].

And the method of elemental power is even more effective.

Tendo Mu is even more curious.

"By the way, have you gone to Dao Wife? Aren't you afraid of being killed by the general?"

"I didn’t go. You don’t have to go to Daozhu to get the Weishen Technique Talisman. Is there a possibility that Onmyoji was developed by the Onmyoji who came to Liyue and learned the Immortal Technique?"

Tendou Mu Geng:... right.

Forget about this.

Tsuchima Mi gave him a thumbs up.

"It turns out, Kisara, you have secretly cultivated some people. It turns out that you are so hungry because you have spent all your money to support those people."

"Not really that useless"

"That's fine, there's someone available"

"Huh, I told you, I'm not a loser! Just no money!"

At this moment, a shout came from the distance

"Ms. Kisara."

A young man ran towards this side panting.

Everyone recognized him at once.

"It's Rentaro, an employee of your company Kisara."......

Satomi Rentaro.

As the promoter (policeman) of the Tendo Civilian Security Company, he originally lived a normal life.

Go on a mission with Aihara Yanzhu, the cursed son.

Get paid.

But what puzzled him was that when he returned to the company, it was closed.

Miss Kisara is missing.

Really, it's obviously working hours, so how can there be any business if you close the door at will?

Forget it, get used to it.

What stunned him was the news displayed on the screen when he was outside today.

He was blinded!

Tendo Kikunochei passed away?!!

The elder who taught him in the past?

How, how is it possible!

And although the news was not reported, the original positions of other Tendo clan members were replaced by others.

For example, the position of Deputy Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Originally it belonged to Tendo and Hikari.

Now he is a stranger.

According to the relationship between Tendou and Hikaru, he and Kisara both call them brother. result.

So Rentaro's heart suddenly became confused, and he thought of a terrible possibility.

Could it be, Mu Geng you?!!

And the person who inherited the position of Tendo Kikunojo turned out to be Tendo Kisara.

Rentaro seemed to be struck by five thunders.

Although I don't know how she did it.

But Rentaro couldn't believe it, and a chill came over his body.

Why, why did you kill the old man Kikunochori, Tendo and Hikari?

Even if there is a grudge.

There is no need to kill them directly. Wouldn't it be better to hand them over to legal sanctions?

Killing directly is not"justice" at all, right?

Such behavior is not fair at all.

Once you get used to killing people, you will just forget the feeling of guilt and become like a cold-blooded monster.

This is exactly what Rentaro has always been afraid of.

So after seeing Tendo Kisara's behavior, his body was shaking and his heart sank.

Will I become an enemy of Miss Kisara?

But when he saw the news about the potion, he was shaken violently.

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