Stepped forward and selected a few pieces.

Good luck.

It’s actually shipped!

After slowly and carefully cutting open an ore, I saw a ball of blood inside, and a plant that looked like a ginseng was wrapped in it.

It caused everyone to exclaim.

The blood alone seems to come from a very powerful and dangerous species.

Even if a long time has passed.

There is still a sense of wildness and coercion from ancient times. This kind of ancient blood is very useful, especially for pharmacists and departments that cultivate monsters, for research and testing.

Develop a nice side.

Of course, you can also bet on your own pets or monsters swallowing them, causing a wave of mutation and evolution.

But the danger is extremely high.

The last time someone did this, he was almost eaten by the crazy pet, but the Qianyan Army arrived in time to kill him.

The main theme is that if you don't seek death, you won't die.

It became a joke among the people on the streets.

But it would be nice to sell it to some departments.

And looking at the ginseng-like plant inside, many people stared with surprise and suspicion.

"To be wrapped in such blood, it must be something other than a mortal thing. Even an ordinary plant would have mutated over a long period of time. It might be the best."""Nine-seven-seven""That's right!" A mysterious ginseng plant with nine leaves was discovered in an ore before, and was then sold to the government. Later, people who specialized in cultivating spiritual plants continuously improved and multiplied it, and with the help of an immortal"

"A new variety, Nine-leaf Immortal Ginseng, was successfully cultivated! It has become an extremely precious elixir!"

"Used in refining various elixirs!"

After all, this is Liyue.

Ginseng has always had a strong color and long history in Liyue, and can be used in many ways.

Even alchemy will often consider using it.

Some martial arts energy and blood Pill, as well as the previous meal cloud morning dew pill, and many other pill formulas, ginseng will also be included in them.

And the Nine-leaf Immortal Ginseng is said to be used as a main medicine to refine into a medicine that can speed up cultivation. elixir, but there are only a few of this kind of ginseng, it takes time to grow, and the yield is small.

So it is just a legend.

But now, can this one also be cultivated into an ginseng?

When thinking of this, I don’t know how many people looked excited. , his eyes lit up, and he quickly asked Ying if he could sell this ginseng?

They could buy it.

Ying smiled and refused.

Then he left here.

Of course, everyone recognized this person as the traveler who showed off his power in the ring before. The reader, so he sighed, this person is really strong, lucky, and awesome!

As a result, all the ores in the stalls here were robbed at once.

But no one can get good things this time.

Betting on Stones That's it, sometimes it keeps exploding, and sometimes there's not even a hair at all.

Instead, Ying put this into the alchemy ring, and threw the other resources into the Chensong pot later. The alchemy space ring is mainly for taking and putting, and can Take it out quickly.


The Chensong Pot is too big. If you put it deep inside, you have to run in to get it.

Regarding those people who want to buy it, Ying smiled and said, what? I know a lot of immortals. You can even find Su Bai.

She knows all about her connections!

Are you afraid that you can’t get rid of ginseng?


After all, ginseng and other things can replenish the body.

Su Bai has so many beauties, so I gave this to him for research. , it’s good to let him replenish it.

Um, no!

That guy’s physical fitness is very good. Sister Lisa said that they only wanted to beg for mercy together.


How about cultivating prickly pear ginseng in the future and giving it to yourself? To make up for it?

To prevent yourself from being unable to bear it in the future?

Ahhhhh, bah!

Ying reacted instantly, and was so ashamed that she was so angry that she was dying. Wait, what on earth was I thinking! Am I crazy?

Actually, actually?

No. thing!

It must have been affected by Lisa's series of actions and words, wuwu.

Calm down, calm down!

She put on a mask for herself with her backhand, covering her red face.

See you later Take it off.

Paimon was confused for a while.

"Ying, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing, Paimon, let's continue walking around together."

"All right!"

In addition to a lot of ore-related activities, Ying also saw many activities such as rapping, listening to music, food, crafts, alchemy products, etc., and she was suddenly shocked. She noticed an area dressed up as rice. Tsuma style?

Ina wife?

It really made her feel a little emotional. She hadn't been there for a long time.

As a result, Yingyi went over and found out.

It turned out to be the light novel activity launched by Yaedo here. Good guy, have you made it to Liyue?

And it's also I met an old friend, Yae Kamiko.

She covered her mouth with a smile.

"Oops, who allowed me to get acquainted with Mr. Su Bai a little bit, so it’s great to get to know him, and there are many conveniences and benefits."

"Look, our event went very smoothly."

Before this, it would have taken a lot of effort to find a good position, and it would have cost a lot of mola.

It is not in vain that she gave away all the secret techniques of the Fox Clan.

After all, the immediate benefits will only be one of them. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yingdu and Su Bai often flirted with each other like that, and he had to hold on to Su Bai's thigh tightly.

She is very smart.

And after they met, they met Sumi and Mond's acquaintances also held activities here.

Good guy.

It was really lively.

And when she came to an area related to forging, she also met an old friend of Sumi.

The other party also surprised


"The blazing-maned lion, Desia?"

This title immediately made Desiya roll her eyes.

"Hey, Ying, we have fought side by side together several times, dealing with monsters in the desert and protecting the newly built rainforest. We are obviously good friends."

"Just don't call me that, it's weird."

Usually it's the businessmen and the unfamiliar Gilded Brigade members who like to shout this.

This sassy woman with ice blue eyes, long black and gold hair, and a pair of animal ears or hairstyle. , it seems to be mainly black and gold clothing and armor, but it always gives people a feeling of passion, like a burning flame.

And there is a red belt on her back.

It's like , the blazing lion.

She was one of the friends Ying met in the desert, but Ying smiled and was a little naughty.

"Doesn't this make you look very impressive?"

"Oh, by the way, are you here to forge equipment?"

Ying asked, because there was a constant sound of blacksmithing everywhere in front of him. Shops and craftsmen all here were waving hammers and beating the red-hot metal with tools.......... to deform it.

Each one of them poured their heart and soul into it.

It can be said to be very dedicated.

He didn't even care about the noise in the distance, just focusing on the things in front of him.

These are all very good forging masters.

What they use are specially customized alchemy power hammers. In fact, these metals are also very unusual. Before, they could not be melted or processed at all. Now the technology has improved. far away.

There is also a huge alchemical furnace running, like a terrifying behemoth, constantly making violent noises.

The scale is huge.

There are many craftsmen who send their works into it for processing.

It's truly magnificent.

Desiya also answered

"Of course I'm here to forge a pair of defensive equipment that suits me. After all, Liyue's forging ranks first in the entire Teyvat, so I'm here to strengthen myself, hey."

"Not to mention, the better ones are very expensive."

"Darling, Liyue's spending power is enough to make countless people in the desert dumbfounded."

What do you mean, it's an astronomical figure.

" Ying's face twitched and she hurriedly spoke out.

"Then I'll pay this time. Just treat it as our friendship and my gift to you. You helped me a lot last time."

"How does this work?"

Facing Disiya's firm refusal, Ying thought for a moment and took out his own ore to the blacksmith.

"Master, I provide this special ore to you. Use this to forge armor. The extra part will be used as payment."

"Hey, it’s such a strange ore, but the quality is very good, of course."

At least, if Mora can't do it, you can always use the ore yourself, right?

Desiya was helpless.

Then the curious Ying asked about the furnace.

She learned that it was a super large alchemy and forging furnace, and its name was [Juque] was researched and manufactured by the 1.4 series of personnel at Liyue Kongtian Port.

There is also a larger [Longquan] furnace in the academy. It is specially convenient for students in the armor department and the weapon refining department.

Not to mention Li The Moon Sky Harbor is the giant central melting furnace of the urban agglomeration [Seven Stars Dragon Abyss] built by the immortals together, which continuously forges various alloys and equipment needed in the city. The Ying Kong Sky

Harbor I know.

Is it just that large alchemy furnaces have become popular among the people now?

The development is really terrible.

But this is almost all influenced by Su Bai. It is precisely because he made alchemy popular and ubiquitous. After all, in Before Su Bai, there were all kinds of alchemy.

For example, in the Alchemy Department, there was alchemy that could be learned, just like the Su Lun sect.

However, Su Bai's special alchemy was still amazing and stood among the many alchemies. It’s a legend among legends.

I can only sigh.

There are alchemy items and many special features everywhere in Liyue.

Even Disia came to ask for forging.

In her words, the products produced in Liyue must be high-quality products.!

Previously, she asked a craftsman in Liyue to forge an elemental weapon, which could increase the power of the fire element a lot, which is amazing.

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